OW2 is just a more fun game

said no one ever

tbh it has its ups and downs but i can see why it would be considered a downgrade compared to ow1

less CC is also a bad thing depending on how you look at it - characters like genji hamster and hog and alike are doing what they want with no punishment

Compared to OW1 at it’s peak with no role queue sure. But no role queue sucks. It’s inevitable OW numbers would drop from their peak in 2016 as more competition entered the hero shooter genre. As of now the game seems to be as popular as other popular titles like Apex or Valorant. Compared to RQ first intro the game is far more popular.

Nah, more people thought the role queue version was less fun than the 2016 version. The game would have never taken off if it launched with role queue and its countless problems.

But overwatch wasn’t losing to other hero shooters, it killed all the competition within its genre. Overwatch killed itself and started losing players to other genres like Fortnite, Apex and Valorant. Which were BRs and a CS clone. Games which weren’t even that good mind you, Overwatch just became worse than them in comparison.

That’s a cope. Even with a recent sequel launch and brand new season+hero the artificial sponsored hype is fading. OW enthusiasm is at an all time low.

I will somewhat agree that OW2 became more relevant than 2019 role queue era with a surge in publicity, but the sequel is overwhelmingly inferior to classic overwatch in every way. I don’t see the game retaining a loyal playerbase nine months from now.


I personally consider it rude in the extreme to attribute a statement to a forum member that the forum member did NOT state

actually, Such comments are the 360 degree opposite of respectful

actually, you could have easily chosen not to act in an extremely rude manner

and adding a smiley after such a comment only makes it more egregious

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I get you don’t like role queue which is fair. I appreciate you’re willing to admit this version of RQ OW2 is better than the RQ version of OW1. As far as it retaining a loyal player base down the road…that’s hard to say. Especially since we know 9 months from now we’ll most likely have PvE. If it’s really good we can see OW2 thriving since the main thing other hero shooters lack rn is any kind of coherent PvE/story mode.

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The PVE campaign is probably the only thing that could save the “OW2” name, in my opinion.


Delusional Blizzard shill lol. The reality is, OW2 is a complete downgrade in every aspect except less shields, which could have easily been done without all this mess with number tuning and reworks like they’ve done (Orisa, for example). OW2 killed my addiction, which sucks because Overwatch 1 was the last game I found enjoyment in. And then they forced this POS on us and took away the better product. I don’t find any enjoyment in the crapfest they’ve shoved down our throats.

Been with the game since open beta weekend in 2016, by the way. They’ve spat all over the fans of the original game.



Do you have the data to back this claim up? Millions? Can you even prove thousands? What are we talking about here, your feelings based off your friends list? Can you prove that those who quit the game in late 2019 did so because of Role Queue specifically and not other issues, like general burnout? I know of exactly one: Sinatraa; and some people made some posts about quitting here and on Reddit.

That’s not me being toxic. That’s me being polite and basically calling people misguided, in my own creative way.


Can someone who can read charts confirm if ow2 is on its historically lowest viewership?

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Yes, observable by the steep drop in players while playing the game. And by comparing the number of announced active players from previous years to the number of active players estimated during 2019-2022. There is a reason blizzard went so far out of their way to hide active player numbers during 2019+, and no longer announce player count milestones. The only indicators we got over the past few years was a generic login count in last year’s annual report for Blizzard’s investors that bloated the amount of actual players the game had by reporting any logins by smurfs and half a million free accounts given away by owl teams for that year instead of actual active players. As well as OW2’s launch where blizzard announced the sequel had 35 million downloads (people who tried it), which also included players who already owned OW1 simply updating their game. Of course everyone who plays the game can tell that OW2 doesn’t actually have 35 million active players right now. I highly doubt the current OW2 player count exceeds the amount of active players in 2018. But unlike you I have been challenging Blizzard to show us these numbers of active players, not yearly logins, to prove it. I very much would like to see this data they are hiding that shows these player drop offs. Instead of people like you pretending that there was no huge drop off.

