Stupid Ranking System

I can’t play with my friends because of your dumb system. I won all 5 of my placement matches and still got placed low silver witch is too low to play with my friends. I doesn’t make any sense because I bought the stupid game to have fun with my friends, not to play by myself. And before you say “ohh, play by yourself and rank up.” I tried that already but my teammates are so brain dead that I loose the match with 4 gold metals. It’s a load of bull that is just keeping me from having fun in ranked. If I could I would rate overwatch a negative 1 star for how poorly this was thought up.


so that would mean your friends are 1000 sr above you. meaning they are in plat or above. just work on your own game play, learn the maps and chars, the cool down’s on each char, and the mechanics for them. you will climb


Can’t you just play quick play or arcade with your friends? As you’re finding out, comp isn’t much different these days. Nobody takes it seriously anymore :slight_smile:


Placement matches will put u where u finished last season whether u win them all or lose .

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If you want to climb :slight_smile:

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Not exactly. It just uses your original MMR as a starting point. You won’t go up to, say, GM or anything from bronze but you can increase around 50-70sr if you win the majority of your games. It’s at least better than how it use to be. I remember when placement games use to ALWAYS lower your MMR/sr when you finished placements.

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That’s what I meant , I know u can go up or down 50 ish , I play comp myself .