Overwatch top500

Keep up the bumping, liking, etc and maybe one day we can have those sweet sweet rewards


Weā€™re at it boys, the bumping is real!


I bump because things need to be bumped.

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Letā€™s bump as many threads as we can. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/s36-t500-leaderboards-kicked-diam-players-at-the-last-minute/

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Bumping same thing happened to my friend and I :]

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Iā€™ve updated my post with more information again. Season 36 Missing Top 500 Rewards At the bottom is my comprehensive list of all the posts about top 500 bugs I could find. It is probably incomplete and inaccurate so suggestions on corrections are welcome. And as always, if you have not already, please create your own post if you have these issues so that I can add it to the list and have these issues resolved.

Sweet baby Jesus as they say, thatā€™s A LOT of threads and T500 issues.

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Bumping up this post again.

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Weā€™re here, Blizzard. Forever and ever.

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Bumping up this thread.

New week, new hope that Blizzard will acknowledge this issue.

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With all the developer communication happening this week, perhaps this is the week Blizzard will acknowledge us.

Maybe yes, maybe noā€¦

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Welp now we know the answer is a no. I finished at rank 147 for competitive CTF this season but, I only received the Top 500 Flag Bearer player title for it and Iā€™m missing my Top 500 icon. Some Top 500 CTF players only received the Diamond Flag Bearer title and some didnā€™t get any end of season competitive points. Not only that, but the career profile stats were updated so that my season final and peak for season 36 now both show diamond when originally the season final was diamond and the season peak was Top 500, but they should both be Top 500. Tons of people with end of season adjusted ranks getting the wrong rewards too. And thereā€™s a new visual bug with the season rankings menu too. I was a fool to believe this season would be anything except a giant mess. Linking my post in case thereā€™s anyone left in here still lurking who wants to contribute in spreading the word: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs.

One last (maybe) bump before new season comes out!

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May Step-Papa Aaron bless us with the rewards we earned soon.

I take back my words. Step-Papa Aaron has instead blessed us with the news that fully realized PvE Hero Missions, talent trees, and hero progression are now cancelled. All that will be left of the developed PvE are battlepass-tied Story Missions. How I yearn for the golden years to returnā€¦Who knows, maybe with the refocus back on PvP our Top 500 rewards will finally be given to usā€¦

they have prob never seen anythign about it and only care about majority vote, as a genji main id rly rly rly love the top500 icon for the last season, but i just dont see it sadly, and its going downhill from here, idek know anymore, ill make another ticket about it and see if their is anything about it but until then, i dont see anyone getting the last season of ow1 top spray at all, (ill keep the post updated if i do get a decent response)

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There have been a few customer support responses which indicate that they have at least recognized our issue, which you can read about in the megathread, but I doubt a Dev has seen it seeing as how the Dev team has no contact with Customer Support. However, that doesnā€™t mean we should stop trying.

Please do include a link to my megathread in your customer support ticket as well, Iā€™ve fully explained and documented our missing Season 36 Top 500 rewards and compiled a list of every player who was affected, and more, but I canā€™t risk sending another support ticket due to my account warning. Link here: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs.

Bumping up this thread.