Overwatch Scammed us with fake BP credits

This is the hill you’re dying on now? You guys are so desperate to blame Blizzard for everything. Take some accountability for your own actions.

lol, they’d rather give away the old credits than give us anymore than 240 every 4 weeks as they want us to work like it’s a full time job to get those 60 credit :cowboy_hat_face:

But jokes on them because doing Microsoft reward dailies takes a couple mins every day vs how long weekly takes lol

Is being a clown a favorite hobby of yours ? I’ll never understand what’s in it for people like you to defend scammy moves from a company that’s clearly lost interest for their community (aka clients).

We all know their goal is to make profit and that’s ok in the capitatlistic world we live in, however, we’re supposed to get quality content and service in exchange which Overwatch stopped providing for quite some time.

I wasn’t scammed on a personal level but that type of move just makes me warier and I don’t trust Blizzard anymore. I don’t think it’s healthy for clients to feel like they have to check the slightest detail whenever they want to purchase something from them.

This will have consequences in the future (there already are). They better double the efforts with a new team to boost their PR 'cause they’ve been digging their own grave for months.

Can we all agree when changing legacy credits to credits maybe they shouldn’t have changed the color to the same thing as the premium currency since it was already a close thing with the symbols and removing ANOTHER differentiator was a move to obfuscate immediate comprehension and not facilitate it?

Especially since in the purchase screen on the hero menu it was still white? Why make it yellow in the BP?

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They’re at most synonymous depending on the context of the use, however there is a clear delineation and intention to use different wording. Not once do you see a crossover in any publication.

If people use them synonymously, then they’re using the clearly non-interchangeable terms wrong on the incorrect basis that they are the same term, plain and simple.

There were several changes made to how OWL tokens were earned, I don’t think there were ever mentioned in the patch notes.

That being said, it’s clearly stated “credits” can be earned through the free and premium BP.

If they were meant to be synonymous terms, why is there a clear delineation in terminology?

Your argument is literally “casual players are inept”. Kindergartners learn color association. Like I hate to boil it down and generalize, but dude that’s actually what your argument reduces down to.

I’m sorry you fell into the camp that wrongly assumed that the distinct terms “coins” and “credits” meant the same thing.

It was pretty obvious to me even with a color swap.

Yeah, always the customers fault, as if we haven’t heard that before. While I agree, customers should be careful, there’s still no excuse in any marketing scheme that leans on confusing their customers.

There was a time where game creaters had the same interest as the people buying and playing their games. Those times are long gone and it’s sad to realize gaming companies such as Blizzard are now trying to fool the ones that participed in making them successful.

The OWL is yet another thing and most people that play the game hardly ever cared about it or watched those matches (with or without tokens to earn).

Speaking of which, most people didn’t receive the tokens they were promised for “watching” (more like afk-ing for hours in front of it) the OWL tournaments.

There have been posts complaining about it for like months. There hasn’t been a year when I didn’t see complaints about those tokens being bugged.

That’s a bigger concern than them not mentioning how you earn them (and like I said, only a niche part of our already niche community cares about anything related to OWL).

The numbers are a proof of that.

Nope, don’t put words in my mouth. My argument is “Blizzard takes advantage of casual players that don’t have time to check the forums on a regular basis and that only trust what appears on their screen, in-game”.

Modifying the way currency looks or recoloring them to confuse customers is scummy practice, period. Blizzard looks more and more like some health insurance company that is trying to scam you. I guess you’re from the United States and that you’re used to dealing with these and consider them as acceptable but most people don’t.

I’m from Switzerland so I’m somewhere in-between the American system when it comes to companies that try to scam you. We have a similar health insurance system and while we don’t have the choice, it’s important to show disapproval so one day things change and hopefully get better.

That’s one of the reasons why I’m calling Blizzard out. They’re a gaming company. Where’s the love for gaming (that is a leisure at first) ? It seems nonexistant, sadly and they’re disrespecting players without a shame.

