Penalities in qp? Seriously?

Is this her first time playing in like over 6 months? If so it can be that. Assuming she was a frequent quitter back when the penalty was just bpass xp.

We play every evenings

In that case it’s her 6th or more quit within 20 games. That is the only option. Or there is some other bug that no one else is talking about.

If this is a bug (doubtful it is but maybe)

Post it in one of these two places:

It will get zero traction in General forums.


It doesnt. I dont get leaver penalties lol


The common trend of people who leave games (and their defenders) is that they very quickly reveal the kind of person they are in these conversations.

They lie, get angry when they are called out for that lie, and then resort to insults. If you are this willing to insult someone who is pointing out facts on a forum post I can only imagine what you are like in game.


Hard facts. Rarely takes long for them to show their true colors


You only get 4h ban penality if you leave 6 matches over 20 matches, thats too much leaving! Simply learn to finish what you started.

It can take until 30s to find a replacer, thats enough time to lose a fight which can decide a victory, which will impact all teammates stats and xp earned. Also we lose a ult like that


No, she just has to quit leaving unfinished games. Once the Victory or Defeat message pops up, then that’s the signal to take a break and not re-queue immediately.


Either you’re lying or she is, take your pick. Unless there is bug that’s only hitting you, you don’t get lenalized for leaving only once.


That doesn’t seem to be the case. I have played well over 30 games without leaving and I still get the red warning saying I will get a penalty if I leave.

It probably counts all the games you have left regardless of how many game you played. Meaning it doesn’t reset.

That warning is fixed and only appears after the spawn room becomes visible. If you leave before during initial group formation but before the spawn room is visible, then no warning should appear.

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I understand, I was just saying that it doesn’t reset the number. So she could have only left a few games in a long time. But because it still counting ALL the game she has left in the entire season. Then its possible she got 4 hours.

She might not have even left those other games. If she got kicked because of Internet issues. That counts too

Stop penalizing us because blizz refuse to make a lobby system or have map voting or mmr having 3 plats grouped up going against top 500 duos who are just looking to pubstomp. anything that would actually IMPROVE the game would means people would actually stay in the game longer right??? Didn’t activision call of duty fix this problem by having people vote for the maps they actually wanted to play. would that be such a bad addition to qp???

theres no reason that i click qp and get put into a lottery that determines what map i get, what teammates i get, locks everyone profiles so cant see if im going against the rank 150th orisa and then hold me hostage and say “no you cant leave” it doesn’t make ANY sense.


Only comp checks the whole season’s attendance record. QP only checks the last 20 games played, so playing 20 complete games in a row clears all leaver flags that might be present.

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They don’t have to… People will still PAY and play this game no matter what Blizzard forces on you. Asking please sir can I have some more

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The bottom skill tiers can only get so low. I’m no exceptional player, but I routinely get grouped vs. plats and still squeek out a 50/50 record. When I group with a top500 friend, my numbers drop further, yet I never quit.

Should not have posted here the toxic smurf trash doesn’t want you to leave their stomp so you get banned

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I only play Quick Play and have not left over 30 games. Yet I STILL get the red warning saying if I leave I will get a penalty.

Are you leaving before or after the spawn room becomes visible? Unless S10 changed the code, that warning always appears if it’s the latter, but not if done in the former.