Patch 1.43 clarification

ib4 jeff comes in and roasts you…

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The only support not being able to be played into DB was Zen and Ana (Ana could sometimes be used). Lucio, Moria, Mercy, Baptist, and even Brig are good in double barrier.

Of course you often wanted to have a Moira but any other support was good with her. Really depended on the other heros being run.

I said the same thing. I’m not disputing that but it def wasn’t the top 1% it was prob closer to 5-10% was it was primarly high Diamond, M, and GM that used the comp consistently.

Double barrier was seen a lot more in lower ranks but it had a lot to do with how unviable most other tanks were. It’s complicated for sure but I never said

I’m saying that Goats did a whole lot more damage to the game then DB did. Neither was great but GOATS nerf was what brought about crazy, even game wide changes, that destroyed most the tanks (leaving Orisa/Hog/WB the only viable tanks) and contributed to a huge amount of the power creep focused on tank busting.

DB wasn’t healthy but for the most part hasn’t had the effect on the game that GOATS did.

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Why you putting it all on Jeff? There’s a big team of devs and he’s not even the principle balance designer.


Imagine thinking Jeff Kaplan makes every decision about maps, heroes and balance?



Says the guy that wants a new meta like, each week…

You know Jeff is one out of how many…? All choices and ideas aren’t on him only. It’s the whole dev team.

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Depends what part of the internet you’re referring to.

For instance, I was right. :roll_eyes:

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Sksk i am a Moira player what are you talking about? I just would like to have more variety…

Sorry but I have to say this:
Dev team only saying something AFTER a big outcry

Well I guess jeff didn’t need to roast him/her, the community did!

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fix this garbage game

Yes? HE is the head of the overwatch team. Every new hero or map requires his approval. And he approved every cancerous concept so far. gg jeff

If you seriously think the game is garbage, then why are you playing it? I don’t get people like you. If I thought a game was bad, I’d just stop playing it without complaining on the forums like a baby.

“Fix the game.” It’s funny, do you not know what the PTR is?

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You mean they finally deleted Doomfist?


He’s the head of the Overwatch team. Look up the whole Overwatch team and you’ll see who makes what decisions. Hint: It’s not his name listed over and over again. There’s a lot of brains behind this.

Oh thats true doomfist is still a character :frowning: oh well i guess 50% of supports still arent viable

Thanks for confirming when an event was going to start. I wish you would do this more often.

“Unforeseen circumstances.”

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Ana? Are you serious? Her best utility is negated by DB, which is her anti nade.
Brig is rarely used at all.
Mercy isn’t as good as Moira and Lucio when escaping DF. Bap is being used more though due to his recent buffs.

And because it was easy to pull off.

That’s because it was out longer.

Don’t put words into my mouth m8, I have never said that.

Or… “yes, Ana’s become a must pick again and we don’t care”, perhaps.

On to the actual OP though, finally some useful communication again.

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