Overwatch 2 Ready Check: Prepare for Launch!

I think a lot of these cases apply to people who bought the Watchpoint pack but are now locked from the game because their phone numbers are rejected by Blizzard.

The Watchpoint pack does indeed state the requirement of phone number verification, but did not strictly mention the currently imposed issue of pre-paid VS post-paid.

And on top of that, despite the input page stating that it requests a post-paid number, certain carriers like Cricket are auto-flagged as pre-paid and rejected by Blizzard. These numbers should work according to all presently stated requirements, but they arenā€™t.

Itā€™s good that people are getting refunded, but this is clearly a deeper problem that needs more addressing than refunding those affected. This may mitigate smurfs and cut back on bots, but itā€™s doing a lot more to cut off a significant portion of the currently active playerbase.


Yeah, thatā€™s true, and thatā€™s also likely why people are getting refunds.

No one but Blizzard can say for certain how many players this is impacting.

Plus, remember that Overwatch 2 being free to play is going to bring in a lot of new players as well.

I donā€™t remember reading such a thing in the Battle.net app when I purchased it, and itā€™s too late to go back and check because:

  1. Itā€™s October 3rd, and
  2. Iā€™ve already uninstalled everything.

In any case, the issue has been addressed, so Iā€™m not really trying to have an extended dialog about it :stuck_out_tongue:


Pretty sure the reason people are getting refunds is because Watchpoint is a preorder bonus and the game isnā€™t out yet and refusing a refund on a product that I donā€™t even own or use is not something they can legally defend.

It wasnā€™t in the sales blurb (which is what i read before selling it) but it was on the ā€¦ letā€™s call it the store page. And it was there because you can check peopleā€™ reactions on forums here. Thereā€™s a June thread doing what we do now but so few people realized it that it was a small event.

I agree itā€™s not clear enough, if you sell a game called Game 2 and especially if you retire Game 1 and Game 2 replaces it, you better make it very clear that Game 2 has very different requirements.

But it was there and itā€™s verifiable.

That wasnā€™t all that was in the Pack, though. It also included the Overwatch game itself and a bunch of skins for it as well as the Overwatch 2 Season 1 Premium Battle Pass and OW2 in game currency too.

Not trying to justify it or anything; just trying to ensure all the relevant information is mentioned.

S*** whyā€™d yā€™all have to take the servers down early?!?! Forgot to buy skins last night, and now itā€™s offline at 11:50am EDT :sob:


Yeah, that was annoying. I was one game away from hitting 5k and one last lootbox

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The game itself is free. And the skins are only a thing if the game is up. Premium Battle Pass only works if thereā€™s seasons. So until the game actually launches, you have nothing.

There is no basis for not refunding everyone before the 4th.

And now O1 is dead. And with it my Blizzard launcher. HOTS is dead and SC2 is old. Itā€™s time.

So long, folks.


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Yay thanks Blizzard. OW1 is down and OW2 will probably block me from ever playing simply because of my phone number thanks. :clap: :clap: (applause applause) here is an award :trophy: you earned it for being the most reliable company in the world, hahahaahaahah lmfao.


No, you had the original Overwatch game as it was in the Watchpoint Pack as well along with a bunch of skins.

Overwatch 2 is a free game for rich people.

I have a phone number, but many of my friends do not. You are cutting out many of your original players by requiring a phone number. This is going to kill the game. Why not, at least, allow players without the phone number into every mode OTHER THAN COMPETITIVE? I mean, at least let them play, they paid $60 for this game. That is a lot for some people. :frowning:


Cannot prepare for launch. I am blocked from playing the game because of a pre-paid number.


Get your wallets ready!!!

I cannot get my wallet ready either, I am blocked from playing the game because of my pre-paid number.


I feel your frustrations, I really do. They continue to wage their war on ā€œtoxicityā€ but the system has done nothing but feed it. Voice chat and text chat is almost non existent now because everyone reports everyone. The system should be lenient so people can grow from their mistakes, since you know, they are human after allā€¦ and kids mostly on top of that. I really donā€™t enjoy knowing Iā€™m playing a game that encourages such a terrible system, it feels like the American prison system. Its failing so many people by just banning them instead of trying to reform them. (The phone number is just an extension of this terrible policy). I feel bad for you, but I feel worse for the people who spent money on OW2, just to find they are banned still, since itā€™s still the same game, just reworked to pretend it isnā€™t.

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Iā€™m far from rich and yet Iā€™m able to play (at least I was able to register my phone number successfully).

It wonā€™t because Overwatch 2 being free to play is going to attract a lot of new players to the game.

Because part of this move is to get rid of cheaters from the game, not just segment off a portion of the game so that it has less cheats than the rest of it.

No, they paid $60 for Overwatch. Overwatch 2 is free to play.

Keep saying it. Everywhere. This has to keep gaining traction. This is obscene.

ITā€™S THE CURRENT YEAR! YOU SHOULD EXPECT TO BE TRACKED VIA A CELLPHONE! itā€™s amazing how many people canā€™t comprehend that some people dont want to have their lives tied to a thousand dollar smart device. Are they just young? do they not realize that people existed for decades with just a phone on the wall - and that psychologically peoples lives were much better off before carrying around a dopamine feeding social media machine in their pockets 24/7?

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Expecting Companies to [Attempt to] Track != Agreeing to allow it to actually happen.

Thatā€™s like taking a hit from the crack pipe, even when youā€™re aware that itā€™s addictive and will ruin your life.


Example for emphasis, not for equivalency.

THIS!!! This needs to be fixed asap. So incredibly dumb