Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

The “just for you” Shop doesn’t reset anymore, i have had the same bundles and skins for more than a week (Halloween Support Bundle/Vampire Hunter Brigitte Bundle/Waveracer D.va and Winged Mercy) Sometimes the shop do reset, but when i look back at it, it’s back to the same skins I listed before.

Please fix the random rubber banding and the ping spikes. It’s not my internet I know that much. Playing matches at 60 MS and people rubber banding like its a 12k ping match is not a fun experience.

I’m still missing all of the Origin edition skins, the GameStop preorder Widowmaker skin, my golden weapons, and all of my Junkrat PotG intros.

fix lc 208 omg almost 2 weeks now and i can’t play with my main account


Even tho I have the credits (white and yellow ones) I cannot unlock anything. Yesterday for a few minutes I was able to unlock 1 emote cuz the button magically turned orange and after that everything - even tho I can see the price for it - is grey so I cannot unlock it. Doesn’t make any sense cuz I saw in our playgroup that for others it works. Restarting everything multiple times didn’t solve it. I am out of ideas.

i still dont have the shop

the Play of the game weekly challenge will not add any elimination and assist to the 50 required and is making me miss out on 10 overwatch coins pls fix this

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Hello! there is a bug with Mei’s Wall. We can walk through and shoot through. Thanks :slight_smile:

The servers are horrible, the lc 208 error keeps happening in the ps4, i’m getting banned for a thing that isn’t my fault.


Just got kicked mid game and now LC-208 error showing and won’t let me connect. This is happening too often


my noire skin is missing from my xbox account and i know i had it because it was my first skin

just to inform ranking bug in competitive still not fixed.some are still stuck in bronze 5.and sometimes the rank even goes lower after a 7 win streak(with not 20 loses).


I keep on getting kicked from games and getting an lc 208 error. Then getting suspended and punished for getting kicked.


Hi, I’m still missing my Oni Genji and Noire Widowmaker skins… Also my profile doesn’t show the correct amount of hours I played merging OW1 + 2… Platform: Xbox


competitive is still unplayable as solo player. I´m platinum and my teammates are unranked newcomers and enemy team is full gold portrait veterans. this is pure bulls…eye… just quick play with stickers. put these noobs with bronzes. do they playing with grandmasters too ? i think competitive is gold vs gold, bronze vs bronze etc. this is bug, or is it what it is?


Still didn’t receive my Kiriko Twitch drop skin. Waiting for over 3 days now >:(


Hello I inflicted +7 damage for the pixel achievement of the junker Queen and it never fell :pensive:

Day 6 of “The Best Defense” weekly challenge STILL. NOT. WORKING. How can i earn my pitiful 10 premium currency if i cannot complete all the challenges???


Daily reminder to our friends at Blizzard, since you still didn’t talk about it.
We’d like to get our T500 rewards, we grinded for them after all and what happened is clearly a bug, probably related to the changes made to Ranked in OW2. We’ve got proof (screenshots, videos) that we were still in T500 when Ranked got locked ~40 minutes before OW1 servers’ shutdown.
We can wait, it’s fine, we just want you to acknowledge this issue.

I’ll keep posting this daily until we hear from you guys, and I encourage everyone else affected by this (or even if you’re not affected and just wanna help some fellow OW players) to do the same.

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Anyone else getting stuttering and cpu working at 100% with a sudden loss of fps until 5 or something like that but it only affects Overwatch?