OWL Token issue while watching

So I like to watch in full screen and do not get very active in chat. Not only that but I also like to play as my time is limited due to a full time job. My issue is that I miss tokens due to Twitch putting my account to sleep but I am actively watching so I miss some of the Tokens. To me it seems a bit unfair, am I the only one? If so then so be it, it is what it is…


how do you know they are putting your account to sleep?

ive never heard about that

well that would really suck.

i couldnt care less about the chat since its just spamming.

i also suspect i dont get my full amount of tokens because i dont buy bits.


The top right next to my avatar it goes yellow instead of green. I do not get the token on a map win when it goes yellow. Just seems odd.

yea i think i need to test that.

if thats true… blizz is seriously greedy af.


Well yeah yellow means you’re “away” from Twitch so they assume you’re not active on the stream. But yeah that is pretty annoying cuz it happens to me as well :frowning:


yea i just checked it and i have my setting to invisible so maybe therefore i didnt even think of this cheap tactic they might using.


Blizz don’t control twitch mate, twitch need to fix it if true not much Blizz can do.


ofc… blizz has a freaking contract with twitch. they can force them to fix it.


Just a suggestion, watch on the OWL site, it doesn’t matter about chat and it even has a msg saying you’re logged in for rewards (after you link with the site).


Yeah I was just curious. I can see it being abused too if you think keeping the channel on and going to work or sleep abusing the system.

Yes which is what I said twitch need to fix it, Blizz can tell them fix it, but Blizz can’t fix it themselves.

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Awesome thanks for that! I will have to do that.

You still get tokens being “away.”

Also you can watch from the overwatchleagueDOTcom page and log on to your bnet account. You can earn tokens without logging on Twitch.


Thank you everyone for the feedback. I will now watch it on the OWL site while I play to avoid this problem. Special thanks to @Narull for letting me know about this. :sunglasses::grinning:

@poochie I watched every game last night and only got 2 Tokens. The only reason I can see for this happening was that after I was done cheering for the community event I went full screen and just watched the games. Have you actually tested it?

is watching on MLG really better in terms of tokens?

Literally watched every map of LDN VS NYXL game and got 2 credits when I was supposed to get 5. Lmao bliz gj


Yeah they need to fix the system lol. For the first day it was working perfectly fine for me, but for the second day i only got ONE SINGLE TOKEN for watching the entire stream. How ridiculous is that lol


i watched 4 matches and got 1 token now.

maybe because i dont buy bits.

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Exactly lmfao. POST HAS TO BE 20 Characters lol