Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Your fix to the ranked system is not working. a lot of players are still stuck in bronze 5 and are not able to rank up after several wins and even winstreaks. get your game fixed


Iā€™ve got 21 wins as a healer in Comp Role Queue, and I still am Bronze 5. Twenty one wins out of 26 games. WTF Blizz?


Have you had any luck fixing this?

I havenā€™t be able to play period

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i merged my xbox account to my pc account a week or two ago and i got some of my skins but a ton of my event skins are missing and havenā€™t appeared yet


Soooā€¦ when am I getting noire widow back? You know, the skin I bought another copy of the game for just for the code ($30)? I put in a ticket how long ago and I just now got a reply back and it just said to make sure that Im merged and what notā€¦ ridiculous.


HELP! Highlight intros & victory poses set to ā€œrandomā€ are showing as default/heroic

I donā€™t know what the issue is but the game seems to be breaking down as of after I downloaded the pre-release content patch. Characters are teleporting off and around the map, SFX arenā€™t triggering, anytime a genji blades into my screen and stuff starts happening the game starts skipping. I can Play other online games with the graphics up (which are turned down in OW) and im completely fine but OW2 seems like it isnt well optimized or something. Also why is the ā€œavoided teammates buttonā€ hidden behined player names? Is a dev unable to move the button up a literal inch?

My account misses, like 70% of skins, achievements and other stuff after merging my PS5 to OW2.


Hey just wanted to follow up on my previous post. About the error code of LC-208 I have been banned multiple times due to disconnects on my side. And when I attempt to rejoin the match I get hit with error code lc-208 and have to restart my ps5 twice to even get in the game. At this point Iā€™m no longer able to rejoin the game. (That I know is still going because I have my friends in the game) and then receive a ban. This has happened multiple times. And I just now received a season long ban. From leaving games I do not intentionally mean to leave. And also not being able to rejoin the games. Now I canā€™t play the game I was loving. So please if thereā€™s any fix or way to get unbanned Iā€™d love to play your amazing game again.


Hey guys i dont have any of my origins skins is asking to buy. Why? i have been with this game since 2016 i just want my collection back pls


Yeah my wife is having the same issues on PS5

i have 35 wins as tank, some are 10 wins in a row and Iā€™m still bronze 5


My role queue stats donā€™t work at allā€¦ as far as overwatch stats is concerned I put ZERO hours in despite playing for MANY HOURS.

Also stuck in bronze 5, despite winning 7 matches multiple times, getting highest kills/damage/potg/kill streaks!

Am I stuck because itā€™s just not recording my stats?

Does blizzard even care? ā€¦ probably notā€¦ ready to quit the game if this doesnā€™t get fixed.


Blizzard, please can we have an indication of the severity of the LC-208 error? Should we give up hope of our accounts being usable again? Or will we get them back without any of our unlocks from OW1? Or are you close to a fix thatā€™ll allow us to use our accounts and also have all our unlocks?

Thereā€™s been absolutely no detail in your communication about this error, itā€™s not good enough.


I have exactly the same issues. And now I can not play with one of the guys in my group. Cause he has been ranking up the whole time when I have not. :frowning:


has there been any progress in regards to the missing contents of the watchpoint pack? I bought it on PC when OW2 launched but i havenā€™t heard much about it for a while

Bruh the damn sms shi isnā€™t letting me put my number in so I canā€™t even get into the game

Daily reminder to our friends at Blizzard, since you still didnā€™t talk about it.
Weā€™d like to get our T500 rewards, we grinded for them after all and what happened is clearly a bug, probably related to the changes made to Ranked in OW2. Weā€™ve got proof (screenshots, videos) that we were still in T500 when Ranked got locked ~40 minutes before OW1 serversā€™ shutdown.
We can wait, itā€™s fine, we just want you to acknowledge this issue.

Iā€™ll keep posting this daily until we hear from you guys, and I encourage everyone else affected by this (or even if youā€™re not affected and just wanna help some fellow OW players) to do the same.

Still missing all my cosmetics data hours pink mercy skin and my golden guns. Three weeks and still havenā€™t received what was earned. Treating me like a new player and I refuse to put any amount of money into this game until I get all of my crap back. Iā€™ve sent in over three tickets and no one is acknowledging any problem to fix the issue. Which Iā€™m not surprised since blizzard is known for scamming people and not caring about their customers etc.