she was the most picked support off the bat?
then when grav dragon got nerfed she hit near 100% usage.
you’re just wrong.
Yeah. She was pretty much disregarded at her launch because she was an off healer without a defensive ult to counter stuff like Grav Dragon
A hero being historically bad doesn’t mean they can’t be OP? Look at Mei. One of the worst heroes until the meta evolved to benefit her. Bap. Orisa. Seen as bad heroes during their launch. Many more examples too.
least fun hero in the game without question, most powerful hero in the game without question
I’m not sure it was even mathematically possible for her to retain a high pick rate in low ranks. The players who were willing to pick her on a regular basis in low ranks didn’t stay in low ranks.
I recall getting curious enough to check profiles from the Top500 leaderboards back in season 10-11 (right after Brigitte’s release), since that’s the only place you can really see a bulk of individual samples. Most of the Brigitte players there Platinum or lower prior to Brigitte’s release. If anything I’d expect the SR jumps to be even more massive at lower ranks, because there’s more room to “improve.”
how convenient that a few months after brigs release private profiles came out
people getting called out for being brig boosted
I’m sure a decent chunk of them are still public, even if you can’t see them all.
You’re delusional if you think she wasn’t broken on release. Stop lying to yourself. an incredibly short cooldown on a stun bound to a 600 hp shield that lasted longer than flashbang, a ton of armor to give out and instant burst healing from incredible ranges. Her only weakness was her attack range but even then she was nearly unkillable.
trust me dude, people who abused orisa or brig in their respective time periods rarely have public profiles
She might not be the one that started it, but she certainly was the straw that broke the camel back (always wanted to say it)
Cause Brig 1.0 provided CC and permanent armor at relative ease. Since she is played among the tanks, she is effect the main healer of the comp. Inspire is uninterruptible (it lingers a bit after she dies) and can be proc non stop if she is sandwich between the Tanks all the time. Also, she trivialized the Rein Shatter duels cause she used to be able to stun through shield.
I certainly didn’t want to relive that, but thanks to her I did get a whooping 90% winrate on Zarya though. Don’t remember why I didn’t finish placements for that Season.
Brig’s first few weeks of release had the exact same issue that Echo did: everyone thought she was broken, so her pickrates were high.
But the very second that Brig was released in OWL and she was a mediocre pick there, her pickrates fell on ladder. After a while, Brigitte was one of the least-picked Support on ladder and wasn’t really considered worth picking unless her team was running anti-Dive (which wasn’t likely, considering how far Winston fell).
Exactly. The nerfs to her Inspire on experimental is literally going backwards on her. She was buffed on her inspire (in her rework) literally for this reason that her heals was underperforming. If the nerfs on inspire go through, she’s gonna be a throw pick for heals and might as well switch too lucio at that point.
Imagine trying to even remotely defend brig 1.0
That’s true, if you have 100 hours on brig now I assume it was on 1.0
GOATS was inevitable, whether or not Brigitte was going to be the key to bring it in or not isn’t really the point.
Either way, Brigitte in the 2/2/2 composition was quietly overpowered back then, but again, no one realized it until after the meta switched up.
This is not surprising; pro players don’t experiment, they play what works until they’re forced to switch it up.
Brig release was hard broken. She was. Strong pick up until 2-2-2. Then I think she became middle of the pack or worst. Then in the last 2 months she just started killing it again.
Are you a troll? Or you just weren’t here when she came out?
Thanks to her goats was a thing.
She was the end of flankers at low ranks, where there is little to zero coordination, because it was almost impossible to lose a 1v1 as Brig.
Even being a gold Brig was enough to defend yourself of a diamond Genji with almost no effort. Stun, combo, Genji dead.
Look, a Tracer! Stun, combo, Tracer dead. You missed? It doesn’t matter. 600HP shield…
I’m going to have to heavily disagree with this.
AHAHAHAHA… Oh please…
There’s one thing complaining after your favorite hero has received their 30th nerf. I certainly understand that and probably agree with you on many things.
But don’t, don’t try to deny the absolutely overpowered, broken monster that used to be Brigitte 1.0, who terrorized the entire game for months, created an entirely new META and single - handedly destroyed Overwatch in the eyes of so many players.
I get that these are the Support Overwatch Forums, but let’s not start denying facts here.
Brig has actually been meta for a very short time after her rework.