Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Since launch I’ve been getting issues where heroes fly away/teleport away for up to 2 seconds in the middle of a game and random times and makes the game virtually impossible to play. Seems to happen frequently at random times. Playing on ps5

Working my Healer Booty off. Just got an upgrade after the patch go from Bronze 5 to Bronze 4. These games are so far from bronze lvl. 7 up, 7 down. All wins. They fixed nothing! I am hating this SR/Rank/Role setup. Makes me not want to play comp at all. Solid mid gold in OW1. Seeing the bottom/newest unknowing players and being called in the same game is insulting.

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i cant even get into the game :frowning: ive been getting the message “game server connection failed- Retrying” all day

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Hey Blizzard, its me again. Can y’all acknowledge the issues we’ve been bringing up constantly? At least reassure us you know they are issues and will be fixed later on down the line? Im watching my hours played, games played, games won/lost, all my stats just shrink, VERY rapidly (I’m losing between 300-500 hours of play time a day at the moment), and still, that Twitch drop Kiriko skin is nowhere to be seen, despite the voiceline showing up mere seconds after claiming it. Been 5 days on that, ive seen hundreds of other people reporting both of these issues.

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What about Xbox players being disconnected everytime an achievement is recieved.


Hello blizzard!I have issues play the game with freezing screen.in every match my screen freezes and I have to restart my pc as a result I got penalty for leaving the matches. I use a gtx 1650 graphic card! My hard drivers are updated also my windows are updated.uninstalled and reinstalled the game but the problem still exists!find a solution plz!


every game i get in i get melted by d.va and other heros but when i use them its like shooting green peas

I’M ON 1 HOUR SUSPEND BECAUSE OF THE “Failed to connect to server” ERROR
FIX IT !!!


I’m a healer main and I have been playing competitive consistently ever since overwatch 2 came out. I have won 22 games in the healer tier and have been re-evaluated for my rank 3 times where every time I was placed in bronze 5. I thought this was normal then I played with my friend where I healed him and he tanked, when he placed he immediately got silver with dva when i averaged 20k heals and a 69% win rate. I was still placed in bronze 5. I think this is a glitch and I dont know what needs to be changed, I just really hope It can be fixed so I can rank out of bronze!


Oh another issue is that the weekly challenge says I have to dmg boost 125k dmg or do 125k dmg but it doesn’t show any progress and I have played a ton of mercy/ junkrat

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I am missing Competitive Points in my account. Anyone else?

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Is there any update on the issue of missing Founder’s Packs, please? (OW1 PC player)

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After the fixfor the infinite login loop, I am still unable to play because I have used my phone number with a different (now deleted at my request) blizzard account.

Plz open a Ticket - same problem here - we have to push this issue!

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200-300-400 ping after 13.oct.22 update. Totally broken

won’t track any of my matches or wins, says I’ve only played for 2 hours when it’s more like 8, I can’t unlock ranked because apparently I only have “8” wins, and it won’t track any of my individual character stats. Even dropped my kill streak from “10” to “6” when my best streak was over 20.
Never played the first overwatch and I like this game ALOT, but this bug is a huge turn off, not to mention getting kicked every time I get an Xbox achievement. Please overwatch2 I even bought the battle pass, use that money to fix these bugs.

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Game is fun and I luckily never had to encounter any of the major bugs everyone is talking about, but the game keeps updating quite often after closing it not any patch but it just needs to update for a few seconds then it disappears.

The game is enjoyable but the issues are seriously becoming annoying and in terms of fixes blizzard are taking there sweet time.

I see Xbox players on here getting ban time just by earning an achievement as it’s kicking them from matches which is wrong and no fix implemented.

People missing items

Me personally I’m experiencing voice chat issues which I have checked every setting in game and on my console. I can’t hear team mates so what’s the point in voice communication if you can’t hear other players to coordinate strategies and also I’m missing the 2000 coins from the watchpoint pack and this achievement bug is annoying especially when I hear players are getting ban time in comp.

This game seems to be broken on Xbox and yet in terms of fixes blizzard are the ghosting us and not listening to us gamers.

I suggest people stop playing the game until blizzard can fix the problems because it’s making the game less fun with all these issues in game that should of been fixed at launch or is overwatch 2 the first game but rebranded with a 2 at the end because if you look at the in-game patch notes it says about the first overwatch game so that means it’s the same game just with a 2 at the end. I dread playing Overwatch 3 if it’s ever made as the probably will be more bugs than the first 2 games.

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Can you fix the stupid random latency spikes? Its getting annoying since this wasn’t an issue in Overwatch 1. Fix this issue asap.


In game voice chat is not working for me as I can’t hear team so how can I coordinate without chat I’m not using emotes all the time when I can use voice communication to do the same as an emote