Pharah should be reworked

Wiki stating Hanzo velocity is 110 (m/s)
I’m doubting that now too as well.

See the Jan 16 patch notes.

It was a huge patch mei nerf etc.


Storm Bow (Primary Fire)

Maximum projectile speed reduced from 125 to 110
Developer Comment: The increased projectile speed Hanzo received in his rework ended up making his arrows too good at longer ranges. Decreasing the speed will reduce his sniping capability while still keeping him strong at mid-range

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I just clicked the link.

Stop rewriting history trolling so much.

Lol you can’t reason with stupid at this point.
You mustn’t be talking about pharah when you can’t comprehend patch notes

LOL. You’re right. I missed that Update. I only recalled the initial Rework. I wasn’t around whenever they boosted Hanzo velocity from 100 to 125 then back down to 110. My mistake.

Regardless that’s still…….

Hanzo 110 (m/s) vs Pharah 35 (m/s)

That’s a huge gap & that 15 less velocity makes no difference at all

It makes all the difference on whether I can hit her from range.

While pharmacy has twice the projectile size with 2.5m splash.
She doesn’t have to kill the hanzo just get him out of his highground spots.

If you can’t hit her. How in the world can she hit you………

It’s more than TRIPLE the velocity.

She doesn’t need to hit me she just needs to shoot at me, now I have to move 3m to avoid the splash and I can’t recontest from that spot cause another rocket is already there.

Against even hitscan you don’t loose space like that.

Also not to mention that without storm arrow hanzo takes a good second to shoot that 110m shot, while pharh will get two rockets in that time.

Then I’m going to Factually PROVE such using someone else’s hard work MATH then……

Versus Pharah you need to be 10.022m away to dodge Pharah Direct Hit 120 Dmg and 25.932m to dodge minimal Splash Dmg.

Versus Hanzo you need to be 29.5m away to dodge a Direct Hit 120 Dmg or 1s1k.

If you run away from a duel where you are heavily favored then that’s your own foolishness. If taken by surprise then OK. That’s also your own mistake.

Hanzo > Pharah
NOT Vice Versa

Hanzo can fire as a Hitscan aiming directly at targets up to nearly 30m away.

Mind you McCree Dmg decreases outside 20m and at 40m is reduced from 70 to 21 Dmg. All while Hanzo maintains 120 Dmg & 1s1k and it ain’t that hard to lead arrows at 40m when you are a Hitscan w/ them at 30m

Are you still going to suggest that Hanzo should be running away from Pharah when he’s clearly Overpowered not only versus Pharah but even versus McCree?

You somehow lost your OP sauce………
That’s not even what makes him so OP to BEGIN with.

That’s merely for melting TANKS.
Pharah is NOT a TANK fcs

Make McCree STRONG Again………
……cuz Hanzo is the greatest THREAT in the game

PHARAH IS FINE. Certainly NOT Hanzo.


But Hanzo or Hanzo mercy > Pharmacy

Are you going to act like 4m range difference matters you do 100dmg.

And the whole fricking point of the table was dodging.

Not stay and fight.

If you stay you die or take DMG.

Hanzo fires one arrow every 1.25 secs pharah at .85 does have a huge advantage

Why not just play Hanzo at that point? Faster projectile, no reload, can headshot, has a machinegun mode, and still very mobile.

Umm storm arrow melts every thing.

You play Hanzo & don’t even realize just how OP he is………

That’s ridiculous

Hanzo can be interacted with by the whole hero cast, phara cant.
Also, hanzo doesn’t fly up in the sky.

He is good against pharah not pharmacy esp after lower arrow speed, mostly you will get body shots and by the time you follow up with storm she will have health back while sending rockets into you.

I know how op he is as well as his limitations.

Pharmacy isn’t something you duel with hanzo, you can apply pressure pick her a couple times.

But you are not shutting medical shop disease duo with tree log chucker.

Hanzo is Good Vs EVERYTHING including TANKS and Mercy does not alter that Fact

Mercy cannot out heal 2 Direct Hits from Hanzo let alone 1s1k headshot.

Idk what game you’re playing but it sure ain’t OW

I was just replying to the suggestion of reducing her splash.
It’s already pretty bad, and direct hits are the way to go. Yeah flying is cool, but why would I use the rocket launcher when another guy has the same weapon but better?