People forget the actual history of Brig too often

Forum Brig gets stronger with every double nerf, she gets more unstoppable with every month.

Her legend of launch version gets more powerful with each topic made that goes “hEY YALL REMEMBER LAUNCH BRIG WASNT SHE A NIGHTMARE HEHEHAHA”


That’s because no one was playing 2-2-2, almost immediately after her release triple tank/triple support was the most played and effective team composition.

Imagine thinking release brig was underpowered lmao


??? this is nonsense lmao. 2/2/2 wasnt even out homie.


Have you forgot that a bunch of gold support mains suddenly reach new heights (and by new heights I mean Masters and GM) in one season by one tricking Brigitte only?

I despise people that denies the obvious.

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I’m sorry what? She was literally most picked support on release excluding Mercy (who was picked for dmg boosting dragon into grav). Also she created GOATS, a comp people kept trying and didn’t actually work until Brig’s release alongside Lucio buffs.


Did you know, historically OG Brig could 1v3 and still came out on top? The best Brig’s on ladder used her as a flanker, sneaking up the backline and whacked both healers to death then retreat.

Did you know, factually even the devs had to admit how far off the mark they were with Brig on release.

Did you also know, even after 10+ nerfs, she is still a beast. Not even Moth could survive constant nerfs like that.


Tracer wasn’t OP in dive meta because she heavily underperformed in bunker compositions.

I can play this game too.


I don’t think any hero has ever achieved the legendary status of OG Brig, not even the Moth could hold a candle to her.

You can still do that with Rally, it’s actually ridiculous.

I’m GM support but refuse to play Brig most of the time, yesterday was climbing ranks on an alt so I had to play Brig to win a game in high plat, I used Rally, walked past both ennemy tanks and whacked both their supports while their entire team was unable to kill me lol.

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Haha it happened to me sometime too. I was just minding my own business shooting people in the back line’s safety, then suddenly there was this rallying Brig walked past both my tanks and wacked me to death.

Actually she didn’t “create” that meta.

Probably because most people posting here are low rankers, where brig is rarely ever seen. When she is seen, people are usually too stupid to stay in a group so she actually has any effect. She’s great in the higher ranks, but that’s like 1% of the player base at best.

I think the difference with Orisa and Mei, compared to Brig, was that they were weak. However, over time they received small buffs and changes and much like Ashe now, become pretty powerful. Then, when they find their meta fit transforms into op.

Brig was strong on release. I mean, the stats she had were insane. But no one really seemed to experiment with her until grav dragon got nerfed and 3-3 fully evolved.

But it is true she wasn’t meta for a while in double shield, I think she replaced bap after he got his nerfs?

In my experience looking at overbuff, her pickrate was quite low overall in a lot of the beginning, weirdly.

You’re claming Brig wasn’t op on release? There were literally tons of people from plat making it to high masters with her what are you talking about.

And I dont think you have your time line right. 222 didn’t come until a year after Brig was released.

She… really didn’t. She was originally taken to guarantee value out of Shatter against a competing Rein more so that for her AoE healing or Rally.

You could sub her out for a Moira, leaving the Zen and Lucio, and still see strong results from Goats variants.

Are we also going to forget that even Ana replaced Brig on certain maps in OWL-level Goats?

Or the very similarly played Rush comps with a Genji, ushered in by Ana?

Or old triple-tank comps, ushered in by Ana?

Or quad-tank, ushered in by Moira?

Brig hasn’t been as much of a keystone hero as Moira, Lucio, or Ana have been historically.

What??? Just what did I just read? Did you even play the game at that time??? So delusional.

  • 600 HP shield.
  • Stun on a 6 sec cooldown that could also stun through other shields.
  • Rally armor that didn’t fade from players when her ultimate wasn’t active.

Probably other stuff that I forgot.

She literally walked up to squishes and demolished them and there was nothing you could do. She also even could pick fights with tanks. With TANKS.

Stop making dumb threads.


are you even serious? briggite 1.0 killed a tracer with shield bash and whip combo, has a 500 health shield and a huge amount of healing when she was just holding left click when looking at an enemy
i think brig after they made her more of a healer was fine, but not brig 1.0

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it’s not true
there were mutiple type of goats
like running winston goats or whatever
and the moira goats was you play moira and sustain on point instead of chasing down the discorded player and focus him down
so it was moira or zen not brig
if brig is not played on goats dive with doomfist would probably rolled that team comp