Penalities in qp? Seriously?

I am saying that if I leave in the middle of a match (After the match already started) that even If I have NOT LEFT 30 games. I will still get a penalty.

So its not 2 out of 20 games. Its leave 2 games the season get a penalty (EVEN IN QUICK PLAY)

I got banned for season 10 competitive for not being able to connect to 1 game and leaving 1 competitive queue.

This season is way too penalising to players to the point its just crazy.

Ah, it sounds like you are not familiar with OW2 QP match setup rules.

Leaving is permitted only during the initial 45 second set-up time where players can only choose the character before the spawn room appears – this is the initial match setup phase. After this period is done, when the spawn room is now visible, it is too late to leave without taking a leaver penalty, so backfill players are always forced to stay to avoid leaver status.

My friends and I tested this extensively in season 9 – we left 5 games in a row as a 5 stack before the spawn room appeared, and none of us received any warnings nor penalties. If this changed in S10, it would be news to me.

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I think it has changed since im banned for the whole season for 1 game i did not even connect too and leaving a queue which is not even an actual game.

cut her other hand, then the right food and then the left foot obviously


this season if you select to leave it always give the pop up you will be unable to queue, and i just queued directly after i got it, but i only left the 1 game

I have not yet seen the warning yet since I play every game to completion. The only way I leave any game is via server side disconnect, and this has happened to me only 2x this year.

Honestly, I’ve played over 25 matches in a row and I get the red warning thing everytime I hit the leave button (the one you get before you can leave) so Im pretty sure the leaver penalty is even harsher than what they said it is. Im highly tempted just to start reporting bad/feeding players in matches that are rolls. Because “its just qp” is no longer an excuse for bad play if Blizzard is forcing people to stay in matches.

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Your girlfriend did not receive a 4 hour penalty because she had an injury lmao. Add that excuse to the list of EXTREMELY VALID reasons overwatch players quit games and are subsequently crucified by their Blizzard overlords. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow’s latest and greatest excuse is for ragequitting

I love this website omg

I left a game today at the end of the first round because my ping went through the roof and I was useless
No penalty, no warning, nothing. You can leave a game without issues

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I’m reasonably sure this is a new bug with their system. I hear there’s some discussion going on in the bug forum but haven’t taken a look myself.

idiot aaron made things more strict i feel liek hes gonna totally ruin the game i wish the president of blizzard would come on here and see why she needs to fire arron keller and get someone whos not gonna pull stupid stuff liek this like this encourages throwing

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I was playing a game of quickplay when suddenly my rare Bluemask darter (fish) suddenly caught on fire! I had no choice but to leave the game in order to douse the flames!

Now I am banned for 48 hours for saving my fish from being burned alive!

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…yes because if you leave a game you will always get a penalty. In your case, the penalty would be your first warning, since you have played 30 games without leaving.

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Spontaneous fish combustion FTW! I’m betting it was named Unagi.

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This is why i stick to archer fish, they can arc water onto themselves and put themselves out.

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Try doing that a second time. You will now get a warning and penalty.

This if you leave ANY game even if it is the first time … You get a penalty.

apparently there is a bug, when you find a match but it doesn’t start, counts as if you had abandoned the match