Role queue KILLED the game

role queue 100% killed the game, this game is a shell of its former self


I don’t think I can help you then.

Without context, this is meaningless.

I could buy a GM account and win one game playing Torbjorn and say that I reached 4100 playing Torb.

OWL killed the game.

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Making an alt account to agree with yourself doesn’t make your point more valid.

You don’t even know what the chances are for this now, let alone years ago before RQ was a thing lol. It could be insignicantly low to the point of irrelevance.

The problems role queue solved:

  • Killed goats and the possibility of future hard metas that invalidate a whole role.
  • Killed 4+ dps compositions happening in wood ELOs in QP and comp.
  • One-tricks only need to compete with 1 other person instead of 5 other people for their hero.

The problems directly caused by role queue:

  • Ridiculously long queue times
  • Players who specialized in one role in classic OQ comp were placed in that same rank on all roles in RoleQueue. Causing players like high masters mercy mains to place in high masters for their dps role despite having the dps skill of a gold player. This disrupted Role Queue comp for many months until those players fell to their appropriate rank, ruining games.
  • Greatly widened the SR difference allowed between players in the same comp game. Previously, the difference in SR was within 250 sr. Now gaps of 1000 sr are common.
  • New players with only a few heroes under their belt became matched in the same games as veteran players. Prior to role queue long time players with a plat border would be placed in games of fellow veteran players with plat and gold borders, and maybe with a few silver borders. Any bronze portraits who made it into the game did so by grouping up with a high level player. Now anyone can appear in a game with anyone for the sake of queue times despite the vast difference in player experience.
  • Both reasons above botched match quality and created more lopsided games.
  • Team comp variety got nuked. Turns out forced 2-2-2 enforces players to play the most optimal comps if they want to win. Causing the most meta tank and support synergies in 2-2-2 to dominate that could have been dealt with using more chaotic compositions otherwise. Formerly, Orisa and Ball could excel as solo tanks, and triple tanking enabled two off tank players to play the heroes they want without sacrificing team damage or sustain.
  • Players playing tank or support went from being able to play 30 heroes to just 7-8 heroes for the entire duration of a game. With zero means of swapping roles with another teammate, even between rounds.
  • Players being hard countered became unable to swap off to a more useful hero in another role. Like a tank player getting farmed by tank busters but is locked into the role as an ult battery for the other team.
  • Players became locked into a role prior to seeing the map they will be playing on.
  • Players became locked into a role prior to seeing their own team, or the players on the other team.
  • Fill players became extinct, and flexing became unfun and punishing due to the many reasons out of their control listed above. Why take a chance queuing for a role for a whole match that could make you miserable?
  • With locked roles the game became more teammate dependent. It always was to an extent but role queue turned that dial up to 11. You can no longer take over a role another teammate is doing suboptimally, or even just swap off your role when a second tank/dps/support isn’t even necessary for the team.
  • The game more actively filters players. Brand new players don’t want to be placed in games with veteran sweats and vice versa. Players don’t like stomps or toxic chat, but putting new players with veteran players will result in exactly that. No one likes teammate diff and losing because of it despite your own performance. So they quit. Bad matchmaking is why this game can’t retain a playerbase anymore, and the matchmaker gets worse because there are not enough players of the same skill queuing. It’s an endless feedback loop.

Secondary problems caused by role queue:

  • Mandatory subroles. “Can we get a main healer?” “Can we get a barrier?” “Can we get a hitscan?”
  • “Tank diff” “support diff” “dps diff”
  • It exacerbates the smurf problem. Smurfs have always existed but when the game became more team dependent AND match making quality nosedived players took match quality into their own hands and smurfed to control the quality of their matches. Blizzard has no intention killing smurfing either because game sales are what is making money lately not lootbox sales.
  • A flex pass system that bribes players to play other roles they don’t actually want to play, and the quality of their performance in their game often reflects that, affecting other teammates. These players don’t even need to win the match to be rewarded with priority passes.
  • Forced crossplay with console players on PC in non-competitive modes, but the console players in those lobbies lose their aim assist negatively affecting their performance in those games. Crossplay was overdue, but enforcing it for PC players just to merge the dwindling playerbase to off set the unsustainable matchmaker is scummy.
  • The game was already awfully unbalanced but the balance team jumped through hoops nerfing and powercreeping heroes in hilarious attempts to better suit them for the 2-2-2 format.

