OW should be a party game, not a competitive game

Since junkrat has a high winrate he is obviously overpowered


I jest but that is likely the reason why he’s been bottom-tier trash pick for years and blizzard has done nothing about it

same for heroes like mei/sym

blizzard doesn’t even know how to read their stats


well, they want to make a competitive game and constantly patch out anything “unintended”, the problem is that they fail SPECTACULARLY at it.
Brig existed to deal with the then current dive meta and they overshot it by a country mile.

they’ve always been very clear about wanting an esport, they just never figured out you actually need to think a bit before adding broken abilities.
And stuff like JQ commander shout makes me doubt they have learned anything in the past 3 years

honestly, moth mercy was much more busted than brig, but in a weird way she was so overwhelmingly overpowered anything else could work. As long as you had mercy any comp worked in casuals.

Brig was the opposite, even in casual she effectively erased half the roster, it’s telling snipers became meta because they were the only one capable of killing anything once brig was on the field

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Oh, the fun was gutted long before then.

Role queue would’ve had much better queue times if it was implemented before Overwatch’s tank and support player populations cratered.

It could have even stopped the exodus from happening, seeing as how most of the tank & support players left due to their mains getting mutilated over GOATS + burnout from a vicious cycle of constantly being peer pressured into the stressful job of solo tanking/solo healing when no one else is willing to herd cats (3+ DPS comps in solo queue).


It’s a shame Wrecking Ball has a CD on his grappling hook now. He was infinitely more fun to play before.


I know right? I at least thought the version where he stops dealing damage and knock back after 6 seconds was infinitely better than just losing the grapple completely.


I prefer the organized chaos of OW2 over the randomized chaos of OW1

hard to swallow pill: casuals dont keep a game alive. they tune in for a handfull of games each event and thats about it. you gotta please the tryhards that get every battle pass, every mythic skin and are hardstuck plat and diamond. thats your playerbase. thats the ppl that actually keep the game alive. and those ppl while not being super competetive, are also not super casual and take the game seriously at least a tiny bit.

You can have fun casual modes, but a game sustains itself on its hardcore players. The ones that put in the hours and buy the cosmetics and battle passes.

If you think ow1 was a party game at launch you havnt played many new pvp games. It just felt that way because nobody knew how to play it yet. What and how to abuse for meta. As people got better it developed accordingly. Honestly if people didnt take losing as life or death in every rank watching my silver friends play looks like a party game to me, current characters balance and all.