Penalities in qp? Seriously?

What’s the point of penalising leavers in QP?
My girlfriend had gone to get a bandage because she had cut herself while we were looking for a game, which made her leave (since the game started while she wasn’t there) and she took 4 hours of penalties? It’s not normal!!

Penalizing leavers in ranked, I understand, but in qp it’s really pure and simple abuse knowing that it has no impact on the game since another player will join the game and that it has no impact on the players’ elo!!

Really nonsense!!


What happened in the other 3 games she left then?


People leave too often so we need penalties


In real life, people don’t want to play with those who spoil the experiences of participants.


It’s the first time she leave a game

Then she wouldn’t get a penalty if thats true


Too many players were repeatedly leaving QP games for all sorts of reasons. Since backfills are rarely instantaneous, 4v5’s were becoming too common. So Blizz finally drew the line to officially say this behavior was not OK.

The 2nd game deserted out of the last 20 results in a 5 minute temp ban, but this quickly escalates to 2+ days at 10+ games deserted. This system specifically punishes chain leavers, not those who have an occasional real life emergency but play full games otherwise.


Yes, but 4 hours for the first time it’s really abused

The 2nd time is only 5 minutes. She would have to leave 4-5 to get a 4 hour penalty


You don’t get penalties for just one game.
What were the other issues that are needed to get you a 4 hour ban?

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So she would have to keep bleeding a lot to play?

regardless. blizzard just hinges on the fact that they know their match maker stinks beyond conventional belief and they only put in penalties because they know people are still willing to play the game, they just wont try as hard when the teamwork goes downhill or “supports” aren’t healing.

Supports will tell you nobody is protecting them so they have no reason to heal.

Dps will tell you they are too busy trying to flank because tanks aren’t making space and Blizzard hasn’t come up with a solution to unify the community. So they took the easy way out again and just put the blame on everyone but themselves.


She play only with me and she’s never leave a game

Did it just keep queueing her up even though she was afk?

Well id ask her who else she is playing with then. Becauses shes lying :wink:


Then you are either not giving the full story or she’s playing while you are not around and is leaving games.

1 game left =/= 4 hour penalty.


The 4 hour penalty isn’t until 6 out of 20. It’s 5m at 2 and 3, and then I think it’s either 20 or 30m for 4 and 5. 6/7/8/9 are 4 hours, and then 10+ is now 2 days. But who realistically gets there.


As if you know her better than I do

The fastest way to clear these leaver flags is to play 20 full games in a row, no leaving, no throwing, no AFK’ing, no toxic texts like “GG EZ”, no shenanigans. That wipes the slate clean.


I mean do you really want the answer to that? :thinking: lol