I can’t wrap my head around the players who defend role queue when plenty of BETTER ideas existed that could have solved the original three problems. 2-2-2 was never sustainable and no amount of new content could have saved it. Millions of classic and new players have been filtered by this matchmaker and it shows. If the devs just did their job and made more tanks and supports who were actually balanced then more players would have been playing them and pros wouldn’t be exploiting them.


If you don’t like role queue, play open queue. You don’t want to do that because it sucks? Well, that’s why we have role queue.

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Role queue sucks tho. A vast majority of the 50+ million OW players since launch don’t want to play it. Even many of the players who prefer Role queue don’t want to play OW.

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Honestly, the primary issue with Role Queue is twofold.

  1. In every single game that has tanks, DPS, and healers… the amount of DPS players is always far higher than that of Tanks and Supports. Overwatch made the gap significantly wider by mistreating the tank and support community in too many ways to list here.
  2. In spite of the above, it locked the game to 2-2-2.

It should have been obvious from the word go that role queue that was locked to 2-2-2 was going to create absolutely massive queue times.

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10/10 post.


Not necessarily, they could just as easily have been DPS players who felt compelled to fill on these roles. I was a Genji one trick at the start of Season 1; by the end of it, the time I’ve spent on tanks alone dwarfed my Genji (and DPS in general) play time by multiple factors.

Based and Kaplanpilled

The merits of and the problems with role queue can be debated all day. There are good points to be made either way. I’m personally a big fan of it - the feature vastly improved my experience, but I recognize that others aren’t.

Regardless of where you stand though, role queue didn’t kill the game. Blizzard’s mismanagement and poor decision making did. Most notably - the content drought.

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Because no one likes playing that trash.

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That is the opinion of most of the Flex players I would say but still, here in the forums we cant count with their votes or opinions because … they literally left the game because of that or stopped playing comp etc :rofl:

As you can see, people that lack that knowledge are in denial and ask for that evidence. Apparently we have to create a 2GB folder with VoDs or interviews … otherwise “All my matches had 4-5 DPS” … :man_facepalming:

Forum is an echo chamber and we all know the profile of the players here.
Nothing new to see here.

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It’s a good thing that I only have one account and didn’t do that. It seems like you’re not making a point.

There are too many disagreeable points to respond in full. Role queue is infinitely better than open queue, but if you don’t like it you’re free to still play open queue.

The only reason why 2-2-2 should’ve been standard since launch is on hindsight blizzard has no idea how to balance the game so they should’ve made it easier for themselves from the getgo with these arbitrary limitations.

If blizzard knows how to balance properly, 2-2-2 would not have been needed cuz it would be, by balance alone, the best comp for winning.

If anything, a hard-imposing of 2-2-2 instead of just, behind the curtains, queue teams with 2-2-2 (based on preference, playtime distribution, etc) pre-made, is also the worst solution out of all possible ones that creates 2-2-2 arbitrarily.

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Did you play old OW?
Have you played Open Que?

Both were garbage.

At least with role que, it forced people to think about what they were planning to do a little.

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Could you at least list all the problems role queue fixed? I’m pretty sure I nailed all three of them. The list of problems caused by role queue is fairly long so it’s not like you could match them anyway.

Too bad tens of millions of players over the past 6 years disagree, as seen by the shrinking playerbase. Not even new players can replace the ones leaving in droves due to awful match quality. If 2-2-2 was infinitely better like you claim then the player population would have grown after 2019 when we were still getting content, not collapse.

Why would I do that? The whole game sucks to play now compared to years ago, including nu-OpenQueue. It’s better than RoleQueue, but OW is practically unplayable unless you 6-stack OR you don’t care about winning or losing at all.


Isn’t there and old post or quote from Jeff Kaplan saying if they had to enforce roles, they failed at balance?

I swear I saw that in 2018 or 2019.