Overwatch is dead

No, this had already been stated in a stream with Jeff with Seagull iirc. They have a separate team that handles things for OWL. Any software developed is taking care of by the main team and it’s always for the game as a whole and not specifically for OWL.

Reminder that 2 people created the behemoth that was the workshop, and the command center is just another type of spectator mode that probably didn’t take as much as people think.

Yes, it is a business, and it’s a business I fully endorse because if it helps keep future content free for the players then it’s all good to me.

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I also got to express my doubts on this. Is owl taking all the resources from the game? Probably not. That doesn’t mean things aren’t being diverted to better fund OWL. I know ages ago an entire department was shifted over to OWL to help finish the team costumes and other bits and pieces.

Then you have the OWL exclusive skins that keep coming out, often the best looking skins released that year. You can’t say that didn’t take time away from the art and design of making more skins for the base game.

But the biggest issue is the entire balance of the game seems to be based around what OWL players want and what looks flashy on Stream. It doesn’t matter how well the game plays, all that matters is people think it’s a big flashy kill to viewers.

Express your doubts all you like. The only time the devs helped OWL was in the initial set up, that was a little over a year ago. OWL skins are just skins at the end of the day. If you think it takes a whole dept to work on one skin you’re clearly kidding yourself.

The devs always work on a majority of sections of this game, and one person make skins for the OWL isn’t really hindering much. The only area that OW is slacking on is lore, and that’s not an OWL issue. The slow balance changes have always been a Blizz standard. The more heroes they add the slower the changes will come btw, since they have to constantly work around so many of them.

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Administrative team or software/dev team? Developers are moved around as needed depending on what the project is for. Can you list the names of the developers that are focused on OWL? Can you name the OWL team?

Yes, this is exactly what people are saying. That the main team has been focused on OWL. Basically any change or improvements can help the game as a whole. But it’s the height of naivety to not believe they are going to follow the money and right now it’s clear the push has been focused on OWL. From balance changes to systems.

The above is my point, the Workshop was basically a passion project from two developers that started with them doing it in their spare time. I believe even in the livestream I watched with them the Workshop only came to fruition because it wouldn’t take up much development time from the rest of the team. The Workshop is the type of thing that greatly benefits the entire playerbase but the Devs were focused more on OWL things than changes like that.

This is the only thing I agree with out of your post. For me OWL is a way to keep the game alive so I’ll never be salty about it. If OWL succeeds then the game succeeds as a whole. Especially if Overwatch ever goes F2P and stays in the mainstream eye on local channels it just means a bigger playerbase than we have right now.

I don’t think they’re harming the base game by focusing on OWL, I just think it’s short sighted to believe that’s not where the obvious focus is. Btw…

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Activision-Blizzard has already double-downed on the OWL concept. They’re already selling team slots for the OWL-format new CoD League for $20 to $25 million a slot.

But whatever works for them. I don’t watch eSports, so it has no bearing on me or my entertainment. And my primary game now, Dead by Daylight, isn’t esports associated at all, so I don’t have to worry about esports crap in my game at all anymore.

They took resources in the past from OW to OWL and i have no doubt they are putting OWL before OW when it comes to distribute resources … and i am talking mainly about staff.

It’s going downhill sure, but you can’t call a game dead if it’s literally not dead lol

I believe fate is going to be playing again for south korea this year in the world cup. He hasn’t gone anywhere.

Until the servers shut down. Overwatch is not dead.

Thats kinda … how it works. Drops micLeaves the room


I mean, people are still playing it.

Yes, a 6v6 multiplayer game isn’t as popular as it was 3 years ago… who knew.

OW is dead thread #7298 see you next … tomorrow with the next one folks.

Dying for 3 years and counting.


then why u still on the forums if its so dead lmao

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The forums don’t even remotely resemble the actual playerbase.
The forums can basically be divided into:

  1. People who get on the forums to complain about something
  2. People who get on the forums to complain about complaints
  3. People who are bored

The average player does not get on the forums unless they have something they absolutely despise or something they view as game-breaking.

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The game has been neglected since the end of 2016. It is not even surprising. The surprising part is people actually waiting so long for it to get good again.

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Yup, none of that means anything to me, still playing and loving OW.

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Blizzard was right in not touching goats, though. If you watched the last bunch of OWL matches you’d have seen Goats being easily dismantled using proper strategy, just as some sane people kept saying over that one year. Unfortunately blizz gave in anyways and that leads to the downfall :frowning:

Overwatch is claimed to be dead since 2017, yet still here.

Except strategy does not exist for basically anyone not a pro.
Pros could get past it? Great. But our counter to goats was… more goats.


What a ridiculous statement from someone with 17k posts. The game has gotten pve events, balance changes, quality of life changes, new maps, new heroes etc. since it released. It even got several game of the year awards. You just seem frustrated. Maybe you should stop posting and play something else.


They said back during the first OWL Season that they diverted Team 4 (The Overwatch Development Team) to make OWL better. We dont know if that was the case in Season 2 as well.