Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

someone got this response:


Technical Specialist Ekield here. Sorry to hear that you were running into this issue when trying to play Overwatch 2 on your console.

This appears to be caused by a new bug that our Overwatch developers are investigating right now. It does only affect certain console accounts, but we are not sure at the moment how or why it is only affecting some and not others.

The bug causes the game to be locked to PC controls (mouse + keyboard) while on console. Since you donā€™t have a mouse or keyboard hooked up to your console you wouldnā€™t be able to interact with the menu. The game should normally respect the controller input, but due to the bug it is locked to keyboard.

Unfortunately we do not have a work around or immediate fix for this. Since our Overwatch team is investigating the problem now we hope they will have a bug fix patch released soon for this, so keep an eye out for that.

Hopefully this will be fixed soon, and thank you for reporting it to us. Have a good one!

So the gyro controls will drift vertically evertically even when youā€™re putting the controller on a flat surface and just moving it horizontally with no vertical movement.

This is the case for all gyro sensitivities.

To see for yourself set the gyro horizontal to 20 and set the gyro vertical to even just 1.

Set the controller on a flat surface and move it side to side making horizontal movements at a decent speed.

You will notice the gyro slowly drifting vertically.

This bug is super annoying and causes for alot of missed shots and camera resets.

Ive used gyro in other games like splatoon 3 and have not encountered this issue.

Reported on Nintendo Switch using a pro controller.

Im missing some skins still, I know because there are a few for Reinhardt that Iā€™m missing from when I was on PS4 but I donā€™t know if it just effected my skins or other things like emotes. Also the hanzo skin from the last ow event is missing completely from the list

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Dude, you gotta give them time, an indie company like Blizzard always struggle to handle the difficulty of releasing such a highly detailed and expansive sequel. Maybe they should make their skins more expensive to be able to handle it. Honestly smh smh smh.


Day 10 LC-208 and the stream is still going for my son, you can at least stop by and get your dropsā€¦ at EpicTiger323 - Twitch you wont see gameplay though just what heā€™s gotten to see for the last 10 days, so far heā€™s on 22hrs of streaming this screen!

I respect the grind.

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Please sync my Origins skins from console to PC. I would very much like to play as Strike Commander Morrison. I bought Overwatch: Origins when it originally released on Xbox and had those skins before. Thank you!

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i just need someone to help me with this issue the game keeps closing by it self and no error code or anything comes up i re installed and did alot of fixes i saw online nothing is helping

true i opened tickets and they keep closing them without reply i need help with my issue i cant even play the game every 30 seconds to 5 minutes the game just closes and no error or anything

Even with the update, the rendering device lost is still happening. Thank you for fixing nothing.

Is there any update for those of us still missing our entire career histories and cosmetics after merging? Support tickets donā€™t help and just point me back here

Xbox Achievements kick players to the login screen. Why no acknowledgement? Why no fix?

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I got disconnected during comp and then got suspended, I couldnā€™t even log back in for 5 mins due to LC 208 issues, wtf


Welcome to blizzard, maybe if the Xbox deal goes well and Xbox buy Activision blizzard then these problems maybe sorted out quicker than before I went to Xbox today with regards to this as itā€™s kinda annoying even Xbox wasnā€™t aware about the issue involving achievements crashing us out of games.

Hi, dear Blizzard! It was the tenth day since the launch of the game, LC-208 always with me, i can`t play from Xbox or PC, thx Blizzard, thx for your competence! How long to wait? Day, two, week, month, year? It is not normal

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I still have yet to see any merge button or merge que, i have heard nothing from blizzard. Everyone i see has all their stuff. Yet now im forced to spend 30 dollars per skin that i previously earned over the course of 6 years? Yeah not gonna happen so blizzard please fix your trash game for the sake of the community you have decided to screw over. Thank you

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Another update, another infinite detail bug

Third time disconected in the middle of a comp. Everygame people are complaning about this issue as their rank get messed with that s*it. So many wasted hours playing for this? Shame

Any fix for the stats changing/going down? Iā€™ve lost 200+ hours of stats off my account


I bought the battle pass and i didnt got all the heroes and the competitive matches neither and my friend did