Overwatch 2 disconnection followed by suspension

This bug has been ongoing for a few weeks now and the Devs have yet to address it. Here’s a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Competitive Match Disconnection And Temporary Ban. Any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated.

THIS morning in cmp game, screen tells server error ad i get penality. I am stuck in silver 2 for THIS.

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Same problem here, was playing a match. Got disconnected, can’t reconnect as the whole match got disconnected. And then we all (the people I could reach from the game) got a suspension.


a friends of mine got this multiple times… playing… and i saw him running through a wall and boum, disconnect… he got ban an entire season cause of that (Season 1 / 2)

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Still happening… just happened to me on my last game… Winning the match, disconnected, back to menu… Rejoin Match, match ended… We won but suspended? Means I probably lost SR… what BS…

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Just happened to me. Restarting the entire game let me rejoin but we lost because of my absence anyways…

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Mar 3, 2023 Just experienced this issue. Now I’m in the middle of the 15min ban from competitive.

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Mar 7, 2023.

This just happend to me and another player in the same match. We both silently disconnected and reconnected to the match at independent times. Not sure what happened to the other player but I disconnected a second time maybe less than 15 seconds from the end of the match and got a 15 minute suspension from competitive play because I couldn’t rejoin in time.

Normally I’d chalk it up to something else but it really felt like a server issue this time.

It’s quite frusterating.

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Still happening. There’s been no attempt to fix the issue, it feels like. Sometimes I can go a week without even having an issue, other times it’s constant. I’ve tried repairing files, I’ve tried full reinstalls, I even got upgrades for my internet and it’s nearly quadruple the speed and has no consistency issues. Nothing has changed. Today has been the worst, with 2 random disconnects in the span of 15 minutes. I’ve been monitoring my internet and it’s not an issue. I want to play comp this season, but I’ve been too nervous to touch it because I don’t want to comp banned for disconnecting for no reason.

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Happened to me today. I was disconnected from the servers and was immediately suspended. I have never left a game before in my entire time on this game. Because of the suspension, I got a rank penalty.
We know there is a problem with leavers but… Lumping in server issues is just not it. So frustrating and unfair, and it doesn’t feel like its fixing the leavers issues at all.