Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

At least the Xbox Achievement Disconnect bug seems fixed. Got two achievements today and wasn’t disconnected either time.

Zyra is bugged on Total Mayhem. She ia immortally. She has shield every Second. Impossible to kill Zyra

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I’ve spent $30 on coins for the battle-pass on console now and only 30 coins are showing up. I’ve tried logging in/out of my account AND contacting playstation store. Since it’s your software causing the issue it’s on your team to fix. Please either refund my money or credit my account.

In the weekly challenges I have two missions, one of damage (125k) and another of shield (40k), and I’m not counting any damage or shield since the missions were reset, last week it worked without problem.
I would like to know if it could be solved before the end of the week, I thought that during these days it would be solved and it has not been so. Ty!

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Had overwatch origins since 2016 and had my account merged to Battle.net on the first ow now I had merged ow2 to this Battle.net and all my cosmetics, pink mercy skin, data, 2000+ coins are gone on top of golden guns and competitive points among other things have gone missing and have NOT been returned. I’ve got solid proof I’ve spent money buying overwatch origins 40$ disc on top of countless hours spent playing to have my career profile say I’ve only played an hour and 8 games. I want all of my stuff back on console or I’m getting my money back that blizzard rightfully owes me from loss cosmetics and data. It’s been a week and I still see nothing back but my origins skins. FIX IT.


The same thing for me but a bit different, says “match found” for me and all of my party, and then just doesn’t join the game and lets me “rejoin match” trying to click it but still doesn’t join, also can see the match chat and write in it, now I’m suspended for 8 hours as well.
Really disappointing and now my rank will probably be decreased because of these “match leaving”.

While I sympathize with the frustration you’re feeling over missing items (I’d be upset too if I didn’t eventually get all my stuff!), you may need to read the Overwatch EULA.

You purchased a licence to play Overwatch for as long as Blizzard chose to keep the game online. Now they’ve taken Overwatch down and replaced it with Overwatch 2. You’re not entitled at all to a refund for the purchase price of Overwatch.

Also, you also purchased items in Overwatch, not Overwatch 2, so you’re likely not eligible for any refund for those, either.

Sucks, I know, but EULA will EULA.

Hi is anyone having issues with comp stats not recording? Everything else is fine for me thankfully

I have an encountered an issue every time I squad up with my PC friends. For example, whenever my friends (PC) and I (PS5) are in a match, I notice that my aim assist is nonexistent, and I have tested this by going to the training range with my PC friends and moving around a robot NPC, testing the aim assist. As a result, there was no aim assist when I walked around the robot. Is the aim assist feature for console players disabled, intentional or not, when they play with or against PC players?

I have paid for my overwatch watch point pack in the overwatch 2 second beta and then when I logged in on overwatch 2 I didn’t receive it so I’m wondering can I get a refund or do I get the pack so please help me out because if I spent 60$ on something and I have not yet received it

my account has already been successfully merged but I am missing several skins from my pc and console accounts winston blizzcon 2017 and roadhog pachimari Imperial Guard baptiste were lost


It’s just a waiting game it took me a week for my account to merge and I had all the same problems you had I even played till I got 50wins so I can play comp

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That must of been infuriating

I have an issue with the game time. I have been playing this game for a week but it only says I played it for 20 minutes. It also says I only played 4 games. I am new to the game so I wanted to play and get what I needed to get competitive mode unlocked, but it doesnt work because of this. Please fix this.

Seven days now and I still haven’t received the Kiriko Twitch skin drop (I have the voice line and made sure to follow their exact information on how to reconnect the accounts) and I haven’t found any posts from Blizz talking about it, but I have seen plenty of people posting that they haven’t received the skin or the voice line. It’s a limited event, can we maybe get some acknowledgement or information as to what’s going on? Heck, at this point, I just want a line in the ‘Known Bugs’ saying they’re aware of it…

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This is illogical reasoning. We paid for and/or earned skins and unlockables in Overwatch 1 and expect them to transfer to OW2. For your argument to say we are not entitled to what we spent money on for an iteration of Overwatch is ludacris. Expecting us to re-purchase the exact same skin at an inflated price is equally asinine.

You can stand by your argument regarding EULA but watch what will happen if enough people complain and threaten to quit playing.


Playing on the Switch I mean I rather can’t play, cause I still get the LC-208 error…


this is also happening to me

any update on this?

Still missing my origins edition skins, as well as Noire Widow from back when I played on the PS4


Are y’all still having problems with ranking in ow2

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