Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

If you wanna something ASAP the I suggest to find other game. For “Active GimmieTheMoney Blizzard” ASAP is around 6-12 months.

I have now been banned 3 times for this and im on -75% exp for the next 7 games after just putting myself through a lucky game on 2000 ping

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I have now been banned several times after insane rubber banding leading me to not be able to move and then either getting kicked for inactivity or just outright losing connection, I have tested my internet connection and its more than fine, whilst also working on all my other games.
Im currently on -75% exp for 7 games.
As soon as I get into the game my ping just sky rockets from like 80 to 2000 and then straight back down and then up again constantly with no brakes, which renders the game unplayable. I have tried deleting and re-downloading the game however nothing seems to work. PS4 player here.

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That’s because you run out facing an entire team by yourself while the Dva that you meet has the entire backing of her team and healers. Nothing wrong about that, you just need to learn to play well with your team and position yourself. The game doesn’t conspire against you individually, I promise.

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How is it that I claimed and connected my Blizzard and Twitch account yet after 24 hours, none of the rewards were given to me?

Blizzard required us to verify using a number just to play now they can’t be bothered to fix the issues players are having.

How many PlayStation players are having an issue where you earn a trophy and are kicked from the game because I have a feeling it’s none. so why should Xbox players have to suffer with an issue and not PlayStation players.

Please fix the ps5 Problem with the forced keyboard and mouse setting… I cant play overwatch 2 on my ps5, because i have activate a setting to See mouse and keyboard setting in ow1 and i cant switch it now, because i cant open the settings!!! So annoying

Daily reminder to our friends at Blizzard, since you still didn’t talk about it.
We’d like to get our T500 rewards, we grinded for them after all and what happened is clearly a bug, probably related to the changes made to Ranked in OW2. We’ve got proof (screenshots, videos) that we were still in T500 when Ranked got locked ~40 minutes before OW1 servers’ shutdown.
We can wait, it’s fine, we just want you to acknowledge this issue.

I’ll keep posting this daily until we hear from you guys, and I encourage everyone else affected by this (or even if you’re not affected and just wanna help some fellow OW players) to do the same.


Y’all going to add the bug where stats don’t track to your little list so we can get to the month long process of getting it fixed?


Hello. Im just here to say that ranked system is bad. First of all what is that afk thing. Im going away from keyboard for literally 1 minute and then i got kicked out from the game and i cant rejoin and i get suspended. Thats the quickest afk kick i have seen in any game.

Day 8 of you completely ignoring the missing Widowmaker Noir and Origins skins issue.


Day 69,420 of trying to play overwatch 2 without an issue oh wait it still happens

Issues that I am facing as just one person on my own
1: Widowmaker Noire Skin missing
2: Overwatch Origin Edition skins missing (Bastion, tracer, soldier pharah and reaper)
3: Won 7 out of 8 games on DPS and placed bronze 5 also placed bronze 5 on healer and tank
4: Weekly challenges “the best defense” and “play of the game” are stuck and not progressing meaning im losing out on battlepass XP and coins. seems like a purposeful scam imo.

And thats just me
imagine how many other people are having these issues


Went from only having merge problems to not being able to get into the game due to lc-208 great job blizzard

Sent In a ticket and they said this, “Unfortunately, we don’t have a timeframe for issues being resolved but progress is being made daily. The best place to get updates and news on these issues is here” proceeded to a link here… this is where I was first, so glad I get to waste my time waiting for my skins and stats to come back bc SBMM is completely broken from everyone’s stats not showing up, so me and my friends keep getting paired with Esports players and try hard streamers… fun.


Please fix the comp system. I know for a fact I am not still Bronze 5 after all the healing I do and the fact that it doesn’t move after my adjustment games

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When i start the game it close after 3-6 minutes and im in the Battle Net launcher. Idk why this happening i also reinstalled the game and checked the drivers and the
System Requirements. helppp meeee plsss

Blizzard don’t care about players otherwise they would of fixed all these problems people are facing but instead just continue to ignore players.

Customer support can’t be bothered to help aswell we as players demand that these issues get fixed but nothing.

We the players are the ones who put money into these companies and in return get nothing in terms of fixes but a streamer who sits on the behind all day and streams the game seems to get heard than us normal players man it’s a joke.

Everyone here is a player not just a streamer who makes money off people who subscribe to there channel because it’s not fair when there voice gets heard and not the non streaming players who spend money on a game for nothing to be fixed.

Find blizzards president Mike Ybarra on twitter and everyone tweet to him about there problems maybe then we can be heard instead of being ignored by blizzard support.


Yeah bro. Me too. I cant play ranked. I never had the chance to play may placements. I cant even see how much games i played. And i never got ranked … thats so f*** up. in the stats its says zero playtime… dont know what to do honestly…


My PS4 has been stuck on pc mode since release can do anything unless invited by friends then modes are limited as I can select role or change hero’s when will this be fixed