Frustrated Parent - Overwatch 2

I believe Talkatone is a VOIP service, which is not accepted by Blizzard.

It’s a good idea, but it’s implemented poorly

5% less smurfs is still less smurfs, but the whole thing seems cheap and they just couldnt bother to come up with better solutions/fixes

You have by far the worst opinion on this. Like holy sht

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Most teens have phones.I had a phone as a teen, and that was during the flip-phone era. And everyone else I knew had a phone.

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As if the sms stuff was the majour problem right now

Ah but it has been accepted.

So despite being a VoIP, it’s managed to bypass.

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Everyone is entitled to have their own wrong opinion.

based father protec
based father attak

and look how you turned out.

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It’s far from ridiculous. I was a teenager in the 2000s, and the majority of us had phones.

If you don’t think a kid is old enough for a phone, then you should also think they’re not old enough to go on a PC.

A phone is basically a pocket PC these days, and if you’re worried about all the lack of censorship that comes with the internet, then you can get them a damn flip-phone.

OW was dead 3 years ago when they stopped releasing new heroes/ patch updates.

Yes, because simply being able to call people on my archaic flip-phone that did basically nothing else, was so detrimental to my development.

Hi graduate of 2006-did not get a cell phone until 2010 when I moved to attend my second college (from tech to university).

Shocker, personal anecdotes does not equal everyone’s experience.

Think about this really really really really hard, ok?

A phone is easily bought, for sure.
A plan that you have to pay in a current crisis for 2 phones is not.

Getting both of these just to play a game is wack.

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Okay, but it wasn’t just me. It was like 90% of the teens at my school. Either I lived in an area where teen cellphone ownership was far higher than the average (highly doubtful), or the rate of cellphone ownership at my school correlates to the average.

It takes them a good while to walk back these stupid decisions. Im sure they will walk this one back too.

Again personal anecdotes does not equal norms. It was uncommon for my class to have phones so much so that there was no cell phone rules in my school until well after I graduated.

You must’ve been from like North Dakota or something.

Why should it matter where I’m from? (And wrong btw.)

You’re trying to paste your personal experience as the norm when that just isn’t the case.

You are not the norm, and neither am I. So just stop with the “but for me”-ing.

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How does anyone prioritize ow2 over a phone? It’s a free game.
And there are lots of parents with tight budgets. Maybe go around, see the world, talk with ppl.