OW2 is just a more fun game

Neither is waiting to see which shield breaks first

Stable how? When has RQ ever been stable?
All the devs had to do was not add busted heroes to the game that made barriers and supports must picks, but kept adding more fun balanced tanks and supports so people would play those roles.

I honestly couldn’t think of another mode more unstable than RQ. Harder metas, terrible matchmaking and disproportionate queue times. It’s been over three years and the devs still couldn’t make it work. RQ has always been an unsustainable mess.

Here’s a list of the pros and cons of RQ. I wasn’t worth it.

You mean the vast minority of players who stuck around? Even I bad mouth OW2 open queue because the devs keep making it worse and more unbalanced with every passing year attempting to balance the game for RQ. 2016-2017 OQ format was widely popular until, like I said earlier, newer tanks and supports started to become must picks. The low ELOs filled with players who don’t fill complained about not having enough tanks and supports on their teams. That wasn’t an issue in mid or high ranks where players were actually decent, except for when peak GOATS took over high ranks. Which, again, was a roster balance issue not one caused because of the OQ format.

sheesh imagine being this mad about an opinion


Using the same site it appears all OW2 competitors are having low viewership not only compared to their peak but compared to the same time OW1 was at it’s peak in 2018. Using the same site OW2 is #6 overall in viewership this last week with numbers on par with other top shooters. It’s currently ahead of warzone, apex and Fortnite. Being narrowly beaten by Valorant.

Nah, I simply can’t believe that. Show proof.

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Here a link to the same site you used. I can’t post images rn.

Fair. Its still doing worse than ow1. Atleast we know the game is not gonna die I guess.

Well compared to it’s peak in OW1 sure it’s doing worse. But that has a huge part to do with more competition in the hero shooter genre. Back then apex and Valorant weren’t out yet. Even warzone wasn’t I think? OW main competitor back then was Fortnite. Even if blizzard made perfect decisions with OW1 It’s only natural that the numbers would go down as more options became available in the genre.


The problem was OW1 was still liked til the last second and was deleted and replaced with another version that feels awful in a lot of OW1 vet’s hands with no option to go back.

Battlefield 2042 was mostly disliked but you still had the option to go play past BF games. We can’t do that. Blizzard shot themselves in the foot cause they didn’t want to compete with themselves.


Not only its peak, even during its worst period ow1 was doing miles ahead better than 2.

And more importantly, OW2 hasn’t necessarily peaked considering how much more will be added in time including PvE. Early access only launched with 3 new heroes, by the time OW2 is truly fully released it’ll have quite a few more

And yet OW2 is at its worst period and still doing very well in views

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OW2 is a joke, Out of map glitches, invisible characters, stuck loading into a competitve match that never loads, potg, and other audio bugs, removing characters for weeks… It’s as if someone just tried to copy, and paste ow1 into a different game, and didn’t bother fixing the things that broke while doing it.

The only thing ow2 has done better so far is less sheilds, and that’s not worth a new game.


Well, we don’t really know if it is its worst, we only know its the beginning. No amount of new heroes or maps is gonna improve It if they don’t fix its core problems first tho.

I would return to ow1 anyday, with or without double shields. Is all about opinions but sorry cannot take you seriously when you say “the devs succeed even before the game came out”, even when the devs were as they said and posted not so happy about how it was launched.

If the PvE comes out and is worth our time, not episodic and not so predatory as the battlepass I think I would never touch again the PvP.
As always I respect any opinion but yours is merely based on a meta temporary and the double shield composition. I heard that as a excuse multiple times and for that you just needed to update and patch the game to reduce it, rework orisa etc. That was something OW1 was tending to before the release of this… thing called ow2.

Lets not talk about server faliures, bugs at launch, predatory battlepass, skins that can cost as the original game. (I have content from ow1 that now would cost hundreds to the new players).
Lets not talk about the fast declining in viewership and interest of the game, that it flopped greatly after launch, the number of people complaining and the supports queue raising while the balance team take us for idiots.

Lets say that ow1 was a game that earnt our hearts when it was more casual, that the competitive scene added toxicity and that balance catered to an elite minority leaving everybody behind. Lets say that this game stripped all content and purpose of keep playing, feeling not rewarding but for the gameplay that… is not better for everyone.

Lets say that, even if i respect your opinion if you defend all above, battlepass, monetization taken to the extreme, bad balance, 5 VS 5 mode, support role even more miserable, tanks without a fellow tank to coordinate, maps that look good but is a flanker fest and a chaos and a mode of gameplay “push” that keeps you walking to the robot more than playing…

AND you defend or consider that better cause of no double shield…well … ok then, glad you enjoy. But with all respect there are a lot of people that disagree with you, are not so vocal about it, left and many of us that remain here just hoping it will be ever a good game again.

Is that hope we are trying to cling into which makes some of us still interested.


Yes, since I switch to dps role and judging by your Echo profile picture, of course, OW2 is fun and easy to play. You just shoot things and they die, and you get instant dopamine. But can’t say the same to support people that have to do three things at the same time (dps, heals, deal with flankers).

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Yes (the exact numbers look made up, but the gist of it is still there), but this happened in 2018. Role Queue got implemented in 2019.

Did you at any point during OW1’s cycle quit playing the game?
If you didn’t, like me, then you still enjoyed the game despite all the barriers and CC.

I powered through all of it’s ups and down because despite all the things that annoyed, it was still fun.

But I’ve reached the point where I’ve quit playing now since OW2 because it’s no longer fun for me.

It’s nice that you still play and enjoy it.
I just wish I could too.
Cause if you didn’t quit playing in OW1 and 5v5 never became a thing, we both could enjoy the game now.


As much as I really dislike OW2 PvP if I can play a cool PvE game where balance issues aren’t really a problem, BP won’t get in the way of the enjoyment and keeps me engaged for more than 10 mins then it could work.

PvP is just gonna make more people upset and leave.

Or shills.
Some people are all you say, and some are just paid to be something.

Edit: also the ratio between the known OW2 shill OP and your response says it all. Despite all the extreme noise they’re making, OW2 defenders are by far the minority here.

Arguably on Reddit and the like it’s a different story, but only for some time, since most of the newbies who came for the F2P game will drop like flies after a few weeks/months. This game’s longevity will be a farce compared to OW.

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Optimistic are we? :smiley: