I was banned from competitive because of... server issues?

So yesterday I was playing with 2 friends and we noticed alot of people leaving ranked games and then it happened, “GAME FOUND” pops up, we did not connect to a game. We get 15 minute suspension. It’s ok we wait it out and go through with our day. I wake up today and log in to get the 150 points I need for a jade weapon to find my account suspended from competitive for the rest of the season. How is this fair? I have no connection issues and this is obviously not my fault, but they say the don’t overturn competitive bans and at 3 bans your account gets permanently banned. So I just lose the account that I had since overwatch 1 that I BOUGHT because their servers do not work? Also how is it possible that I get restricted for the whole season by just getting 1 penalty I do not get it. Is there any way to get through to support about this?


According to stated rules this should only happen for 10 leaves during a season. If you haven’t done this (and remember ANY disconnection counts) then you should probably submit a bug report or CS ticket.


Server disconnects should not be charged against players since that’s outside of anyone’s control.


When the server does have issues it rolls back to the previous state and disconnects everyone … and this was not the case. It was you mate, or someone from your stack for sure.

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I had exactly the same problem yesterday. I had a server connection failure when the game found a ranked and I was suspended for 15min after which I was able to launch a few games. This morning I realize that I’ve been banned from season 10 and I don’t know why, I didn’t get an email or anything to tell me why.


My man I never left a game since coming back season 9, nor did I leave the previous 3 seasons of OW 2 I played :smiley:

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If true then you have some sort of mistake/bug/snafu on your hands and should pursue appeals. Cause it shouldn’t just be one game and you get banned from the whole season.

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precision: for my part, I was solo Q. What’s strange is that the ban isn’t immediately after the unjoined game bug that suspends for 15 min, but during the night.

Hey man 1 question, do you play with console friends? I am trying to connect some dots here would be very helpful.

I have the EXACT same Issue… ive never leaved a game ever. Man, i contacted support pls say if you have any solution


Hey, I contacted support as well, I found many people with this issue it will probably be addressed soon, I will update you if I get an answer or if it gets fixed!


you’re gonna get a copy paste response. i’d bet money on that. they’re gonna say like “all players accept the TOS and account actions won’t be overturned. we investigated ourselves and found you guilty.” the trick is to not believe what they tell you and keep spamming tickets.

It will cost us weeks… and iam not sure it will resolve in a solution. Its unbeliveable. I paid money for the BP, this is scam and one should actually take legal action here.


I’m actually inclined to believe this because it would count towards leaver penalty count too in QP whenever there was an “internal server error.” They obviously haven’t fixed server crashes like this counting as leaves.

This is a serious issue that will severely tarnish the game if not fixed ASAP.

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This has happened to me, doing duo’s with a buddy last night, we got the “game found” bla bla but it never connected us, and all we could see was a “Rejoin match” button that never worked, woke up this morning to find myself banned for the season


Try appeals but chance of them doing anything is very low

Made an appeal, got the typical bot response :] doesnt matter if its on their end and bugs or not, apparently you’re at fault still… small indie company


Choosing to leave a game while it’s in progress puts every remaining teammate at a disadvantage, and makes the game less enjoyable for all involved. Because of this, we often penalize players who make this a habit. This is especially true in ranked-mode games, which competitive players take much more seriously.

Connection problems sometimes cause players to drop so we set a threshold for leaving quick play games before you are penalized—competitive games have special rules which are outlined below. Game Masters will not overturn leaver penalties.

Repeatedly leaving games will move you into leaver status until you successfully finish enough games to remove that status. If you are currently in leaver status, your player card will tell you how many games you must finish to leave that status in the upper-right corner.

Once more, Customer Service is unable to remove leaver penalties on an Overwatch 2 account, regardless of its reason.

Thank you for your patience and your understanding.

Kind regards,
Customer Service
Blizzard Entertainment



Blizzard are aware of the issue, it has happened to lots of players. Hopefully we will be able to play again soon:)


Thank God there are other cases like mine. Exactly the same situation as you with a friend. Yesterday we had “Server connection failure” and we were also suspended for 15 min. After that, we were able to play competitive games without any problem but this morning we are both banned for season 10 :frowning :

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Same here, was playing DUO COMPETITIVE, and yesterday was a server error, getting both disconnected, he was ban for 20hours and me for 15min. Today I open OW2 and Banned for the whole season 10. What a joke for Banning people for their server errors.

Di you all where playing on DUOs that happened the same?

Next game I see a lot of people leaving the game, and my friend list a lot of players where disconnected. Its obviously their fault. They put AI and BOTS and some algorithm to do these, and these is the reason why is happening these. They are learning with our accounts. Very nice JOB Blizz.