Overwatch coaching (please read)

Calling all players that are looking to improve! I am offering free coaching, for Youtube, to everyone reading this. You will receive a thorough video going over your own gameplay. This is one of the best opportunities you will ever get to increase your skill level.

I am a consistent high diamond - low masters tank player with high understanding of the game and all of the ranks. I solo climbed from low silver to where I am now with minimal fps experience before Overwatch. I am very passionate about coaching and although I may not be the best player, I do know all of the fundamentals for players that are struggling to climb through those lower ranks.

Requirements -
I prefer you are a gold player or below, seeing as that would offer the most coaching experiences and the most overall help for the viewers and the player. That does not mean I won’t coach a little higher.
Send me a good game. Don’t send me your one sided stomp either winning or losing and expect me to be able to thoroughly go over that gameplay.
My best role is tank, though I have hit masters on damage with lots of experience in it. What I want to say is, if you are a support player, I can help you, but it is certainly my worst role.

How to submit your game -
Reply to this thread with all the info below, email me at asuchricoach@gmail.com, or message me on discord @ Asuchri#9971

What to put in the coaching request -
Replay code or a video
Player Name
Character(s) played
Current SR
Platform (Pc, console)
Tell me a little bit about yourself as a player, or the game, or anything that might help me


What to put in the coaching request -
Replay code or a video: AC81S4
Player Name HULK
Character(s) played REIN
Current SR 3100
Platform (Pc, console) PC
Tell me a little bit about yourself as a player, or the game, or anything that might help me I don’t intend to swap. Reinhardt is my favourite. Just trying to get good with him.

Thank you a lot for the offer! I might send you an Email or a Discord reply sometime soon to get some feedback on my gameplay. Thank you being such a wonderful person! =]


competitive subforum is becoming so productive :grin:


Replay code or a video: W4ZP3T
Player Name HULK
Character(s) played REIN
Current SR 3100
Platform (Pc, console) PC

Another one in video form if you prefer…


For sure man, I like seeing people who are looking to improve and I’ll do my absolute best to see what you need.


Replay codes: 5R3AVB (hollywood), VD8T3D (Volskaya)
Player name: Chyh4
Characters: Rein, Sigma
Current sr: 2858
Platform: Pc
-My playstyle is very team-centered, I always try to peel for my teammates which could be whenever a doom or monkey dives in. I am also quite more passive than most people might expect especially from a maintank player, I want to improve aggression but have trouble figuring out the timing

Some information about the games:
-Hollywood: I don’t think I played my best overwatch here, I started on Rein but the Zen and hog poke is just too much for me to handle, I can’t lower my shield to swing for 1 second before dropping to 100hp, overall I felt lost throughout the game and helpless to my team. Switched to sigma in hope of better luck, I felt I did better on Sig but in the end, we lost anyway.

-Volskaya: I think this game is just a massive Sigma difference, not sure how to play double shield properly as rarely anyone plays Orisa nowadays. I feel like I was playing way too risky, and not respect hog’s hook range.

Anyway, Hopefully you take a look at my gameplay and give me some things to improve on, so that I can finally crack that shiny diamond rank.


This gameplay is awesome! I see a lot of teaching moments right off the bat and will keep you posted. Will have something ready for you most likely today.


What to put in the coaching request -
Replay code or a video
Player Name
Character(s) played
Current SR
Platform (Pc, console)
Tell me a little bit about yourself as a player, or the game, or anything that might help me

84FGH1 (QP match)
Average as of this moment

That was first and the only QP match I played yesterday (havent play any today). I was somewhat drunk and I still am cause I’m on a drinking binge for whatever real life reason recently.
I felt like trashbag cause my teammates basically kept saving my butt on constant basis. I kinda have a list of what went wrong and what to improve, but always can hear a different opinion. New strategy? Please dont say drink less lol

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Replay code 95bnqc
Sr1887 (was gold recently)


Thanks, Im looking forward to it

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Would you be able to coach a tank duo?

Heres the video man. I get busy on some weekdays so it took longer than expected. I actually liked the display of both passive play and aggressive play, you had a good mix. There were some little things but it is all stuff you will learn the higher you go.

Ya for sure, that would be cool.

For everyone reading, I am mostly free over the weekend, however will always try to help those who have submitted as fast as possible.


Thank you so much for the video, much appreciated

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What to put in the coaching request -
Replay code : MP4S15
Player Name: Laughter
Character(s) played: All sorts
Current SR: @1788
Platform: PC
Always trying to get better, but the match maker is rigged.

This particular game, 42 elims, 11 deaths, 19k dmg, 30% team damage (I know cause of card).




Are you saying I need coaching?

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Hey man, and others that sent me replays. I had some rough stuff come up in my life, and struggled to find the will or the time to make some more videos. I apologize, and will actually start putting out some more coaching.

Seeing as all replay codes are from last season, if anyone is still looking for coaching, just send them my way and I will see what I can do with it.

For some updated info on me - My main account has hit 3700 on tank and 3500 on dps. Still a low diamond support, but y’know… if you really are looking for some tips I got you.

Quoting you so you get the notif.

Quoting you in case you wanted to send anything else.

Im still working on coaching, and expressing the ideas that I see in gameplay. My one video is the first time Ive ever done any kind of coaching, and I have already gone over with myself on how I can improve. I want to create higher quality content and coaching as time goes on, and every video is a step towards that. Thank you everyone!

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I’m in the middle of exam season rn so I’m playing less often, will definitely get some more coaching when I get back into competitive in the holidays

Just quote bob. you’ll get the same guy.