Patch 1.43 clarification

Does Blizzard have to pay every time that someone changes character stats on a custom game, or workshop game?


Wanna know what would fix this? If you guys just told us in advance when the planned live release will come out. Rather than just staying silent in your little bubbles. Tell us weeks in advance so we can expect it.


would it be possible to get some clarification on the Baptiste changes? they seem a bit… overboard

We appreciate that we have conformation thank you and yes we all cant wait for this next ptr patch must be the most anticipated yet

I think there’s more to it than just changing character stats. They have to readjust a lot of coding for certain changes. That requires a patch.


Are you for real or just playing some 4d trollgame?


Are you trying to say Double Shield wasn’t very oppressive?
Wow, the forums are odd today.

You’re trolling, right?
Only viable support is DB are Moira and Lucio because of DF and various other reasons.
Tanks are just Orisa and SIgma with minimal Rein.
DPS were Reaper, Mei, Hanzo, and DF.

GOATs on the other hand was mainly in the top <1%. You could use most tanks, you could use most if not all Supports, DPS didn’t have that many outside of Sombra, Pharah, and occasionally Mei.

Key point is that DB is used everywhere with consistency, unlike GOATs.

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So then do the part that doesn’t need code changes ASAP. Without delay.

And then they can take their time on pushing patches that have code changes.

Wait … the Internet was wrong?

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Tanks are getting the most changes so this is prob a smart move. There prob will be a spike in tanks being used. Until they realize they are even harder to play and abandon them again.

Lower Elo players tend to struggle without a barrier so I think a lot of players are in for a rude awakening.

My greatest fear for this patch is exactly that. People hate tanking even more except for the players who already are tank players which in turn lowers the amount of people willing to do it down the line. Longer que times for dps and to a lesser extend, supports.


Not a good idea. They do certain balance changes just because of OTHER balance changes. It all needs to be done at once or else the game will be wonky.

The game gets to be more “wonky” if it takes them 3-12 months to fix broken metas.

“Good enough” + “On time” is better than “Perfect but extremely late”

You sound odlydemanding for a randome guy on the forum with no knowledge of anything.

Then maybe they should hire you, since you think you would do a better job.

At least not knowing how blizz internal process works, or how the game is coded, or how can be modified.


stop gold bricking with the game balance. this patch as needed months ago. its the first patch to actually address 222 and attempt to make it playable

I also forgot to add my opinion on this whole “leak” fiasco.

I thank you guys for coming out and acknowledging the elephant in the room. This controversy with no answer would’ve done bad things to this game. I’m excited for next week!

I also hate false leaks AND real leaks. Like that fake “skin event” leak a few weeks back. Just creates false hysteria. And real leaks just ruin the fun for me.

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I had to rub my eyes and double check, I couldn’t believe a dev was actually posting on the official forums after what feels like an eternity.

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Jeff Kaplan doesn’t deserve the praise he gets, even as a joke. He ruined Overwatch with stupid heroes and maps and poor balance decisions. It’s no longer the game I enjoyed in 2017. What a disaster.


I’ve considered applying, but I just bought a condo up near SF, and don’t want to move to Irvine.

That said, there’s about 40 of my suggested changes in PlanetSide 1, including how all the zones connect to each other.

And there’s been some unique gameplay implementations in Overwatch, that were suspiciously similar to what I suggested.

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