Overwatch 2 disconnection followed by suspension

I don’t think It’s fair too. This is suck. In League, if you disconnected, you can reconnect and keep playing the game, as long as you didn’t disconnect for too long.

In OW2, It’s suck, if I got disconnected, I will get suspended no matter if I reconnect the game or not. This is suck. Why a game this big like OW2 doesn’t have the system to let the user to reconnect before decide to suspend them ? League was released 10 years ago and had this feature for a very long time. How a online game was made in 2022 doesn’t have this feature ?

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blizzard disappoints me once again smh… i literally just got a 5 k to clear the win and got disconnected . It’s even more aggravating that they suspend you when it isn’t your fault . soon Blizzard will slowly lose if this keeps happening


This just happened to me I have 3 challenges for the season and I can’t complete two because I got dc and suspended

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internet connection was fine, disconnected from game, rejoin match button clearly not working, received a 1 hour ban. Bit confused as to why forums are the only way of reporting bugs. If this is noted as a bug do I get the loss SR back? Do I get recompensed for my hour of ranked ban for no reason??

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The same thing keeps happening to me and I now have a 20 hour ban.

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And here we go again, suspended.

Your friendly reminder that a forum is neither a bug tracker nor a bug reporting system: potential duplicates exist at:

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Not a comp player, but I can barely do my dailies because of it. My wifi is stable, I reinstalled the game and I can barely finish a match without getting disconnected to menu screen at least once. I’m a console player

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i cant even finish my challenge if disconnected every single time i play other games its fine and my connection is stable. The problem clearly on blizzard

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I was winning, and suddenly got disconnected by the game server (brought back to the login screen). Then it’s back online and I am suspended for 15 mins. It happens lot of times during my normal quick play and it’s not my internet issue but Blizzard’s server itself. PLEASE FIX THIS.

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You must be new to the game. Blizzard has been doing this since the beginning of OW1. It’s unfortunate but, they haven’t changed this system since 2016 I don’t think they will change it now.

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This happened to me too on multiple occasions. I remember it being a problem in overwatch 1 but never as bad as this. I didn’t get the win even though I disconnected on the last 5 second of the game today. But well if the money keeps rolling in from the skins, why would they put manpower in fixing the game.

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Same happend to me, couldn’t play for 15 minutes, so I just went to play Fortnite

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Just happened to me. Playing open queue comp. Didn’t even make it to character select, got booted & suspended. I have fibre internet ffs. I have never quit, thrown, been reported etc. This is ridiculous.

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As a software developer I’m extremely disappointed in the fact that we’re unable to rejoin games after the game crashes, and further disturbed by the fact that a team at Blizzard thought a 15 minute ban for a crash or brief disconnect after a single instance was an acceptable design choice. Whatever arbitrary choices were made in regards to the penalties is nothing short of troubling. Arbitrary or seemingly arbitrary design choices should never be applied to something like this. Ever.

The staggering degree of ineptitude displayed with that design choice is, frankly, shocking.


I was trying to queue a game, it found a server and it tried to join the match but it was “stuck” and 30 seconds after, I got 1 hour suspend of that…

This was my third(?) time to get suspend after trying to join a game.


Same problem here. I was in a comp match and all of a sudden it started lagging even though I was connected through an Ethernet cable. I was redirected to the home screen, got a notification that a match was found but it wasn’t loading. When I tried to queue for a new comp match turn out I got suspended for 15 minutes. I didn’t flame or anything the entire match and hadn’t play OW for like 5 days. I saw this is a pretty common mistake since the release of the game and yet it hasn’t been solved…

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Just happened to me, suspended for 8 hours. So annoying.


I think this is the 3rd or 4th time I’ve had this happen to me since Overwatch 2 came out. I was going to start my own complaint but I found this one.

Luckily they are far enough apart that I have only gotten up to a 15 min suspension.

Punishments should be disabled until you have a reliable way of knowing who’s fault the disconnects are.

I’m on PC.


This just happened to me. I just bought the premium battle pass too :frowning: a game throwing me out and then banning me makes me not wanna spend money on it lol

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This just happened to me. I got kicked from the server and now banned for an hour. I was playing, doing my job then I couldn’t control the character and got kicked. I hardly ever play competitive and never leave the match early. My internet is still up and running and I even got messages from the team chat so I was still connected. Why was I kicked and banned? I wasn’t inactive or throwing. I was very much participating.