But it’s funny you mention my friend list. Mine used to be full of pages of active players who played for years. But they gradually became filtered during the years of RQ. The friendslist finally became active again for about a week when OW2 dropped, but I guess they dropped the game again when they saw it’s the same unfun unbalanced mess it already was for the past few years. I added well over a hundred people to my friend list over these past six years so I have to commend blizzard for managing to kill off over a hundred of them from playing their game again. Most of these people were diehard OW players, too.

Proof to you specifically? Unlikely. But I can confirm to you that I ask almost every person who told me that they played OW why they stopped playing and a vast majority say that it’s less fun than it was during the first couple years of the game. The burnout you are talking about is also a symptom of awful role queue practices, including players fed up with bad RQ balance, queue times, and matchmaking specifically.

Yikes. Yet people here think haters are blowing things out of proportion.

Then, as I understand it. It was only growing until Blizz said in 2019 we wouldnt get anymore content until the sequel right? Because that would directly debunk the idea that we needed 5v5 to save the game, as Blizzard was the one who killed it.


I loathe RQ and its consequences on the game but I do think players were willing to keep giving OW a chance to grow again had blizzard actually kept pumping out heroes and maps that weren’t bad for the game. Both RQ and OQ modes suffered because of that. It makes zero sense why they left OW1 to become barrier+hitscanWatch for three years instead of just fixing the bad hero designs breaking the game.

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Maybe they used this as a marketing tool to wash the game’s image after the harassment scandals? Like look its not the same game! Its different now! Different devs!

Or maybe its just incompetence.

Role Queue actually makes the game stable.
The problem was never in RQ.
Everyone badmouths OQ.

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I just never understood what CC players are making up to be any type of a problem in OW1, when it all of it was tuned down accordingly. For the last years it was basically tank players complaining all the time how unfun it is to play against Ana and get slept+antinaded, which is a dynamic that didn’t change going into OW2. And it wasn’t just tank players even though they were the loudest being the biggst victims, but it was DPS players too. So that pretty much left Sombra’s hack as something annoying to deal with and even that could’ve been just fixed by a change in it’s functionality like they did in OW2, which was already something they did while OW1 was out. They just pushed the solution further into the future and waited for OW2 to come out to put it live

And now? Players are complaining how there isn’t enough CC to deal with the flankers hence Genji players running rampant and getting the hero nerfed down the hole, with now Tracer probably sharing that destiny. They’re saying that now Ana could use a lower cooldown to be able to deal with Hog, DF and other types of heroes. Same with Brig’s shield stun which lead her to be one of the most underwhelming supports in the game when she lost her proper way to deal with them

Also when it comes to barriers it doesn’t seem like there’s any consensus on that either. Junkerqueen meta? Nerfed. Zarya is meta? That’s bad, unkillable, nerf. Winston is meta? Everyone are malding about being dove all the time, bad. Hog is meta? Don’t get me started on that one. It just seems like non-tank players want the meta to be solo Rein players shieldbotting while they play the game or something which is bad for the game

Also barriers in OW1? What’s this? We played Ball meta for a solid year or two by the end with Hog+Zarya meta before that. You could still run double barriers, sure, but you lost to these comps with them due to the heavy nerfs on Orisa’s part and Sigma feeling some of that too. It’s not like the other comps like Rein+Orisa made players mald

Now in 5v5 there’s a new plethora of problems that is gonna take them half a decade to get under control and even then the game is just gonna be chaos DM, which nobody seems to be really enjoying considering that the game is about as popular right now as it was 2-3 years ago. It’s just that they’re literally burning money by paying streamers to play their game which isn’t exactly a sustainable way to keep the game relevant, especially when you consider how dirty they did Summit

So Tl:dr; hard disagree on everything

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what do you mean by average?

cause like im an average player that mostly plays QP and basically everyone i know plays drastically less, with 1 group really just gone. We played all 3 year of abandonment happy.

Even in game, people don’t seem happy… well it’s like 50/50 at best.

I have to ask, what do mean average player?

I believe this is what they call, a troll post

shill. how many coins did they give you to make this post?