OW should be a party game, not a competitive game

For the game that is older than all of the forum people, TF2 is still charting at the top 10 Valve games at this moment.

Valve games may not have the highest player counts, but they refuse to die.


OW 1 gutted the fun part about it the moment role queue was a thing. A role isnā€™t fun if you have to force people to play it. At the very least, thereā€™s going to be Junker Queen in the tank role in OW 2 because Iā€™m getting sick of playing shield.


No Limits is still my favorite game mode and will always be the real Overwatch as far as Iā€™m concerned.


pretty much this, regardless of design intention launch overwatch was a fun casual game where you could jump into a match, pick a hero that looked cool and have hijinks ensue.
Sure it could be tilting but it still was fun and not a chore to play.

But they really, really wanted their esport, too bad blizzard balance philosophy is to rotate heroes with sledgehammer nerfs and ridiculous buffs (or let op heroes completely unchecked while pretending they are fine).
Overwatch is a game that is too tryhard for casuals and too casual for tryhards and killing all homegrown tournaments so they could have maximum control over the owl ensured an inorganic and gated pro scene thatā€™s completely disconnected from everything.

Sadly the reason overwatch is succesfull is thanks to the characters, the polish, the sound design and the feedback loop. From a technical and game design standpoint this game is a marvel and so much fun to play, which is why it ropes people in.

And then when you play after a bit you notice all the stupid things that make the game not worth it, but by that point you are hook and you hope every patch is what will bring fun into the game


go play arcade then. its called COMPETITVE for a reason. its not supposed to be fun to lose. you are supposed to win

This thread is the inverse of the The scoreboard is the one good thing about OW2 thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

It can be what ever kind of game you want it to be.

I havenā€™t played comp since they introduced role queue. Since then, Iā€™ve just stuck to QP and only play with groups of friends. In that senseā€¦ it is kind of a party game ha.

You want a serious game? Comp is for you. You like variety? Try arcade. You want to experiment or even create your own game types? Try custom games or work shop.

Itā€™s all there, just play how you want to play.

Exactly this! If only Blizz didnā€™t focus more on OWL and catered to the casual players we could have gotten it


Blizzard : PvE for ya

The FPS equivalent of party games is Call of Duty.

Noob tube oneshots? :white_check_mark:
Nukes that end the game early? :white_check_mark:
Martyrdom, which junkā€™s kit straight up copied? :white_check_mark:
Wall glitch meta? :white_check_mark:
Noscope derp gun builds? :white_check_mark:
Predator missiles and bombing runs for chaos and inescapable near random death? :white_check_mark:
Flying an AC130 and blowing up half the map? :white_check_mark:

The skill aspect is what stops us from spiraling down into such degeneracy.

No, itā€™s what prevents us from having fun. Instead we have metas, people losing their minds over someone not doing as they say, and other ā€œfunā€ things.

Degeneracy? What, are we trying to make gaming into some kind of noble/aristocratic thing?

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Not so much skill based as it is Shooter Based.

It went from ā€œEvery type of back ground can pick up this game and perform well toā€ to ā€œClick heads simulatorā€

OW2 has leaned way more towards that direction and now we have the mess that we have today.


Funny you say that because it started declining with the addition of Brig, a hero that was made to cater all the mercy mains complaining about getting rolled by tracer and genji.

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I think you and he both are right.

OW first loses much of its competitive people when those with huge ability hitbox characters came out and Goats the meta ruled OWL over 1 year.

Since the competitive people left the game, there were more carebears in OW. But then, the devs introduced RQ and wanted to change the direction to a more competitive game to regain the popularity(it seems much more competitive people are there in FPS scene apparently.), but the competitive people didnā€™t come back(there are plenty of alternative FPS now, and no one likes waitinā€™ for 10+ minutes for 1 game) and the carebear people started to leave the game.

You point out the first exodus, and he said about the second one. But yeah, the second one seems minimal compared to the first one.

First exodus was pretty much during Moth. Both of Mercy players hating new playstyle and of other players, not willing to have such monster in their games or having to pick one.

With Mercy being trashed, we needed new anti-dive support, and here comes launch Brigā€¦with people singing ā€œwitch is deadā€ having no idea, what horrors await them, because of it.

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Destiny pvp is pretty hard to pick up for new players, harder than ow because they dont have any really easy heroes like this game does

Strong aim assist does not make it easy, you get one shot by people who have mastered movement and special weapons

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Oh yes, elemental damage. Just for that I had assault rifle with switchable elements, that could bounce shots off walls.

I play exclusively arcade, I havenā€™t touched competitive in years. The problem is they balance around competitive, and its ruining the game by homogenizing everything.


This is exactly what i do with OW and I still have much, much fun.

One of my favorite casual games ever, and thats hard to do cause ,minecraft ,stardew and TF2 is hard to beat.

OW as a serious tryhard game in prob in my bot 5 thoughā€¦ I find from a base skill value OW is low on the totem pole, but thats just me.

I would love if they took the fun chaos route, april fools every day.


The lowest common denominator for fun is blowing tons of people up with no counterplay. Itā€™s why smash bros has items and why TF2 has random crits. Itā€™s why your definition of fun will be completely ignored to appeal to the hordes of edgy 12 year olds with a god complex.

If thatā€™s what it takes to protect the game, then sure.