Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Я нашёл как мне убирать зависания, но для этого мне нужно чтоб игра была в лаунчере. Её не показывает у меня в лаунчере!!! Все способы не рабочие у меня!!!

Please acknowledge the Junker Queen « Adrenaline Junkie » achievement issue. It’s the same type of problem as Kiriko’s Yokai achievement had!

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I completed and claimed both twitch drops (the kiriko voice line and the skin) but I only received the voice line and I never received the skin (I reconnected the accounts and properly claimed it, I made sure I did not mess up with anything). Since I received the voice line, I’m sure it’s actually a bug so please, don’t say “you didn’t get the drop” and solve the issue pls

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yooo so i actually saw that some of my items are missing not all…i created a support ticket and all they said is that I can view problems in the forums

Я нашёл как мне убирать зависания, но для этого мне нужно чтоб игра была в лаунчере. Её не показывает у меня в лаунчере!!! Все способы не рабочие у меня!!! У вам некоторые не могут вообще поиграть, а вы на своих донатах помешались, я уверен что не было Ddos атак, а просто вы разучились делать игры!

I too have this problem aswell.
Even when I play Practice map, after a minute, the game freezes and I can’t play anymore.
Sorry, to say, But I haven’t found any clue or answer to this problem aswell.
Perhaps, it has to do with Geforce/NVIDIA?
This problem happend also in ‘Jurassic World Evolution 2’
*same game, new look, but need a new software to hold the graphics.
*Since they “renew” the game, it needs this drivers and it crashes, like nothing works.
I hope this maybe work.
I can’t place any links, but the GeForce driver is 517.48
Mine doesn’t work. Perhaps my laptop is a 2016 fossil XD
I hope they fix this very soon.
Wish you the best of luck

Hi! Don’t worry you’re not the only one, I have a friend of mine who has the same issue, and I do have the issue aswell.

I haven’t recieved any of the twitch drops, and I have done it correctly, and I have relinked and all that kind of stuff. Its a bug on their end, and I hope they will fix it <3

Я нашёл как мне убирать зависания, но для этого мне нужно чтоб игра была в лаунчере. Её не показывает у меня в лаунчере!!! Все способы не рабочие у меня!!!

Please add “Many players cannot advance through the Competitive Tiers, despite multiple wins”


yeah me too, it’s kinda frustrating because that’s the only kind of free credit i can get in the game, i am one mission away by getting 30 and can’t :frowning:

My merge doesn’t work even when I restart the game


same, habe das gleiche problem

Overwatch on switch keeps crashing. I got suspended and had my endorsement lowered. Please revert and fix. Thanks!

Still getting the LC-208 Error on PS5 I’ve done everything that the forums and support say to do but havent been able to play since the game launched, getting ridiculous now tbh

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I had the B5 bug [I’m ex masters], Promoted to Bronze5 after winning the 7 games TWICE. From there I won 7 in a row, Got B4 won 7 in a row again, skipped to S2, then promo to Gold5, then I won 7-1 promoted to GOLD5, then i won 7-3 DEMOTED TO SILVER1.


What about the bug causing my stats to decrease everytime I play? Or the fact that my competitive stats aren’t tracking correctly?


My competitive stats for the current season doesn’t show up. Only the rank shows up. It’s really hard to keep track of my wins and losses on the heroes I play in competitive. The other stats: unranked, arcade, game browser and others are working fine. I don’t know the deal is with the current season competitive stats. I only play on ps5.


The founder pack is missing from the moment I bought the battle pass!

I’m gonna have to quit playing soon if the stat tracking and MMR aren’t fixed ASAP. I was Diamond in OW1, I shouldn’t be stuck babysitting people from low ranks and brand new players who have no idea what they’re doing and don’t even have access to all characters to switch off when something isn’t working. I had a player in one of my games last night who didn’t even know where first point was on Hollywood and set up to defend directly outside the spawn doors, why would your match maker think I should be in that game?

Not trying to be mean to anyone, everyone needs to learn the game at their own pace, but they obviously are not at my skill level so ‘skill based match making’ is not working, are you just trying to prioritise queue times at the expense of a good experience or did the MMR patch not work? The game is almost unplayable for me right now, you need to stop ignoring this issue and do something quick.

If I hadn’t bought the Watchpoint pack I would’ve quit playing already.

i keep getting dc every few games, what’s wrong with the servers???