Don’t mind me, just adding this topic to the gargantuan colossal examples of topics going “remember how bad launch brig was hehe” which always get made right after or before a brig nerf/announcement she’s getting nerfed, or when people have formed an angry mob campaigning to nerf her
(yes Briggy is what I changed my Taiga account’s name to before it got perma’d because I made a joke thread about a bunch of fake Brig nerfs poking fun at the nonstop nerfing of her, and people seized the opportunity to mass flag me as spam)
Its gonna be 2024 and OW2 long into its life cycle. Flanker mains will still be making topics
“Hey yall remember how busted strong launch Brig was 6 years ago?? Wasn’t she just the WORST she ruined the game huh and made me homeless, let’s remember and discuss”
Year is 2025, Brig has had 6,969 nerfs. She’s now just the literal ball bulb part of her mace sitting somewhere in a level.
Run into her (she has physics so you can kick like a soccer ball)
If you touch her, you lose 1 HP 10 games from now
If she falls off a level, the Brig player’s level and rank reduced to 1 and their C drive on computer is wiped
Random poster like OP:
“Ay yo Brig’s got a 0.00000001% pickrate, still OP BTW, y’all remember launch Brig? She needs more nerfs, she’s kinda badly designed hero and a must pick for a while”
That’s one of the main reasons I made this topic, to point out the absurdity of us all finally settling down and playing Brig in peace, but then out of nowhere, every 1-2 months:
Person:“Hey guys…you…you remember launch Brig? Wasn’t she the worst? Discuss! ”
Brig could literally be a soccer ball sitting somewhere in a level, and if you kick it, then a random team mate gets 5 healing in 4 games from now
People would still be going "hEY REMEMBER LAUNCH BRIG SHE WAS SO OP though omg Just shows how broken launch birg was "
Then people pop up in waves every 3 months out of the woodworks and start going
“Hey, Brig is the worst hero ever added. Brig should be deleted. Remember how OP launch brig was? Yeah whoever made her should be fired, yeah!! ”
and you people get every one else who mildly dislikes Brig riled up and the hate mob hivemind nerfmongering commences all over again, and you get her double-nerfed again and again (just like the last 8 times this has happened)
At least every 2 months someone’s required to make a topic like:
“Hey, y’all remember how busted and OP launch Brig was?
How she made 60 quadrillion players quit?!
How she destroyed OWL and esports in general
How she literally had a one-key press instakill from any range with 360 autoaim lock-on
How she made flamingos an extinct species
How she singlehandedly crashed the stock market
How she wiped the C drive of anyone she bashed and made them homeless
How she has 65 quadrillion % winrate and pickrate
How she collapsed the multiverse and erased the natural laws of weak and strong electromagnetic force?”