Brig has most definitely been op for a lot of role que. She has a higher pickrate than Ana in GM and has been among the most picked heroes in GM for over six months. It’s why things like armor packs got removed. as for brig 1.0 she had a 60% winrate.
Trust me, Brig’s get played and often pull gold heals over other Supports at even Gold. It’s harder, the value is less about raw heals, but she is played frequently.
This OP is nothing but revisionist history. Launch Brig was an absolute monster who could win a 1v1 with pretty much anyone but Reinhardt, and in team fights she utterly destroyed him too by stunning him through his barrier.
Bash had a huge angle of effect, was on a tiny CD, she could insta-kill tracer, and she ended dive’s ability to be effective almost overnight.
She was completely and totally broken, and we’re still dealing with what she did to the game.
No, this is a common myth. It wasn’t created to keep Brig in check.
Looking at the team fights for 2018, no team picked Hanzo when the other team had Brig. In fact, what usually happened was that the DPS player who used Hanzo would often swap to Brig if the other team went Dive.
Brigg 1.0 was literally so strong an entire meta was created around her existence that “solved” the game and made every other composition obsolete. That is not a fiction that is a fact. Brigg had ZERO counters (and has generally always been the highest win rate support).
Also Bap is SUPPOSED to be stronger in Double Shields than Brigg. The fact that Brigg is in a meta that fundamentally she should be terrible in is an indictment of how strong she is. Bap is not a great support overall but he is a monster in double shields. That he is even competing with Brigg, whose kit works best in literally any other comp, is a major indictment of the hero.
GOATS was created months after Brigitte’s release, though. Before that, she was only picked to counter dive, but otherwise stopped being meta very quickly.
That isn’t how metas work, though. Time has proven that just because a character “should” be good or bad in one on paper, that isn’t how things work out. Reaper, who was “supposed” to be good in metas with 3+ tanks was bad except for Beyblade. Widowmaker, who is "supposed’ to be countered in Dive was strong in it. Ana, who’s supposed to be one of the worst picks in a barrier-heavy meta, is actually not doing bad.
It was just DPS hypocrites that complained, because for once they werent unstoppable killing machines. They had to watch their backs & switch. But they refused to pick Junkrat, Pharah or Sombra(old Brig’s counters. Ana countered her too), and instead complained, got their way, and Brig is now dead.
Fact : Brig 1.0 was most definitely broken on release.
Fiction : Brig 1.0 was better for the game than Brig 2.0
Fact : Was a staple in the Goats meta, I don’t think she ever wasn’t part of it
Fiction : Brigitte prior to her rework was good in comps without 2 other healers
Bap IS good in double shields. He is basically a god in double shields and was the enabler of the entire comp. Right now he is one of only 3 supports that get picked and account for 80% of all support picks. Brigg does not fit with double shields, but she is so good overall that it does not matter.
Also the fact that it took people time to figure out how to both build and play an entirely new comp that was different than anything OW had really seen before is not really a good counter argument to her power. This was not like with Genji when they buffed him and he just slotted into the existing meta; an ENTIRE meta was built around her and that takes time to both discover and learn.
I never said Bap wasn’t good in Double Shields. However, the argument that Brigitte “does not fit” in it doesn’t make sense. Her entire value is that her Repair Packs aren’t stopped by shields, and having extra shields to help her get close increases her sustain.
I’m not arguing about her “power”. But the argument that Brigitte was “so broken” that she had an entire comp built around her doesn’t fit reality. Brigitte’s pickrates were sharply dropping at the time that GOATS was created, and the main reason she was added was because she was a good substitute for Roadhog. GOATS was simply Slambulance, but with Hog swapped for Brig.
Do me a favor. Watch some Stage 4 of the 1st season of OWL. That’s when Brigitte was made available in pro play. We went from an entire year of exclusively dive and “antidive” on some maps, to all the good teams playing a lot of “proto-Goats”. In other words Reinhardt/Zarya/Brigitte compositions. Usually just Goats with Moira instead of Zenyatta, and sometimes with Hanzo instead of and occasionally also with Doomfist over one of the supports.
Look at Dallas Fuel for a perfect example. They went from being… frankly, godawful, all season long, to being one of the best teams in the league in the span of a few weeks. All because they embraced Brigitte more than most teams. And teams like NYXL, who insisted on playing Dive into Brigitte tanked in Season 4 rankings, they didn’t even get into the finals of OWL because of it, despite being completely untouchable most of the season.
Then Brigitte received some pretty major nerfs over the next half of the year. And yet, when OWL season 2 started, it was pretty much exclusively Goats. Why is that? The other heroes that make up Goats didn’t receive buffs to make that happen, in fact many even received some nerfs. And yet, when players had months to prepare, and a meta emerged, it was Goats, not Dive.
Why? Because Brigitte made diving your team completely impossible.
Yes, Brigitte underperformed in 2-2-2. That’s irrelevant. She wasn’t played in 2-2-2. She was played in 3-3, and she was completely overpowered in it.
Brigitte wasn’t really overpowered on the ladder, because people always insisted on playing DPS everywhere up to mid masters there, and Brigitte wasn’t especially good outside of a triple support environment. But that’s not good enough, because there was always the fact that if a team decided to go 3-3 with a Brigitte in the mix, they were unstoppable. That’s not a situation you want, and Brigitte enabled it.
The original Brigitte probably wouldn’t be great right now. Well, at least if you don’t let her keep the ability to stun through shields. But she was definitely overpowered on release when played in her ideal composition, a 3-3.
Later on, was sometimes replaced with Sombra, and Reinhardt sometimes replaced with Winston. Brigitte’s own pickrate NEVER dropped. She literally had a place in Goats for 100% of the time it was meta. Not an exaggeration, it’s 100%.
Roadhog was played in the original 3-3 (and 4-2) compositions, way before Brigitte’s time. Like, more than a year before. Slambulance didn’t see any play around the time of her release, so you can’t really say she replaced him. Even beforehand it was more of a meme than a real composition, the only teams that played it with a decent amount of success professionally were Ninjas in Pyjamas, and to a lesser extent Rogue in the European pre-OWL tournament scene. And that was over the course of like a month, before people figured out how to counter it. Before that, and after it, it never saw any play.
If a composition sees zero play, then Brigitte comes along and it’s suddenly meta and she is played in said composition every single time, then you can’t really argue that Brigitte didn’t make that composition.
Brig on release was completly broken and overtuned. She was able to single 1v1 a Reinhardt without ANY problem. She was indeed the strongest pick in the game, because on close range she was able to kill EVERYONE in a 1v1 or even 1v2 situation. She wasnt Mini Rein… she was Chad Rein as Support.
BUT she didnt created “GOATS”, she enabled “GOATS”, “GOATS” was created to counter “Spamzo-GravDragon” Meta and “Double Sniper” Meta. That the comp was getting stronger (espacially on OWL) was due to the fact that they increased Brigs healing over the time and reduced her dmg potential with it, so you dont had to run Moira anymore, and could swap her out for Zenyatta, who delivered waaay more dmg and a better devensive Ultimate.
When 222 droped, Brigs rework was pretty good actually. She was (and is still) a strong pick, IF you can play with your team and position yourself correct.
I am also not a fan of the brig nerfs on experimantel (atleast not the HP reduction), I think they should just shrink the area of her Inspire, so ppl have to play closer to her to get healed. Maybe also reduce her Inspire-healing a bit if they rly want to nerf her (like they did on Experimental).
So yeah… I just rly hope that they dont make squishy Brig a thing, because than in lower ranks she just becomes the same throw-pick like Zen and in high ranks it will actually do NOTHING against her.