Overwatch is dead

For a semi-final between SFS and NYXL, I’d expect a lot more than 100k. 100k was average for a regular match earlier in the season.

I got an email about modern warfare beta this morning, just saying.

All except archives recycled from the first year and even that one is starting to get recycled.
The amount of new items and maps is at its lowest.

if you have actually played other games you woudl know how bad OW actually is.

At its launch lmao.

To be honest, OWL never had numbers at all. The numbers you have is people watching AFK due to points so they can get skins ingame.

Overwatch is far from dead. Say you whatever you say.
If you think OW is dead, I can’t imagine what you can say about any other game out there. Delusional stuff.

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Well … it doesn’t look like they put much effort in OW anymore while OWL seems to be boosted. Devs do little communication with the community nowadays, lore didn’t extende in any way except for new heroes release and when they hit Soldier with the gay stick and events were just disappointing … when there even was one. Beside the Ashe cinematic there wasn’t anything remarkable OW put out in a year or so. Cosmetics are fine too i guess.


Haven’t seen posts like this in a surprisingly long while. Does that mean a golden age of OW?

yeah, thats a bad thing, in fact, that is what drives people away the most

Most people go to watch parties since it leads to more camaraderie. My friends and I go to the them for NY watchings and you need to rsvp to get in and it gets crowded very quickly.

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What exactly do you expect people to change?

And Nicki Minaj retires

I too busy playing Overwatch to come up with an argument as to why it isn’t dead.