Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Im still missing a lot of my skins from ow1. Will we ever get it back, its been over 1 month and no word from anyone…

Once again a reminder that Meis icewall is still broken.


Some acknowledgement would be appreciated.

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game still crashes constantly and I’m getting penalties even though I’m not playing competitive. So frustrating to be penalized for something that isn’t even the player’s fault. It doesn’t seem like they’re doing anything about it tho.


Missed bastion skin. That was my only and favorite!

Victory Poses & Highlight Intros only display the ‘Heroic’ one when you have ‘Random’ selected. I know this is not a problem for everyone but I’ve, and read from others, had it since launch and it hasn’t been acknowledged anywhere. I’ve ground/paid for those cosmetics and I want to have them displayed properly, thanks : )
Edit: This has been an issue for me ever since the last week or so of OW1.

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GO CHECK THIS PLS: OW2 10/25 update will not let me log into game–game crashes - Bug Report - Overwatch Forums (blizzard.com)

Even till now the bug still exists for switch users, even if there isn’t a hotfix for it at least tell us what to do about it pls!!!

Daily reminder to our friends at Blizzard, since you still didn’t talk about it.
We’d like to get our T500 rewards, we grinded for them after all and what happened is clearly a bug, probably related to the changes made to Ranked in OW2. We’ve got proof (screenshots, videos) that we were still in T500 when Ranked got locked ~40 minutes before OW1 servers’ shutdown.
We can wait, it’s fine, we just want you to acknowledge this issue.

I’ll keep posting this daily until we hear from you guys, and I encourage everyone else affected by this (or even if you’re not affected and just wanna help some fellow OW players) to do the same.

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You guys need to add the Adrenaline Junkie Achievement as bugged to this list. I’ve looked at recordings where I had 10 people wounded, but no trophy on PS4.

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bug report (baptiste)
VOD Code: J76TJ6 (*edit forgot to add code)
time stamp: 3:00
steps to create the bug

  1. baptiste cast his lantern behind a wall and out of line of sight
    2.have him get below critical levels
    3.the imortality sheild woukdnt work and you will die as a reasult

I have purchased an overwatch:origins on my ps4 and have finished connecting it on this account but has not been able to receive any of the skins that comes with the origins version. Please look into this. Thank you so much.


Acknowledge the missing Gold Weapon skins you broke with the update.

We can keep this up until you do.


Yeah, either junkertown isnt really fixed… or yall just still cant fix the errors on ps4, either way being kicked out of the game before it starts and then being banned is still a problem that is not adressed, at least give us updates on the LC-208 issues, bc the game is really bugged rn

Literally just happened to me, on a “robot” map. Got in, then a icon on my screen red with a “!” on it, disconnected from the match and got suspended for 15 minutes.

Fix and acknowledge the missing Golden Weapons issue.

Can keep this up as long as it takes.


dude, imagine… im suspended for a couple hours

My origin edition skins still haven’t transfered to my pc account.

Bastion trophy for killing 3 people with his ult is bugged I killed 3 people with it, all were solo kills and trophy still didn’t pop this was in unranked role queue on Junkertown

That’s what im afraid of. That it happens again and i get like 30minutes. Best part, when i won my 7 matches, i got demoted and a warning “Leaver Match” or something

I was wondering if the OW rank system was still broken. I recently had a 7 win and 3 lose rank up and I went from G4 to G1. I performed well in most of my games. My szn high also went from G4 to G1 so it shows that my highest during the szn is G1 and not G4. It would help if you could lmk why I got deranked or if the system is still bugge

Acknowledge the missing Gold Weapons issue blizzard.