Overwatch 2 disconnection followed by suspension

This game is a joke. Its so frustrating to get disconnected in comp games. Happend to me twice today and I get banned for Blizzards problems

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Same here. Get booted in a middle of competitive match with enemy tank. The rejoin button doesn’t work at all. But still can see in-game chat. Got suspended and endorsement level reduced.


Same thing happening to a lot of my friends, one of my friends played dps and got disconnected from 3 or 4 games yesterday and sometimes couldn’t reconnect and just got counted as a loss with penalty. I believe they then deranked because of those games that he was force disconnected from (with their other losses). Posted this today because that same friend disconnected twice from one game then overwatch did a restart after that second disconnect and by the time they got back on they couldn’t rejoin, counted as a loss and penalty. Hope this can be fixed soon because this is ruining comp more than its 7 win or 20 tie or loss system.

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Nope I’m an xbox player and I’ve been booted several times. I’m really worried I’m going to be banned

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My internet was Bad because my Ethernet cable came disconnected I plugged it back in and was banned from voice chat and banned from play for 15 min
At least I don’t have a mic

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Yeah same here! Adding a comment here to raise importance.
I hope they fix it soon - I don’t want people getting banned/suspended for no fault of their own.


Got the same issue and now im banned from the game for 8 hours and im scared ill be suspended for the whole season if i keep trying to play ranked.
It is not a internet issue. It would be a huge coincidence if my duo and i that use different internet hosts and live in different regions of the country got bad internet at the same 10 second interval three times over. Also of it was a bad internet disconnect issue we could probably re join the game like you normally can. Very frustrating

Please fix this, check my replay to the match that i got disconnected from (my duo also got disconnected and did not have the option to reconnect to the match)


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same here. it sucks that they ban you for something outside your control

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So, from October to November, they’re talking about the new patch, new season and absolutely no mention about the issue with disconnection. =/


Just got kicked out mid game.
I was playing rein, doing really well and at the critical moment of the game when everything suddenly froze and i got kicked out. I thought it was my internet but then i have a twitch stream open in background and it still went on fine. Also weird thing is while i’m trying to rejoin the match i can still talk to my teammates and explain+update my situation. (yes, i tried rejoining until the last minute)
Getting stuck in bronze5 forever is bad enough for me pls fix this asap

update, 5 mins later after i posted this and went back to find some match in comp. it says game found and then it says i got suspended for 1 hr when the game is not even started yet wth


Pissed off since start of weekend
Playing 6 hours, server closed 5 times with “unexpected error”.
“Brilliant” bug fix. Gone even worse.


Welcome a new member to your team… This has just happened to me, too.

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It’s the 21st of November and this still happens lol. I was playing Rein on Junkertown in comp and it just disconnected me mid game. I thought it was my internet but everthing was still good. I was able to see the game chat though but had to wait 12 minutes or so before I could play another game.

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ive been having the same problem, my internet is working fine, i kept getting disconnected from comps, now i got a season 1 ban :slight_smile:


Bruh I got kicked for 8 hours now. Stupid and unfair.

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I don’t think It’s fair too. This is suck. In League, if you disconnected, you can reconnect and keep playing the game, as long as you didn’t disconnect for too long.

In OW2, It’s suck, if I got disconnected, I will get suspended no matter if I reconnect the game or not. This is suck. Why a game this big like OW2 doesn’t have the system to let the user to reconnect before decide to suspend them ? League was released 10 years ago and had this feature for a very long time. How a online game was made in 2022 doesn’t have this feature ?

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blizzard disappoints me once again smh… i literally just got a 5 k to clear the win and got disconnected . It’s even more aggravating that they suspend you when it isn’t your fault . soon Blizzard will slowly lose if this keeps happening


This just happened to me I have 3 challenges for the season and I can’t complete two because I got dc and suspended

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internet connection was fine, disconnected from game, rejoin match button clearly not working, received a 1 hour ban. Bit confused as to why forums are the only way of reporting bugs. If this is noted as a bug do I get the loss SR back? Do I get recompensed for my hour of ranked ban for no reason??

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The same thing keeps happening to me and I now have a 20 hour ban.

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