Plat Tank Coaching

Hey man, it’ve been a while sorry I haven’t been able to play lately

Got 1 replay recently where I didn’t get absolutely rolled and knew there’s probably something I could’ve done to win


The enemy soldier rolled us on the last round and I don’t really know what to do, I thought chasing him would be a waste of time so I just kinda prayed that my teammates either go after him or try not to stand in the open. Anyway, hope you can help me some more, cheers


He was being pocketed by mercy, not much you can do but pray for nerfs to dmg. The cost of playing tank.

you kind of pick your poison. Orsia could have pressured him, but then the rein would walk all over you.

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Rien doesn’t walk on Orisa. Unless your team is playing stupid.

If I’m playing Orisa then he would, i’m horrendous on Orisa

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Honestly me too….

I didn’t watch your game so I can’t really provide commentary other than maybe Hog or D.Va to shut down Soldier. Sigma’s okay too.

  • Hog can hook and 1-hit kill.

  • D.Va can generally save herself and one other as long as you’re not feeding.

  • Sigma can also use kinetic grasp to get around cover.

  • Zarya is easy to punish with powerful ranged heroes like Soldier. You can straight break her bubble and push her so probs no go there.

  • Rien works against soldier if you can get close

  • Orisa is okay as long as you’re playing around yoru shield and a form of natural cover. But you need to advance with Orisa, you can’t yield. It’s a weird play style (broken when powerful though).

  • Winston doesn’t work all that well because soldier has higher mobility. But when nano’d soldier is fudged.

  • Ball is okay but feeds soldier really easily. You gotta engage on him while he’s tunneling on someone else. And after he uses rockets.

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He trounces Orisa everywhere outside of GM

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Nobody breaks barrier lol. If he has a zarya, Orisa cannot tow the line. You act like you’ve never played a normal level game. The second the enemy team beaks into choke, friendly dps are off doing anything but playing with main tank. You either melt them before they proceed through choke, or just lose the frontline.

In silver and gold yeah.

Sounds like a lack of communication.

Definitely not a true statement.

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In Plat and diamond, bud. I’m a diamond tank, and an Orisa main.