Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Yeah same here my ow1 cosmetics never transferred after i lost them.

Also has anyone been experiencing spikes in ping? Connection is fine but when i get in game people lag mid fight and teleport all over.

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I had the same issue and I found a potential solution at the cost of lowering my fps even more but the game does not freeze anymore. This disables CPU hyperthreading I think.

In the overwatch launcher, go to Options > Game Settings > tick Additional command line arguments and put this --tank_WorkerThreadCount 4

If you have a 2 core CPU, put 2 instead of 4 above.

youā€™re not alone, on ps4 im having this problem as well. still missing all my ow1 stuff of 5 years. also reset my trophies which is weird

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Stats still stays at 2 hours play time,but I think I have like 60 hours


Ya known issues but the error LC-208?? When do you guys fixing it

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Same, still have none of my cosmetic or progress transferred over. And no help from tickets. In fact, the last ticket said they said the transfer was not a ā€œknown issueā€ and to post it on the forums. And to confirm Iā€™m trying to merge the correct account. Itā€™s one account, on one console, to one battlenet account. I donā€™t get it.

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Daily reminder to our friends at Blizzard, since you still didnā€™t talk about it.
Weā€™d like to get our T500 rewards, we grinded for them after all and what happened is clearly a bug, probably related to the changes made to Ranked in OW2. Weā€™ve got proof (screenshots, videos) that we were still in T500 when Ranked got locked ~40 minutes before OW1 serversā€™ shutdown.
We can wait, itā€™s fine, we just want you to acknowledge this issue.

Iā€™ll keep posting this daily until we hear from you guys, and I encourage everyone else affected by this (or even if youā€™re not affected and just wanna help some fellow OW players) to do the same.

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kiriko skin from the twitch drops still not in the hero gallery, got the voice line but not the skin

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same thing with origins skins, every other got merged but the limited ones from origins didnā€™t :confused:


Partygoer challenge is still not tracking wins in Total Mayhem, should have 10-15 more wins than what is shown.

Still waiting for the Kiriko Sukajan Twitch drop skin issue to be addressed. Have watched the requisite hours, claimed the drop - and the skin is still not unlocked for me, over a week later. Ticket to customer support came back with generic answers to problems that were clearly not what I had laid out in writing and with the screenshots I provided. I fear Iā€™ll miss out on the skin because Blizzard customer support didnā€™t read my message properly and thus failed to reply to my actual issueā€¦


Might be a good thing to add the ā€œnon-progressing challengesā€ bug to the list, since I havenā€™t been able to complete a single one this week, and I havenā€™t been the only one affected by this bug from what I could see in my last forum post. There go my 5 battle pass levels, potentially more if this stays unresolved. :slight_smile:


I merged my ps4 Overwatch 2 account with my Battlenet PC overwatch 2 account and it didnā€™t work so I clicked skip for now and now I cant access the merge button anymore AND my skins are completely gone same thing on my ps4 account which had all my skins please help me fix this


Will the missing skins from OW1 ever be merged into OW2 accounts or?

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Still no acknowledgement on the weekly challenges being unable to complete? People are stuck not being able to complete them and losing out on rewards.


When about missing twitch kiriko skin? 10 days waiting and still counting
Sent a ticket and just got an automated generic message linking to this thread?


A week later I still donā€™t have any of the many legendary skins I had on Playstation. Itā€™s an absurd.


The fact that its been a week with no updates, no words from customer support other than ā€œits a known bug weā€™re looking at itā€ is super embarassing. The game is early access, I expect bugs, but I also want to see progress


ah, i just merged my account and only got the pink mercy skin that i paid for , and none of the other ones i paid for like OW league lol, love to see it.

Same here. I even close out all other applications and even tried uninstalling and reinstalling. So frustrating

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