[OW2] Reddit, might have solved Mercy and Sojourn

Man you must live in some other reality than me if you think removing damage boost will fix matchmaking queues. That’s a level of cluelessness I’ve never seen before.

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Well yeah, if you can’t comprehend “Nerf then Buff” as anything but “Nerf and Nothing”. Then your seem to have trouble seeing things.

No mate. The issue is you think Boost is something that needs to be nerfed and then have its power shifted elsewhere. Beams and GA is mercys identity.

Also your idea of “fixing” ONE support will not change a single god damn thing about queues. I’d love to see what buff you think Mercy needs after you ruin her by removing boost.

But only Widowmaker has bad interaction with her beam, since her ult sucks, and she does not give her anything because she is not breaking any OHKO thresholds… The rest of the roster is fine to some extent (it is sometimes hard to keep up with flankers and stuff like that but that is a non issue).

So we only need to nerf ONE thing on ONE hero…

But it does not suck on those charachters… it is balanced… The problem here is that, I think, you think that her beam is so a hero that has the blue beam on can pew pew harder so they kill faster…


The power in blue beam is swinging ULT ECONOMY in Mercy favour…

While now it works on all heroes (I’d say except Widowmaker, but only that wallhack is not that impactfull most of the times), attack speed buff would work only on a handfull of heroes… So what does Mercy do when her teammates are full HP, and they do not benefit from it? Heal full HP target? Or goes full on battle Mercy pew pew?

Not sure about that. I feel like they could make rezz work in 5v5 environment without making her busted

Now we are speaking about how fast devs can work on changes and implement them… Your idea would have the same problem tho…

And you still didn’t address how making her play style LESS FUN in certain situations wile HELP with queue times…

That is also what I am waiting for, but at this point I don’t think we will see anything in that regards

Kinda depends where they want the character to head in the Main Healer direction or the OffHealer direction. But here’s some ideas.

‘Jump meter changed to full when near teammates or the ground’ - That is QoL decrease, since it will be awkward to do small SJ, like the ones to SJ rezz…

‘Healing increased to 60 from 55’ - Moth had 60HPS and it was not healthy…

Burst heal on valk activation… Meeh, I can see it being usefull in some situations, but it won’t compensate for making her unfun to play in certain situations…

That, with 1.5s CD on GA would make her straight up MOTH lvl busted…

Yeah so. These are not ideas that I would call good.
GA Jump sounds like a bootleg bap jump which if you were a good mercy player you already have tons better mobility so why even ask for this?

Valk maxing everyones HP AND cleansing AND being up for 10 seconds? Aight I want whatever it is you’ve smoked. Seems like good stuff.

HPS at 60 is probably fine now that we don’t have double shields but you don’t gotta change boost for this.

Or a valk dropping a 50heal is so insignificant it doesnt matter and it’ll just not make the ult any more impactful anyways, waste that “power” on something else.

This is just straight up bad. Even if it wouldn’t be terribly broken which it 100% would be a ground based heal for a hero WHOS WHOLE IDENTITY is to FLY around between everyone and to be the MID AIR support is just nonsense.

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I think I know a bit about that. Considering I was probably the one person on the forums suggesting she get nerfed down to 50hp, in the first place.
🕊 Maybe just give Mercy 60hps

In particular, I was using these charts at the time.
Every support's average healing & damage per game for each rank - Album on Imgur

That said, in hindsight that wasn’t so much a Mercy trend, as a Brig/Hanzo trend, which then lead to DoubleSniper and GravDragon metas.

but changing dmg boost wont change that???

actually might break her tbh

Changing damage boost would probably make it so they could buff her overall value by about 10% somewhere else. Either through buffs or adding new features to Mercy.

Well, I’ve been going over the specifics in this now… wow 250 post thread. And haven’t seen anything concerning yet.

Grats on MercyZen meta with Machine Gun Zen discord nuking.

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Now I wonder if, in few years, you will look at this topic and think ‘hmm it was actually sojourn that was busted, not mercy’ if this will go live…

But that is the thing with her… She does not need nerf to be buffed, since she is not busted ATM… Vivian is the problem with that meta, not Angela… And hog, but hog couldn’t care less if he has Mercy or not…

Well, you’re right, however that’s not a problem. And even if it were a problem, that seems like a fixable problem.

Overwatch 2 - Patch Notes


  • No longer receives extra attack speed on top of the bonus from Kiriko’s ultimate

im positive about that. they can make rez work in 5v5 just by simply doing this

  • cast reduced to 1.5s
  • 60% penalty instead of -75%
  • (optional) 0s cast in valkyrie

that would make it fine

however it literally keeps her captive, not dmg boost.

That’s the thing, I think Sojourn should be nerfed, AND they should clear up enough power budget for Mercy to give her some capabilities that will pull in a lot of old Mercy mains.

yeah sure but an increase in fire rate boost especially at 30% is literally a mini kitsune rush without speed and reload speed. it’d be crazy stupid and lowering it to 15-20% to balance it would make it bad.

a damage reduction would just be stupid op because it’d be permanent, and take forever to kill a player.

a damage boost is fine, id like to see 60 hps and 25% dmg boost with other buffs tho

TBH, if they wanted the biggest splash they could probably just do that Single InstaRez as Ult, and MiniValk. Or something like that “before players die similar to mass rez”.

That said, this is more realistic.

You won’t do it without making her into a Main healer again… And when she will have one of the strongest healing in a game we all will have moth meta flashbacks I think in a week…

She won’t be in foreseeable future… She still needs to sell a few skins before that.

Why? You have not provided argument WHY she would be busted if we buff her in her current state?

I can get behind that change.

TBH, I think they could probably get away with 65hps and a 1.5sec Rez, if they did this BlueBeam change to +30% Attack Speed.

Granted, I’m looking at this tidal wave problem with matchmaking in the next 9 days, where devs are going to be panicking trying the desperately get more Support players.