Overwatch 2 Ready Check: Prepare for Launch!

I think it’s funny how it’s unacceptable for a video game company to need double-verification for an account, but it’s acceptable for my college to require a phone call verification every time I sign into my online courses.
It’s not that big of a deal. :confused:

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I have a cell phone but my account is attached to an old number and the system won’t let me change it. Bought the watchpoint pack, but can’t even play. Good move Blizzard!


With the amount of people locked out because of old phone numbers or unsupported providers, this game may be Dead On Arrival! Or at least not nearly as busy as it should be at launch.


If I buy the watchpoint pack now, will I still get the exclusive icon? The website says October 4th, but do you mean launch or launch day. It’s 3 hours before launch right now.

Please, Blizzard, I need my region to be changed and I got only 2 hours left, ticket US86427366, please Blizzard it’s painful to see the game downloaded but just can’t play it! PLEASE!!!

I don’t own a cell phone and never will have, so now i can’t play with my friends occasionally. Thx Blizz, i hope Diablo 4 will have it too, at least it’s gonna save me some bucks.


welp Overwatch 2 is up and running, and I’m locked from playing OW2 simply because my phone number is pre-paid, goodbye Blizzard hope your game dies soon. You’ve done more harm than good!


Wait is this seriously a thing?! I have been playing overwatch since it first game out… and now I can’t play Overwatch 2 or have any of my stuff just because I use cricket as a phone service?! Are you kidding me?! After all this time and devotion and enjoyment through all the rotten stuff thats happened… and this is what happens? I just wont be able to play? I want a refund for my watchpoint pack then if i’m going to have my money stolen from me.


Honestly I was pretty excited to give OVW 2 a try but I guess I just won’t be able to play at all seeing as I use Cricket as a provider. Is there any way to get around this stupid requirement? I just wanna enjoy the game! I’d much rather have to deal with the occasional smurf or hacker than not be able to play at all because of my phone number. This is ridiculous.


My cricket wireless number is not being accepted. I’ve had this number for many years. I have a 2021 smart phone that can send and recieve SMS. I would like to play OW2. Please fix.

Edit: 8% of people in just the US use one of the two bigger companies that are rejected. 1 in 12 americans cannot play ow2. 27 million potential players. Rejected because of this redic policy. (All of this is just america not other countries btw). Blizzard must hate money. There is no reason to not accept cricket or metro.


I agree. Id rather get nuked by a smurf widow every other game than not be able to play at all. This is so insane to me…


What really sucks is that people that dont mind linking numbers (myself) literally can’t. I go through cricket. Not a small company or box phone by any means. They use AT&T towers i’m pretty sure even. Have an Iphone X. Also been playing overwatch one on and off since launch. Now after buying the watchpoint pack and waiting patiently I can’t play because my phone service provider isn’t covered?! What kind of crap is that?! You can have my info I honestly don’t care. Its for a video game. The issue is that I am ok with it yet still don’t “qualify” to play their game… make it make sense


Hey, I found a way to get a phone number that the game will accept, but it costs $0.99. There is an app called Talkatone that is just a phone app but for some reason it works with Battlenet. I am able to play now with it

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That’s incredibly ironic if that works. Because if it does. Then their plan to stop botting/smurfs through this means nothing. Bots and smurfs will effortlessly spend a dollar. Block cricket and metro but allow talkatone that cost $1… excuse me??? There is no logic. The problem is. None of this will be fixed any time soon. There is hardly any CMs because blizzard fired most of them. If they even read this thread there is nothing they can do besides tell their boss who is likely apathetic and won’t run it up the ladder. So unless this ends up impacting their profits (which it likely will) and the shareholders find out. Nothing is going to happen. Nothing we say here will make a difference. Only when the shareholders find out that it’s losing money will they care. It’s so pathetic.

I wish there was a way that I knew to easily notify most of blizzard shareholders that 8% of the US population is being blocked from their new game. I doubt most of them read the forums. Most shareholders hold shares for money not because they care about the product. I doubt most blizzard shareholders even play blizzard games. Maybe some of the lesser ones do but none of the bigger ones with more influence. It’s why quality has gone down so much. They only care about short term gains. Nothing else matters. Least of all quality.


Well if that really does work their whole system is useless. So we are being punished for something they havent even fixed. Guess it doesnt matter too much if i cant play the game anyway. I refuse to use some secondary app or something because if it did work and i got in then later they deleted those accounts or something then id be back at ground zero.

Here’s some details about Talkatone:

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When they open your ticket just to leave you on read… thanks blizzard for the assistance. Much appreciated.


honestly, even if something happens with Talkatone that makes me unable to use the number I got from them anymore it isn’t like I would be much better off than when I didn’t have a number from them. I’ll just be unable to play, like I was before because Blizzard hates Cricket, lol

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So not an option to me. Too many risks especially since bliz won’t let you change your phone number.

I said a week ago this would blow up and people would be caught unaware. Here we are.