Mercy is still in every game

Huge fan of the GA nerf but Mercy’s talentless damage boost/ rez is still in every game.

Even gm lobbies aren’t safe from Mercy’s broken pocket.

I shouldn’t really complain after the GA nerf, it’s beautiful. Just wish you reworked Mercy to take skill removing damage boost and rez. The only way people can outduel you is with a pocket. It’s a crutch from the most boosted hero in gaming.

Mercy’s pocket is the most annoying thing to play against, there’s nothing more cringe than a Mercy pocket.


So you just want every part of Mercy’s kit gone. Got it.


Imma be honest…Mercypocket is only useful if their DPS can aim.

If they can- then you’d lose anyways… did you ever think about becoming gud?


You do realize that

is causing



“I hate Mercy Damage Boost” Thread #748


The complaints are warranted. No other supports gives all of their power to buff another player with such general safety. Rez, dmg bst, and unbreakable healing can really make it difficult to shut down a good player. Especially when they can come back.

Though its really a team effort to recognize the best player on the team and decimate them as solidly as you can.




It’s a 1v2, you shouldn’t try to duel. You should force them to where they can’t take easy duels like getting easy picks.


It’s really funny because discord orb is amazing yet nobody complains about it. I get like 2-3x the amped damage on Zen per game than when I play Mercy and its just as easy to apply! Nobody says a thing about Zen though because he’s a much easier kill so even if they can’t aim they can still kill him. They can’t hit Mercy though so they come to the forums to complain about every aspect of her kit.

Looks like even with the GA nerf people like OP still can’t kill her.

Shame, that. :upside_down_face:


Zen doesn’t have resurrect around corners. His hitbox is huge and he has 0 mobility.

Resurrect is my biggest issue with Mercy, it’s an ultimate on cooldown.


“Zen is a free kill if someone looks at him wrong but Mercy’s damage boost is bad and OP because she doesn’t die when I want her to.”


Well, there is some truth to the annoyance of pocketing.
If Zen goes with pocketing a flanker and the flanker is getting smacked, they can always dive out to safety. However, that’s abandoning Zen. So a chase with pressure ruins that strategy unlike Mercy pocketing where she can.

My annoyance is even if people wanted to remove pocketing playstyle, this nerf wasn’t going to stop that. Mercy doesn’t need to spam GA to run as a pocketer. I don’t understand why people have such a hard time with this concept.


She’s definitely stronger in the metal ranks rn.

Poketing has never been more lethal in silver-gold

And there you have why I’m still playing Mercy.
I can feel the tears forming from the other side of the battlefield.
They still haven’t made the bad aim learn to aim.

I am nerfed, I must hide more, I’m not allowed to have fun. You wanted this.


So you don’t like ANYTHING Mercy can do, ok, right, right…
Let me write that down.


Why even consider “flanking” with Zen? It’s not his strong side. Kiriko will beat Mercy by a mile as a flanker in each and every aspect. She can go in with a flanker (because wall-climb), try it and if it failed - the flanker dashes out followed by Kiriko SS through walls . Let’s maybe compare the comparable - just to be fair.

And Zen has a damage boost too. Arguably better than that on Mercy. And Zen can snipe across the map and just punish the DPS that came after him. And his ult can actually save the team against some DPS ult.

I didn’t mention Zen first.
I was making a reply which basically insinuated why Zen wouldn’t be good with for pocketing because someone ELSE mentioned Zen first.

hah you knew AKJ would love this nerf but yea hes right about there being a mercy in EVERY game. its crazy, really the most popular hero for supports

i was chasing one all over as dva a bit ago… like screaming “NO” in a cute voice


No other character is so helpless on her own. Her entire kit is invalidated by having no one around. She comprises 20% of your team. If you are fighting someone with a pocket alone, that is 40% of their team. Why do you think 1 should beat 2 without twice the skill and effort?

The truth is though that if they dumpstered every aspect of Mercy, then people would just move on to the next support, so I don’t take a lot of these complaints very seriously. Moira needs smaller range besides doing a laughable amount of damage. Ana needs a worse nade and dart despite moving like a literal granny. OMG why does Bap have an immortality field I have to shoot?! Jeeeeeez I just got head shot for all of 120 damage and then body shot twice before I could do anything how is that fair?!

It goes on and on. At this point I believe 80% of complaints are just complaining to complain, and 20% have rational thought behind them.


sanest take on this forum but the delusional gold sup players don’t like these