MY Take on Mercy and why she's a Stupid Character

I’m going to get banned so quickly, by people who refuse to read.

Mercy’s entire Kit revolves around being Untouchable and Buffing other Characters. She is literally designed to Pocket people, the most egregious example in fact. I can’t name another Character who is designed nearly like this.

Mercy’s Mobility has been Crippled, nice one Blizzard, but the actual Problem is her Damage-Boost. This thing has the Entire Damage Role by the Balls, because all of the Characters need to be mediocre, or else Mercy makes them OP. Sojourn is the main example, because Blizzard REFUSES to Nerf her and they completely Ignored the main problem with Mercy’s Kit.

This Pocketing Balance Nightmare extends to other Characters like Pharah and Echo, who can already be evasive enough, but can now have they Damage Boosted and any Chip-Damage Healed. That’s why Pharah on her own sucks, because if they made Pharah Competitively Viable, she’d become a flying Roadhog if she has a Mercy Pocket.

Mercy’s entire purpose is to make Bad Balance even worse.

This can also be seen with Genji and Ana. Genji’s Dragon Blade does mediocre Damage because if he is Nano-Boosted, he would be able to one-shot 2/3 of the Roster. Ana’s Ultimate is keeping Genji from being Buffed, the same way Mercy is to Pharah.

I think Mercy’s Damage-Boost should be removed entirely. Ana’s is maybe fine, because it’s an Ultimate. If you use a Dragon Blade and Nano-Boost at the same time, you should probably win that team fight, if the Enemy doesn’t use an Ultimate in Response.

Sojourn should also get SOME ACTUAL RAILGUN NERFS and Pharah can be Buffed without having to worry about Mercy making her an Oppressive Must-Pick.

TL;DR: Mercy’s entire Purpose is her Damage-Boost, which only makes Bad Balancing Problems worse and it Gate-Keeps characters like Pharah from being playable without a Mandatory Pocket.


bro mercy is legit in the meta now

You didn’t read anything. Go back to the top of my Post, read through it, THEN make a Comment.


SOj not even in meta

they will not nerf mercy lol

soj is being played a little in high lvl play, but nothing like s1 s2

just get gud

Of course, the go-to response when you have no viable Argument.


no one cares dude

you’re talking abot blizzard rofl

You care enough to continue Commenting (and further embarrassing yourself).


you’re the one writing 2 page essays why we should remove dmg boost…




I’m giving evidence as to the Problematic Nature of Damage-Boost, proving why it sucks as a Gameplay Mechanic, instead of just saying “hur dur, Mercy bad!”.

You have provided no Evidence to dispute my claim, instead opting for “hur dur, Post bad!”.


speculation isn’t evidence… you can keep writing essays or spend your life doing something better

blizz won’t change it

I agree that the damage boost needs to be cut. There’s no real reason for having it as if the extra damage was needed, surely the devs would adjust the power of the DPS accrodingly.

The ability could be replaced by something less toxic to balance.


I don’t think this is actually by design, I think this is an unintended consequence of her original design failing. Mercy’s got a kit that allows her to zip from teammate to teammate and patch them up reliably, with blue beam to fill in the gaps where no healing is necessary. And back in 2016, this made sense since the other two healers were Lucio with his constant but much lower AoE healing and Zen, the 150 HP glass cannon healer with damage out of the wazoo and Harmony. She also had a good reason to farm up ult charge to get Mass Rez online. Nowadays, though, she’s overshadowed by other options when it comes to healing for the most part.

I haven’t made up my mind on whether the latest patch changed the value of her healing, but her ult is nothing special and you’re probably better off having a Kiriko or Ana get theirs instead. Without damage boost, she’s not bringing anything worthwhile to the party. You can’t just nix the ability and call it a day.


There’s nothing wrong with having a single character with a passive playstyle that revolves around helping her teammates

Medic from TF2, the character Mercy was based on

Y’all won’t stop until mercy has like 1 hp and can only heal right? :joy:

Mercy was a mediocre pick during S1, she is only meta because Sojourn exists

Why wasn’t she breaking the entire DPS role back in S1? :thinking: It’s because she isn’t an issue

All they have to do is remove DB from her railgun and mercy would drop from being meta, or you know actually nerf sojourn considering she’s still overtuned

If you are fighting a mercy and her pocket it’s literally a 1v2

Of course it’s going to be oppressive, how would it feel if you were trying to fight another DPS with a 24/7 rein shield in front of him?

Pharah is a terribly designed hero, but as I previously said they could simply nerf her interactions with mercy and then give her separate buffs

Also, considering Pharamercy is just annoying and not OP I doubt the devs view this as a problem

Mercy would need massive compensation buffs if this ever happened, including her GA being restored back to 1.5 secs

Also, why is mercy’s BP “breaking the game” but Zen’s discord isn’t an issue? :thinking:


Yes. There is.

Zen’s isn’t game breaking because he has much lower heals to compensate, and no mobility. He also has to maintain LOS to apply discord. Mercy can sit behind a wall and blue beam.


Zen also can ya know… Defend himself with damage and spam out damage?


With a much larger hitbox, and again no mobility.



But Mercy needs her mobility because she doesn’t do damage herself. If she didn’t have it she literally would be a free kill.

Zen doesn’t have the evasiveness, instead he has damage.


Agreed. But if it’s out of proportion it needs to be addressed. Just like any hero (Except Sojourn apparently according to the devs) needs to be when something is out of whack.


Firstly, I was referring to other Overwatch Heroes. Comparing her to TF2 Classes is bad because both Games balanced differently. And by Balanced Differently I mean not at all.

Also yes, Pharah is another Trash Hero, but she’s made more Trash because she would be Annoying AF to OP if Mercy could still Buff her.

I think Mercy’s Guardian Angel Cool-Down should be at most 2 Seconds. 2.5 is Overkill (and still ignoring her main Problem).

And having a Passive Hero isn’t bad, but the problem is that her entire purpose is to make Good Heroes even better, which is a Balancing Nightmare because now we’re not allowed any Good Heroes (except Sojourn).

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And zen has a very high damage output, he can also just stay behind his team and keep his discord up for the entire game

If y’all want mercy’s mobility gone then she should get huge damage buffs so she could defend herself better