OW2 Balance Team new Q&A


I dont expect more tbh.

He legit said, there have been no role changes.
Only Doom has been tried as a tank.

You read too much into stuff with your silly conspiracies jesterskull.

They might do it they might not even try it. Stop spamming this.

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Pretty happy with the information we got and it goes exactly in line with a lot that I’ve been telling people. The 25% healing nerf was just an experiment and healing is too impactful in 5v5 in their current build. All the complaints people have with the gameplay shown in those videos should be taken in that vacuum. Glad to also see that some of the damage spam is also being looked at so that tanks aren’t in a fluctuating state of immortal to pile of ash. Would be interesting to see a tank Doom. I actually think it’s practically the only way to go with him with the direction of OW2.


Well here is where you have completely different expectations from the reality of what OW is and will become.

Healing equal to damage would mean infinite team fights. It just cannot happen.

And supports are not just healers - they never have been. That is not new with OW2.

I’m afraid you will always be disappointed with the healer role.

They should be above such things. And besides, the community is like that because the result of their actions.

Why hate just because I disagree withy you about mercy?

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Are you above such things at your work place?

If you mean towards the consumer - yes. Just because I don’t like someone it doesn’t mean that I have to show it.

So you get personally insulted at work for work you’ve created?

How have devs


not said a single word about Pharah yet (in ow2)?

I swear to god they aren’t aware she exists

They even acknowledged bastion before her it’s crazy

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its still crazy to me how so many supports can lose their identity and their utility (hi brig)
yet ana cant lose sleep or anti because “muh highlight reel”
actually deranged

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So apparently Brig’s identity was stun on shield bash… okay…

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and her armor in rally. im surprised not many other people are talking about how huge that nerf was

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It seems that some people think that the only identity Brig has it’s her Shield.

I’m pretty sure if they change the complete model, voice lines, etc, but keep the same Shield, they would think it’s Still Brig lol.

Nah, we saying people are stupid for getting all worked up over things that are far from final decisions. Blizz is just confirming here that all these people are doing is speculating.

brigs armor tankiness and stun WERE core to her identity yes
if you think brigs stun wasnt a big part of what made brig brig i have no idea what to say to you

what is brigs core identity personality wise?
torbs daughter
reins squire

what was brigs core identity gameplay wise
shes was a cc heavy paladin whos power fantasy was to fight alongside rein as squire/knight and spread armor around like her dad torb used too
now she has none of that shes just a boring healthpack despenser with a lil bit of duel potential

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A good move would be to have DEV Q & A from a monthly stream like what CRYTEK Does with Hunt: Showdown.

They seam to be fairly active in the game. But at times there are some things that DEVS will miss in their game and if they can drop in and fix it for each tier of player. It makes for a more engaging and fun game to play.

I agree that rapid changes aren’t always fun. But as long as someone from the company is transparent. it brings player trust in. Plus, this solves player backlash where folks feel that they aren’t being listened to.

I can say personally. That overwatch isn’t FUN for me right now because I feel as though that “buddy stacks” are almost mandatory to play with and against. But that is MY opinion. Which doesn’t mean it is not always VALID.

But there has been a number of complaints lately that something IS not working right with match maker so players feel INFURIATED when matches aren’t seemingly “organic” anymore. They almost always feel very ONE SIDED.

Especially this change lately. it is very infuriating to play the game. It almost feels like most matches are wasteful time spent trying to apply efforts, just in hopes that the clock runs out fast and the team a person on. Gets steam rolled faster. So the match maker adjusts itself and finds a more interesting match, where enemy players don’t get steam rolled easily or perhaps the enemy players aren’t so strong that they are impossible to play against…

As a support player, I am not liking what I’m seeing.

Tanks mitigate far more damage than they deal. The logic that the loss of a tank means supports should heal for less makes absolutely no sense.

To me, OW2 is sounding like a DPS player’s dream.


Well this is all due to internal testing, as they barely saw how strong Sombra would be without giving people who play competitively a chance to play her. Wonder what else they’re not going to find without some serious gameplay…

I mean we really have no idea whats happening to Sym, Orisa, Sigma, Moira, Doomfist, Bap, etc. I think it’s a lot more heroes than just Pharah.

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