Overwatch is dead

People who say OW is dead want it to be though. What they don’t get is that schools and colleges are just starting after summer break. It’s ok to not have 20m players now. And personally I hate COD/BF because of their poor game designs (although shooting mechanics are some of the best I’ve seen) and OW is way different than them.

As for Halo, well it entirely depends on 343. After what they did with Halo 5, I’m skeptical. But Halo is similar to many other online games and given they release every 4 years or so, it’ll attract a lot of dps players if Blizzard doesn’t fix the que times in next couple of months. Then again, people play OW because it has characters they can relate to.

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Alright but I think his point is more of that these streamers are playing other games now more BECAUSE of the extremely long queue times, Also I can only imagine the amount of people having it up in the background for Tokens

As far as I’ve seen they’ve mostly played OW. And people playing other games doesn’t automatically mean a game is dead. People, in general, get bored regardless of how much they may like something. They burn out and try other things, but each time they come back to OW.

Why they have it up doesn’t matter, what matters is they made the effort to do so.

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The point isn’t the “burn out” the point is the Queue times

Overwatch has been “dead” for the past three years. Yet here we are.


Thats why I hope they have something big (at least bigger than the usual hero release) planned for Blizzcon. Talk about it being Overwatch 2… I personally think it could be a fairly sized expansion with lots more maps, several new heroes, etc. and this would explain why they have been so tight lipped the past several months. It would give a reason for players to come back and retain the ones currently playing.

I can definitely agree with that. One of my buds has been talking non-stop about this for about a month with it being the make or break issue. I always hope its a good game.

Instead of “canned” heroes they should have multiple abilities, Ults, primaries and secondaries on them from which you get to choose one skill for each before the game even starts. That way if you see a Winston or D.VA or Zen it’s not a hard given on what they can do.

That way heroes can have builds just like teams do. That should also help a lot with one tricking too in that yeah you’ll have a weakness guaranteed still but what that weakness is also varies by the build you choose.

Just a thought. It would make the game more interesting. Do a lot to solve player burnouts as well.

Can’t be helped. If Blizz can miraculously create a queue that doesn’t have a long DPS queue line, all MMOs and games that involves roleQ would praise them as dev Gods cause no one has solved it yet.

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Not having roleQ fixes that. LFG was there forever.

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They’re not going to revert it and nor should they. Role Q is better in the long run for the game and not enough people used LFG to make it worth it.

The game is no where near dead.

But they will never get a deal like that from Twitch again. The numbers haven’t been good enough to make it worthwhile.

They will probably have to find away to subsidise it with bigger deals from China. If they even want to play along.

Unfortunately they don’t need to. So they aren’t going to go crazy over it either. As far as I know, you need at least $20m to secure a franchise in OWL? They got tons of sponsors right now.

When things get boring after 5 years, they’ll launch another game or expand onto others. That’s how business works anyways. Even if OW is dead cow? It won’t stop Blizz from milking it.

Never said they should or would.

They tried this before the game came out and I agree with their decision.

This game feels the way it does because of the way the heroes are designed. Your suggestion is the exact reason I don’t like most MOBAs

Take HOTS where you can have a Tracer doing an extra blink or other annoying stuff.

The reason OW is so good imo is because of what I like to call silhouette gameplay where you can look at an enemy and know exactly what they are capable of and what you can do in context to them.

I look at a reaper I know he can wraith, teleport, heal from attacks and his ult even if I could only see his silhouette adding these kind of mechanics makes it less skill based imo.

Source: Developer Update | Evolution of Progression | Overwatch - YouTube

With the amount of bad players I’m getting at times? They’re probably creating bots to solve the que times :stuck_out_tongue:

I already get a lot of bots. Given nobody speaks that much, wouldn’t even notice if I was playing with one anyway.

That would explain all the players who run in when the rest of their team is back at spawn.

We’re all Bots now. :robot: :rofl:

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This I do not believe. OWL has it’s own administrative team but when it comes to software development? They are going to be moving people around especially to make core systems. Some of those core systems will benefit each version of the game, like how we finally got replay in our mode.

But things like spectator mode(Command Center) in OWL? That obviously took away dev resources to do. The devs being so hesitant to go 2-2-2 until Brig and GOATS got OWL watchers furious that tank/supports was the meta? There was a marked drop in quality and attention to the main game since OWL was announced. They didn’t abandon normal players but it’s fairly obvious that a lot of the attention has been placed into OWL as the vehicle which is going to keep the game profitable. It was the most inorganic esports push I’ve seen from any game.

At the end of the day it’s a business and no matter what the devs personally want to do they’re going to go with what Blizzard-Activision deems as the best way to maximize profits. At the end of the day that is what will ultimately keep the game alive for the players and for the devs putting food on the table for themselves and their families.

I know right? I mean it’s the fastest way to get more tanks and healers lol. I don’t know how they’ll fix the que time when there’re 10 dps players for 10 healers and tanks at best.

Sometimes bots in hard mode play better than me or my teammates. Just saying. You never know. I mean at least they stay on objective.