Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Statistics are gradually depleting. Was at 1100 hrs all time played, now down to 300 and still going. I know this is at the end of their list but as a long term Overwatch enjoyer, this is unacceptable and should be fixed asap. This is also affecting public profile players in competitive since it says I have never played my mains (200+ hours are down to minutes) and people would tell me to switch off because my career profile says I have no hours on heroes I’ve been playing for years on end. On their end, they have all our stats so I don’t think this is permanent but come on Blizzard. PLEASE FIX THIS BUG, started happening after I account merged on Xbox after OW2 release.


Yep this is an issue. I’m usually an open profile player but since instead of D.Va, Zarya and Rein as my most played, it says Sym, Mercy and Genji, I will not keep my profile open as people will bash me for being a Symmetra Main as I’m playing Tank ._. It’s just annoying at this point.

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Can the servers be fixed? Haven’t been able to get through a game without being kicked for several days now…

I know this has been mentioned a bunch of times, but my player profile is still screwed up. Plus i just went 7-3 in competitive and still bronze 5. Im not the greatest player, but i figured i did well enough to advance :sleepy:. Hopefully issues are fixed soon. Its a great game, just really buggy.


I have made purchases in the store but I have not received anything

This is the same for me. I queue for unranked as ANY ROLE twice now and finished both games and still progress of 0 of 3

Same, hope they fix it fast…

I am STILL missing my preorder skins which are my Widowmaker Noire, Tracer Slipstream, and Soldier 76 Morrison skin.


randomly will get logged out mid match and then sometimes auto logged back in or the game makes me restart the whole game

has anyone gotten lc-208 playing comp recently? i’m terrified to queue w a friend bc the last time i played comp i got disconnected w the lc-208 for a week ):

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yeah, it happened a lot today, i got a 20hr ban from comp

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i have been put into 6 games already started that bs i can’t find one not already started and people not getting healed not taking damage is getting fin old to and i get melted

I’m still missing my Origins:edition skins despite merging my PS4 and PC accounts, sent 3 support tickets since launch yet they keep telling me that patches are gonna give them back, yet still don’t have them, and on the last ticket, they told me that again, but not specifically which patch it will be in the future.


Are you waiting for your Account Merge to be completed? I remember when I was in queue, I wasn’t able to buy anything, or even access the shop from the menu. But if you’ve done that already, and it’s like that, then I don’t know what to suggest…

you need to claim them in drops on twitch page…

Comp matchmaking needs a serious re-working. Healers are absolutely screwed over if there teammates are idiotic and not using and sort of voice coms. This terrible queue system alongside the continual bugs, AND a failed launch, have made the game so much worse. Come on Blizzard surely you are better than this.

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Hey I’m having the same problem when it comes to not being healed and then getting melted but are you also having the problem of not being able to get out of the bronze league in competitive no matter how good you do

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wild :confused: i ended up playing 4 games, went on a win streak with 1 server disconnect but it wasn’t lc-208. we all had super high latency then the server crashed lol. hopefully it gets better, im still super scared to play but it was super fun today !

hey guys i always get “lost connection to game server” whenever i open the game i tried everything to make it work, any tips ?

does anyone know if im gonna get my skins back cus i lost like half of them after merging