OW2 is just a more fun game

Everything from here on is just details and small things to make the user experience a bit better. But the devs already did the major work needed to make OW2 lasting game for years to come. Less barriers and less CC appears to have been the major thing keeping OW1 from thriving. Balance can go up and down but OW2 even at it’s worst rn appears to be a better experience for your average player than OW1 was post RQ. That’s not to say the devs should just sit back and do nothing. Obviously balance and QoL changes will always be needed. But I think people saying OW2 will fail if this or that doesn’t get done are wrong. The devs succeeded with OW2 before it even came out. From here the game can only go up with PvE.


It hasn’t come out yet. This is the early access phase.

And I disagree with everything you said.


It’s good gameplay.

The issue is that the game it’s attached to has a lot of problems.


I think every game has it’s problems that can stem from it’s style. If someone didn’t like OW1 then they aren’t going to like OW2. The problem was people who liked OW1 ended up not liking OW1 anymore.

Season 2 has been great so than season one. The Doom and Hog hate is overrated. The game feels better with them than Zarya or DVA from last season. Sojourn not one shoting constantly


I’m pretty sad Sombra is bad now. I also don’t like that Widow has 200hp still. Balance wise there’s not much beyond that I’m upset at. Hog is a bit strong imo but idk how much of that is just Hog or that Kiriko cancels all his counters.

Ana can’t just freely counter him with Kiriko existing is why Hog is getting played and also Doomfist being played.


I think Hog and Doomfist have the same issue tbh in that they have too much HP.

I think his damage reduction needs to come down to 35 from 50. Slightly decreasing hook range. Doomfist not really sure about him

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In no phase of OW1 was it ever worse than OW2. Not during any meta, including goats, not after any change, including role queue. Not even during the years of no content. OW2 is a new all-time low for this game and Blizzard keeps setting new records what seems to be almost every week or two.

The balance, monetization, features, developer communication and care have all gone down the :poop:er. The game is objectively trash and the ever increasing number of people who announce they’re uninstalling after playing the game for thousands of hours is proof of that.

The people who think OW2 is better are some ultra-biased, lying to themselves, narrow minded, depth lacking, small picture seeing, tunnel visioning vegetables.

OW2 should’ve won an award alright. One for turning into the biggest failure after being one of the most successful games in the past decade.


I mean that’s like your opinion…but I disagree :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sure, it’s my opinion, also the opinion of a lot of other people, which sucks to say as someone who’s spent thousands of hours in OW1 and made a lot of friends along the way. But at least I’m not delusional.


hog/kiriko + sojourn/mercy isnt fun

its just waiting to see who gets oneshot first


This is what smoking crack does to you kids.


i like 5v5 but i liked 6v6 as well because two tanks was cool. there was a synergy but the devs said they had a problem with that or it would be easier to balance with one tank? or was it queue times dont have a clue?

i think 6v6 could have been balanced? with more tinkering but of course they abandoned patching stuff since they went this route and the making of the “updated” sequel

still this is what it is and i hope they can refine 5v5 more.

THE PROBLEM tho is open queue, ffa and the arcade modes. with super tanks that is. that is a problem they’ll have to figure out unless they dont take those modes seriously. a lot of people like doing stuff besides role queue so they may have to figure out something

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They call it early access, and it does feel like early access with all the bugs, but as long as it has a working in-game shop, an esport scene and slow balancing do i not believe it is an early access game.

Just my 2 cents.


Agreed that the gameplay is a big improvement already. Given more time OW2 will get better and better :slight_smile:

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Totally disagree.

Fixed it for you.

The shop in a game they call early access bothers me.


OW1 was thriving before devs abandoned adding new heroes and main maps to the game, and still alot of people stayed and played for years after. With OW2 all I see is people quitting.

And I don’t think those big player count numbers blizz had shown has anything to do with reality.