Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Some, including myself, are unable to complete the “real heroes” and the “best defense” challenge. Some people are able to do this, like some of my friends, but i cannot

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same as me bro, what should i do for fix that? i want to play :frowning:

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i set that to the lowest but still like that, i want play. and help for fix that issue? i already reinstall the game and the battle.net. before i play OW 2 i play OW 1 on the same PC and Spec, in the OW 1 i can play smoothly but not in OW 2 :’(

We are all just talking to a wall here, completely inept customer care.

Day 10 of playing on a completely wiped account with none of my skins/stats/icons from OW1 (A PAID GAME)


Just got kicked mid comp game and now I have 208 error trying to get back in. GG RIP

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Career stats are still completely messed up. Had a positive win rate on OW1, but I’ve somehow gained more than a thousand losses leaving combined wins and losses 700 above my total games played. Contest time is also affected, best 1 min 38 secs with an average of 40+ secs per game somehow gives me a total of 17 mins over thousands of games, pretty sure the best and average are incorrect as well. Probably a lot more wonky stats in there, but I don’t want to have to go through everything checking.

Also, none of my OW2 stats seem to be tracking in my profile. I’ve won around 130 games but the total wins and wins per role have not changed since launch, and all match reports show career highs for most categories in that particular match even though I’ve done better before a lot of the time.

I’m convinced these issues are at least partially contributing to the placement bug so still can’t play comp almost 2 weeks after launch, can you fix your game please?


Over 8000 posts and not even a “hey, we know these are issues.” Makes me sick.


hello. I’d like to report a possible bug. so I recently reached platinum in rank then I proceeded to win my next 7 games. the screen showed me a rank up from gold 5 to gold 2 but my rank should have started from platinum 5 instead. now I am 2 ranks lower for winning 7 games.

It might be a bug, every time I’m loading into just Hollywood, no other map, my game gets stuck on the loading screen. It’ll eventually show me the penalty for not moving and kick me out of the match. I can’t use the menu screen to back out, either. I let the game kick me like normal with no movement, or use task manager to force close it.

Weekly challenge to do healing 65 doesn’t work benn support and no progress


i don’t know if this has been reported but random highlight intros only show the heroics


Hello, when I merged my pc and ps4 accounts of overwatch 2 some skins were deleted from me as well as the pack that offers the battle pass and early access to the beta. The skins in question are: Genji Oni, Fatal Noir (overwatch 1 pre order I think) and the other pre-order skins of overwatch 1. Can you help me?

Random question, but when is Bastion coming back to the game?

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i still have lc 208 since launch… i just want my account back like i’ve been playing for 5 years, i don’t want to lose all my skins


Im told server error get kicked off twice now, and i have an 8 hour penalty from competive?

I work all day and come home to try and play one or two matches and because of the error on your systems fault my account pays the price?

Seriously about to all together drop Overwatch 2 for this, i was eager for the new game but seriously being punished for errors on your servers is beyond frustrating.


Daily reminder to our friends at Blizzard, since you still didn’t talk about it.
We’d like to get our T500 rewards, we grinded for them after all and what happened is clearly a bug, probably related to the changes made to Ranked in OW2. We’ve got proof (screenshots, videos) that we were still in T500 when Ranked got locked ~40 minutes before OW1 servers’ shutdown.
We can wait, it’s fine, we just want you to acknowledge this issue.

I’ll keep posting this daily until we hear from you guys, and I encourage everyone else affected by this (or even if you’re not affected and just wanna help some fellow OW players) to do the same.


is anyone else not have their stuff from ow1 cuz i still don’t have anything and its now the 15th and the merge account at the bottom is no longer there


That’s literally what happened to me and I’m just about to delete the game bc I spent quite a bit of hours in ow1

I still do not have any of my items from Overwatch 1 either. I was getting a “confirm account to merge” message prompt every time I got to the main menu, now suddenly it’s gone. I still don’t have any of my stuff though - even the “strike commander” soldier 76 skin from the limited edition is only useable on my PS4, when i log in on PC that skin hasn’t even transferred over despite already having it.



294 games played = 294 “confirm account to merge” message prompts