Overwatch 2 Ready Check: Prepare for Launch!

apply phone number… already in use o.O cant play game LOL. wont get another phone number just for game.


How to unlock the new Silhouette sprays? they ain’t in the battle pass, and not in the shop??? lol

Yes, this is such a problem. They don’t even seem to care about the players who are unable to access the game, even after buying OW1.


lmfao what a post. just delete it


idk maybe you guys should prepare for launch?


huh… just like smurfs could. Imaging not letting people play who have been loyal since day one because they dont spend enough on cell phones. Having an iphone and spending $55 a month for unlimited through cricket isnt enough. You have to go through only the “qualified” companies. Doesnt matter if you bought overwatch and now its gone. Doesnt matter if you bought the watchpoint pack. Doesnt matter if youve played since day one of OG overwatch. HOWEVER I could just go into my contacts and make 15 alts off of friends and family numbers that dont game. Really sticking it to them smurfs and hackers!


It won’t stop all bots/smurfs, but it will be a deterrant to many who don’t want to bother going through and setting up a phone number for each of their dozens of accounts.

I’ve played since beta. I am not a big whale on lootboxes but I have bought them occasionly. I bought the OG games. And bought watchpoint. I’m SoL.

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Then there is no reason to block cricket/metro. If a $1 phone number is allowed and counts as an “effective deterrent” than a $30-60 should also count.


What the hell is going on with Blizzard? Wow classic servers are completely messed up, and I log into OW to see that it’s the same thing here as well.

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Yea same here. Bought overwatch when it came out. Played for years on and off. Also bought the watchpoint pack like over a month ago maybe? idk the day it was posted i bought it. So I am also SoL. Yet all I keep seeing from people is "dont you have a cell phone?’ YES a nice one even. Going through cricket and saving money was one of the best things ive ever done. This is the first time ive ever had issues with using them as a company. so much better that the contract companies i used to use. Save like 30 or more a month. But nah everyone is right. I dont have a phone and im some smurf cuz im upset. Some peoples kids these days i tell ya.


Same. MY BANK accepts cricket. My bank with intense and sometimes annoying security measures has no problem using sms verification through my cricket number.


Yo for real I was just thinking about that. I work at a credit union and even they accept cricket info for anything and everything. Now tell me how that makes sense here :rofl:

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(post deleted by author)

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Hey you stole my money and wont accept my phone number I want a full refund for my game. I can’t get the years I played back but you can give me the money I paid for it.

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They did not.

No, because you’ve gotten more than your money’s worth out of the money you paid for Overwatch.

Plus, as per the EULA, you only ever purchased a license to play the game.

None of that trumps the law.

An EULA is the law.

Not exactly. A Eula is legally binding but it cannot violate any law. Or that part is invalid.

Big cringe. Just means that I have to go to some shady 3rd party site to get another number to verify to even play. This shi t is pretty retarded. Bots/smurfs whatever can do this as well.