Nope, as I said, I paid attention 'cause I visit the forums on a regular basis (less now with that boring Season 3 with no new hero and a theme that’s not to my liking) but I find it very off-putting that we had to discuss it in here. Prior to the Season 3 release, their message through an article wasn’t even that clear and we had to see it live to be sure what we could and could not purchase with those legacy coins revamped.

Imagine what it’s like for people that don’t hang around here… That’s why we get so many posts from casual players that are angry at Blizzard for scamming them with those coins recoloring.

Good for you champ but that’s not the point I’m stating here. What I was getting at is that it’s important that Blizzard understand we didn’t like that move as it could lead them to be even more shady in the future when adding new features (with a price) that are all confusing with similar terms.

I don’t think it’s smart of them to have that many different currency in the first place and if they decide to keep on making things more complex in the future (to a point where players are never 100% sure of what they can or can’t buy, without checking on the forums first), this will only drive more players away.

I’m also doing Blizzard a favor by being critical about all of this. It’s for their own good too, believe it or not. It’s safe to say that their reputation is not at its best currently, so, it’s up to them to make a significant change (towards a better direction) :man_shrugging:.

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You got scammed by your own lack of attention because it was announced from the start these were going to be legacy credits! Legacy credits have always been gold btw. OW Developers should have made their IRL money credits to look completely different from legacy credits or removed them altogether!

Blaming customers won’t fix the issue of having confusing currency. There are too many and they all look alike. If some people get confused, it’s because it’s confusing, especially when one doesn’t have time to check on the forums. Everything should be visually clear in-game and it’s not.

Nope, they changed colors since the October 4th update (they were grey - washed out to make us understand this currency wasn’t valid for new cosmetics anymore). The gold / yellow color to legacy coins reappeared only in Season 3 when they were added to the Battle Pass tracks.

So, you agree they looked similar and that it’s confusing, then ? The OW team (more like some bureaucrats from Blizzard) didn’t want to make them look completely different for a very obvious reason called “profit” (by voluntarily confusing customers).

It’s laughable that a company that is supposed to be so confident about their new business model (essentially through BP sales) and the whole “OW2” project, has to stoop as low as to making currency look similar so a few players think there’s Premium currency in the Premium BP :p…

What aren’t they telling ? Are skins and Premium BPs sales not reaching the numbers they expected ? Did they really think they could beat Fortnite at this that easily or something ?

I wish we would know what this is all about ('cause we know they got a lot of profit no matter the negative reception since October 4th by the fans).

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You can’t seriously blame people who scrolled through the battlepass and think Blizz didn’t know EXACTLY what they were doing. Not everyone reads the devs blogs, social media, ect ect… some people just log in at the start of the season to see what the pass has to offer. And when they did, it was MADE to look like you were getting the gold currency. It was a total bait and switch scam. They knew it wouldn’t get everyone, but it didn’t have to fool everyone. It tricked enough people to sell more passes again, people who were not going to get it because the value of playing this game at all is dropping into only the third season.

I think what they should do is prompt people to see patch notes when there’s a new patch when they boot up the game. If people don’t want to see patch notes, it’s their choice, but there are instances where you could miss things.

Though I agree the way they maliciously - whether by active choice or not - led people to believe they were premium currency was awful.

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This is coming from the company who deliberately does this like crazy for Diablo Immortal, where if you buy the item, it’s special in ways the non-bought item isn’t, even though they have literally the same exact icon and MOST of the same name.

Like, they had to recolor the coins to look similar to the credits. They obviously did this on purpose.

And sure, you can get at people for “not reading,” but that doesn’t give Blizz a free pass for being scummy here.



People should be informed and make sure they’re seeking that info from many sources… but this does not excuse what was done.

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I’d bet my life that they changed the colors because it was grounds for being sued.

False advertising in a nutshell. So many people complained - the water was getting too hot.

Not always, but in this case despite a color swap, there are more differences than similarities.

Marketing isn’t built on 100% honesty, this is no exception.

Those companies still exist, there’s plenty of them.

The companies of yore have transcended and nothing is going to bring them back to where they were. Either accept that and find fun within the cash grabs or move on to greener pastures.

Doesn’t matter what the basis is, changes were made to a premium currency that weren’t in the changelog.

