Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Same. The rest of my regular squad have moved up. I now have to play on an alternate account that isnt bugged and stuck in bronze 5. BLIZZARD THIS IS BULLSH17. Not even taking into consideration how poor the support teams have done with resolving player issues.

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Me too. Iā€™ve checked the account merge went through and both platforms have the right account, still nothing though.

I have just won my 7th game and i have lost 3 fokin divisions ??? I was diamond 4 and now i am plat 2 ??? GG blizzard you have ruined literally everythingā€¦ nothing works how it shouldā€¦ heroes, maps, servers, ranks, arcades, events, customs, your fokin launcher, literally any of your gamesā€¦ so fokin broken company you know ? I have just ended with all of your bullsh*t


There is no point in me playing competitive because it keeps sticking me in bronze 5ā€¦ would you fix it or at least my account :pray:


After this recent patch update. When I load into competitive, I have no Hud, No character, No gun, and My teammates are glowing blue circles. When I pause the game to check settings and try to fix the issues**, the Hud display options are gone like leave game , options, social, etcā€¦ . Due to me not being able to unpause and move, I was kicked out the game for ā€œinactivityā€ when im really their. The only thing I could do was type and now im banned from OW Season 1 ranked because of it. Please Fix and unban me.**

Overwatch 2 Status Update - October 25, 2022

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving competitive mode penalties for leaving matches when the game crashed during launch. We have reset the leaver penalties on affected players so they can play ranked again

Well this is a huge lie lmao,

Not the first time it happens too, game crashes and now i have to wait an hour to play ranked again? Iā€™ve done file integrity check, installed the game on different drives and this keeps consistently and unexpectedly happening.


I agree itā€™s ridiculous and I have been consistently disconnected on console competitive for the past 3 weeks (LC-208) despite trying all of the advice.

However, itā€™s not that theyā€™re lying, read carefully ā€“ they reset some banned players, but they didnā€™t actually fix the disconnect bug server issues and the ā€œleaver penaltyā€ being used on those disconnected from the server is still being applied. They have no intention of turning that off. They just reset some bans. They didnā€™t stop people from getting them again.

Guys who is missing blizzcon skins, I hope our voice reaches this leading small companyā€¦ and thank you guys

Almost all my playstation skins have disappeared during account linking, whether I log in on pc or on playstation they have disappeared!

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Do something about people being stuck in Bronze 5 maybe ? At least acknowledge it ??!


Please help those that are stuck in Bronze 5 because of the glitchā€¦

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so i merged my xbox and pc accounts and the skins on my xbox are not showing up on my pc account but pc skins are on my xbox account wtf and the game just tells me on pc that i can rebuy those skins for 100 coins each, again wtf and i shouldnt have to get them again if i already own them

I am still missing two skins: Pachimari Roadhog and Camouflage Mercy. I submitted a ticket about this two weeks ago and was told to post here and alert everyone. Itā€™s not that I play Roadhog and Mercy that often or that these skins are my favorite - itā€™s just the principle of the matter. I had them, now I donā€™t. Please look into this. Thank you.

I still donā€™t have any stats in career profile, and Iā€™m stuck at Bronze 3 despite 2 sets of 7 wins. I want to play comp but I literally canā€™t level up.

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Can SOMEONE please even acknowledge there is a problem with people being stuck in bronze 5 that should be gold or plat? Something need to be done ranked is totally mismatched and the game are grossly unbalanced

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3 weeks still havenā€™t had the issue where my gold skins were lost. New issue I found is my comp history wiped I cant view my old comp history

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Iā€™m having the exact same issue I donā€™t think they really care tho

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Iā€™m 100% with you like honestly the least they can do

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Daily reminder to our friends at Blizzard, since you still didnā€™t talk about it.
Weā€™d like to get our T500 rewards, we grinded for them after all and what happened is clearly a bug, probably related to the changes made to Ranked in OW2. Weā€™ve got proof (screenshots, videos) that we were still in T500 when Ranked got locked ~40 minutes before OW1 serversā€™ shutdown.
We can wait, itā€™s fine, we just want you to acknowledge this issue.

Iā€™ll keep posting this daily until we hear from you guys, and I encourage everyone else affected by this (or even if youā€™re not affected and just wanna help some fellow OW players) to do the same.

Hi! Your game is still broken AF. This Bronze 5 thing is still impacting accounts.

Bests Regards,
The Consumer that you enjoy pooping all over.

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