Personally, I don't find Symmetra's damage weak (she's "Trash" for other factors)

so its like a resource meter that charges up with 1 second?
there should be a ui like dm/moira heal right?


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not my intention to insult you and for you to get this upset about words on a screen about a videogame is honestly concerning

Every hero is held to those standards really, the thing is that no one bothers to actually learn how to play sym even after 2 years and yes I said it again, if you feel insulted that’s on you

Youtubers and pros alike play sym the exact same way, a lot of turret bomb or turret nest around you, even though the turrets have MASSIVE range, so much so that you could set them up in places where winston (8m attack) couldn’t reach them unless he uses his jump ability (10m on turrets) but oh no, let’s just group them all together, tp in and hope that the beam which takes 5 seconds to fully charge to magically give you a sextuple kill, forget of course that you have a zoning tool that hits like a truck in AoE and has literally infinite range and an ult that charges super quick if you actually manage to hit people with those orbs and/or your turrets

I have a feeling you’ll just get offended by all of this and start spewing all of that “you just hate sym” narrative again, so I’ll just finish my post here and wish you good luck in your overwatch endeavors whatever those might be

Not to be a ding dong but this just means your team was very bad

Backline sym teleporter, the DPS (me and the other), called it out and nobody did anything, and then on second point people were leaving and was insta loss at that point

you could say the same thing about any hero who is dominating but you don’t, it’s almost as if you hated sym and not everyone else as you and several other people love to state

Other heroes aren’t nearly as trivial to shut down as Sym.

If a widow stomps your team it means she’s too good. If a Sym stomps your team it means you were too bad. It’s simple and I’m not looking to argue facts.

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I think you meant fabricated facts, your feelings about a subject are far from fact but listen keep spewing all of that hate for sym and you’ll definitely get her nerfed further

None of your posts ever actually make logical sense

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logic is just not your strongest skill, which is odd because you’d think that a sym player would in fact be able to make those gears turn a bit better… oh, wait, that’s true, you don’t play sym anymore

I mean you think I hate Sym when she’s my favorite character and really the only character I actually care about… Nothing in any of my posts should suggest that I dislike the hero yet that’s the conclusion you drew…

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Yeah because a simple thing as being good with the character seems to be non existent for you, I assume that is because you simply don’t feel like you can be good at it therefore, in your head, no one can, which turns into hating the current state of the character and that leads you to ask for changes and complaining on this forum for 2 whole years

Now please clarify this for everyone, do you or do you not hate the current state of sym?

I’m probably one of the best Sym players on here. Like I really don’t like to talk like that but I’m not gonna let you say this:

The rest of your post, like all of them, is not worth reading.

I think that the damage ramp-up was a nice gimmick at the start of the game, but right now you don’t even have time to get above level 2 or 1, it should definitely be one level at this point, it is too risky and gimmicky, it’s either too weak at level 1 or too strong at level 3, it is not enjoyable to fight against a level 3 and it is not enjoyable to use a level 1, those will always feel bad at one or the others user end.


Sorry but you’re just full of words with no back up, specially because you said in another post that you haven’t played sym for a long time, so, if you will, try again, your hate for sym is entertaining to read

Oh and let’s not pretend you’re not reading my posts, we know you’re a bit more knit picky than that

I think having a flat middle ground all the time isn’t such a bad idea for sym, the sacrifice of max charges is worth it but I guess players would feel like something is missing, after all, no matter how hard reaching lvl 3 is, melting people with it is sooo satisfying

Oh I read them. They’re still not worth it but I do it.

I don’t hate Sym. You do not tell me what I hate. I decide what I hate. To do otherwise is literally abusive. Stop.

I don’t play her because she’s weak and takes far too much effort to use.

Being frustrated with a weak kit =/= hating the hero. Any normal human would understand that.

Let me say that again for you.


One more time? Okay.

Being frustrated with a weak kit is not the same as hating a hero.

Do not ever, ever, ever tell me or anyone else what our opinions are when we state the contrary.

Except that your words don’t match your actions, whenever you decide to start being cohesive you’ll stop looking like a sym hater but until then I wish you good luck with your ashe climb, I’ll be here loving sym as usual

It’s like you don’t even want to understand. What’s your problem, really? If I tell you I love the hero you don’t tell me I hate her, period. What’s hard to get about that?

My desktop background is Sym. I have two figurines of her, a shot glass with her icon… I don’t even know why I’m trying to justify myself to someone more dense than a black hole I’m actually so bewildered and done

You don’t get to decide what someone loves or hates. Everyone knows Arcadium is one of the biggest Sym advocates for years so who even are you

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