The point of this part of the reply was to show there’s no precedent for including changes to something that concerns money, not about OWL itself.

I didn’t put words in your mouth, what you suggested is the most roundabout way of saying they lack the ability of discern past rudimentary visual stimuli.

Then in the followup you changed your argument to something a little more rational.

Lmfao I’ve had a lot of health insurance companies over the years, and not one tricked me by changing the color of my plan.

They’re a corporation that makes games.

There’s nothing that says they’re mandated to have a focus on leisure or a love of gaming.

Their message was clear enough for this individual to call it out 7 days before season 3 went live for us to see:

Well then by all means, tell them how to run their ($59bil) company champ that ($1.84tril) Microsoft and ($103bil) Sony are hounding each other over. Show ‘em how it’s done.

I think it’s amazing that despite their apparent heavily degraded, very publicly tarnished reputation that they’re still leveraging hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of players to spend time in a game that’s so overly panned by its playerbase, and still getting truckloads of people who say “I knew Blizz was shady, but I didn’t expect to get sCaMmEd like this” like it’s a surprise or something.

They’re not going to change, and I guarantee you they’re not going to glance at your favor. Hate to be a doomer on this one but what you see is what you get. Accept it or don’t, but your choice isn’t going to change anything.

It was either done to get impulse buys on people that didn’t know otherwise, as many BP systems give back premium currency for completing them.

Or simply could be a leftover icon from the loot box syste, that got overlooked and didn’t get recolored to match the new system.

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That’s exactly what needs to change in the future in our society. Laws should change, especially in the US, so that kind of dishonesty towards customers becomes “suable”.

What I said above. We, the people, need to call that out as much as possible and not let it go. The more vocal we are about it, the more chances there are for this to change. That’s how people got their rights over the centuries.

This is the very issue. In the 90s, when games weren’t so mainstream, companies were more honest. It’s sad that success always lead to turning them into scummy corporations in our capitalistic societies.

We’ll see how it goes when Microsoft takes over but I don’t believe Blizzard / Activision will be having a bright future if they keep on treating customers as such. Sooner or later, they will get the consequences.

Marketing would cease to exist, plain and simple. This stuff is built upon the idea that there’s a level of discernment that can be applied to understand what’s being shown off and what can be discovered when you dig a little deeper.

There’s marketing that isn’t forthcoming, and there’s marketing that is overtly false. The former is entirely acceptable, the latter is already illegal.

Your sentiment for doing so is understandable, but it’s vapid.

Sir this is an industry built on entertainment, not a civil rights movement in the making.

You want to see change in the industry, talking about it on a forum where 98% of the playerbase doesn’t exist isn’t the way to do it.

They absolutely weren’t my guy, in fact marketing were actually overtly more dishonest than what we have now. That’s childhood nostalgia talking not reality, go back and watch ads, look at boxes, and read the descriptions of games as they were intended to be read.

Games were better sure, more complete, better value, but marketing was absolutely bordering on false advertisement and games were held together with bandaid fixes.

Considering OW2 uses almost identical financial systems to that of Halo Infinite, I would say don’t get your hopes up even if I want the merger to happen.

Honestly, both are equally likely, either Blizzard was being greedy, or lazy.

“OvErWaTcH sCaMmEd Us”

No the developers didn’t scam you. They made it perfectly clear, from the get go when they announced that credits were coming to the battle pass that they would be ‘legacy credits’ not credits used on the store to buy most skins, bundles or really anything that’s currently on the store.

It wasn’t a secret. They didn’t pull a fast one. They were up front from day 1 when they made that announcement.

Now if you want to be angry about the fact that you’re getting legacy credits, which are pretty much worthless, instead of actual store credits, then I am in full agreement. An easy win for the OW2 team would be to add store credits to the battle pass. They didn’t do that, instead giving a mostly worthless currency that can’t even buy epic skins, just the standard recolour ones.

But don’t say you were scammed, because there is no scam at play here. Period.

Honestly I do hope they get sued for it. The color change was only to trick customers and no other valid reason. And of course their justification will be “well who will sue a video game over $10?”